The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Barney » 22 May 2010 20:58


"You're gonna get your f*cking heads kicked in"...


"If you're standing on the corner
with a red scarf round your neck
Reading boys will come and get you
and you will break your f*cking neck"

If you are aged 30 or less, you may not remember this.

If you are 40+. and loved the Southbank (like I did)'ll remember this.

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by st george » 22 May 2010 21:30

" Doctor Martins, leather laces, steel toe caps and buckle down braces,
we are the boys who kick ya faces,
we are the Reading south bank"

"Its a long way to Reading station, it's a long way to go."

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Arch » 22 May 2010 22:05

"I can't read and I can't write
But I can drive a tractor"

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by If you still hate Futcher » 22 May 2010 22:56

Who the f*@k are Man United
Who the f*@k are Man United
Who the f*@k are Man United
And the Royals go marching on on on

Eddie, Eddie
Change your name

Closely followed by...

Eddie Smith
Eddie Smith

Plus my login name of course

Jerry St Clair
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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Jerry St Clair » 23 May 2010 10:02

What was our version of the Bertie Mee/Bill Shankley song?

"Here we go again. Bobbing up and down like this....." ad infinitum.

Super Super Craig, super super Craig
Super Super Craig, super super Craig
Super Craigie Maskell

Sack, sack Craig Maskell, sack sack, Craig Maskell
Sack, sack Craig Maskell, sack sack, Craig Maskell
He's a lazy bastard

Mary Hinge
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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Mary Hinge » 23 May 2010 11:52

Steve McMahon stupid baldie cnut. ad finitum.

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by 10539.4 Miles Away » 24 May 2010 01:23

Mary Hinge Steve McMahon stupid baldie cnut. ad finitum.

Loved that one, simple yet genius. Although I remember it as "Steve McMahon, baldy headed cnut"

Also "He's fat, he's scouse, he'll rob your f*cking house, Steve McMahon, Steve McMahon."

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Uke » 24 May 2010 09:28

Mary Hinge Steve McMahon stupid baldie cnut. ad finitum.

:pedant mode: ad finitum?

I know it literally can't be infinite, but...

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Ashfordroyal » 24 May 2010 15:00

`early 70`s:
You look in the dustbin for something to eat,
find a dead cat and you think its.................. :oops:

late 70`s:
Hey you! dont watch that, watch this......... followed by the SKa dance...... :oops:

`did we really do that on the Southbank? :oops:

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Jerry St Clair » 24 May 2010 20:54

st george Doctor Martins, leather laces, steel toe caps and buckle down braces,
we are the boys who kick ya faces,
we are the Reading south bank"

"Nike trainers, orthodontic braces, we've got spots all over our faces
We are the Reading, East Stand"

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Twix » 25 May 2010 15:04

Was there ever a song that had the line "Hand me down that pile of shit" or did I just mishear a different song?

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Joe 90 » 25 May 2010 19:02

Jerry St Clair What was our version of the Bertie Mee/Bill Shankley song?

I went and asked Bill Shankly
Have you heard of the North Bank Highbury?
Shanks says no, I don't think so
But I've heard of the Reading Boot Boys/South Bank

With a knock knee'd chicken and a bow legged hen,
I haven't had a fight since I don't know when
We don't give a wiggle and we dont give a w**k
We are the Reading South Bank

I love to go a wandering to see what I can wreck
And if I see a Swindon fan I'll break his oxford neck

If I had the wings of a sparrow,
If I had the ar** of a crow
I'd fly over swindon tomorrow
And oxford on the b'stards below

Robin, Robin, give us a wave

We hate Chester City
We hate swindon too
We hate oxford united
but Reading we love you

Bobby where's your handbag?
Bobby where's your handbag?
(Ten seconds later twenty West Ham fans piled in and the South Bank folded like a pack of cards)

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Jerry St Clair » 25 May 2010 19:19

Joe 90 (Ten seconds later twenty West Ham fans piled in and the South Bank folded like a pack of cards)

To be fair, I never saw the South Bank do anything else. Take the piss, then leg it when it kicks off. Some things never change.

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by AbovetheI » 25 May 2010 19:47

Whaddya think of Swindon? SHIT
Whaddya think of shit? SWINDON

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Fox Talbot » 25 May 2010 21:22

Bertie Mee said to Bill Shanlkly
Have you heard of the North Bank Highbury
Nay said Bill I din think I have
But I've heard of the Reading South Bank
Na na ananananananananan

(to a Jim Reeves song)

I smell the smell over the distant bums
Over there, over there, (pointing at oppostion)
And do they they smell?
Like fucjing hell

Oh come, oh come
With hope in your heart etc
(used to be sung by every club in the 70s)

We hate Nottingham Forest
We hate West Ham too
We hate Manchester United
But Reading we love you

who do we appreciate?
(how gay does that sound today?)

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Mid Sussex Royal » 25 May 2010 21:43

Ashfordroyal `early 70`s:
You look in the dustbin for something to eat,
find a dead cat and you think its.................. :oops:

late 70`s:
Hey you! dont watch that, watch this......... followed by the SKa dance...... :oops:

`did we really do that on the Southbank? :oops:

In your Oxford slums, in your Oxford slums
you look in the dustbin for something to eat
you find a dead cat and you think its a treat
in your Oxford slums

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Mid Sussex Royal » 25 May 2010 21:44


"You're gonna get your f*cking heads kicked in"...

Think this was usually sung when the opposition scored

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by glass half full » 25 May 2010 22:15

To the late, great Denis 'Daisy' Allen:

Daisy, Daisy, give us a goal or two
It works a treat and you look neat
When you give us a goal or
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 Who do we appreciate?
R - E - A - D - I - N - G - READING! Clap clap clap clap clap - clap clap clap clap READING! clap clap clap clap clap -clap clap clap clap READING!

Jerry St Clair
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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by Jerry St Clair » 25 May 2010 22:33

"Who's the slapper in the white?"
(Sang at girlfriend of Stoke fan in the mid-nineties)

"Anorak, anorak, anorak, anorak...."
(Sang at York fan wearing a classy retro parka jacket in the early nineties)

"Have you ever shagged your dog?"
(No, not Spacey. A Barnsley fan turned up in the Town End with his dog during a game in the late eighties. He even let it off the lead to have a run around at half time. Never seen it before or since)

"Have you ever seen your dick?"
(Sang at every fat away fan unfortunate to stand on the South Bank side of the Town End)

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Re: The old school RFC terrace tunes thread

by fester_royal » 26 May 2010 13:48

if and i mean IF, that lot from the pig town of west country manage to get promoted... any chance we could re kindle some of these tunes?

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