by Millsy »
13 Jun 2010 15:12
Rev Algenon Stickleback H What I do find depressing about international tournaments is how it keeps getting rammed home that we aren't an elite level nation. For a country of 50 million, where football is by far the most popular sport, we ought to be able to produce far more talent than we do.
The sad fact I think is that football and patriotism are dirty words in this country, especially when the two mix. Add to that the importance we pay to other sports and its little wonder we do so poorly.
Whilst it might be the most popular sport in England, I wouldn't say "by far" and it's nowhere near as popular as it is in almost every other country except perhaps the US. Take Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain Brazil etc... in all these countries football is
the main sport "by far". Nothing else even comes close. Here we are heavily into rugby and cricket too and in some places, like some places up north you'd be hard pressed to find a football fan anywhere as most will be into rugby.
I used to be shocked at how hard it was to find England football fans but am no longer surprised that it seems that most people I ask don't care about football or for England in my work and amongst my friends. Many English people even want England to lose because of their hatred for football or their embarrassment for patriotism.
This is not least down to the awful wife-cheating role models we have and our idiotic behaviour abroad as fans.