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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Silver Fox » 16 Jun 2010 16:09

Like Spacey would ever channel hop!

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Kurtz » 16 Jun 2010 17:16

Row Z Royal I'm most definitely not a DM reader, but I don't see the problem with him asking that question.

The simple answer is: watch something else if Honduras v Chile isn't your idea of a wild night in.

Spacey mode: Honduras Chile was the early KO so if you were planning a wild night in front of that you'd be disappointed. So, the point you were making has been totally and utterly undermined as a result.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Ian Royal » 16 Jun 2010 19:37

Terminal Boardom So what's wrong with that?

What this country needs is more freedom of speech and less of the liberal do-gooder pc bollocks that has permeated every aspect of our society since the excesses of Thatcher.

Free speech includes the right to condemn people for saying utterly indefensible things. Just like it allows me to say: You're an ignorant twat.

Don't try telling me I can't say it. That makes you a liberal do-gooder pc bollocks.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Jerry St Clair » 16 Jun 2010 20:34


Nice try, Mike, but we all know you're really Richard Littlejohn.

"Does anyone really give a monkey's about what happens in Rwanda? If the Mbongo tribe wants to wipe out the Mbingo tribe then as far as I am concerned that is entirely a matter for them."
Mr R. Littlejohn. 1994. Written during the Rwandan genocide.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Ian Royal » 16 Jun 2010 20:36

There are few people I would genuinely wish had a long and painful death, but Littlejohn qualifies easily. And hopefully he'll get what he deserves soon.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by SouthDownsRoyal » 16 Jun 2010 22:34

Seal Kiss from a rose


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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Maguire » 16 Jun 2010 22:58

Jerry St Clair

Nice try, Mike, but we all know you're really Richard Littlejohn.

"Does anyone really give a monkey's about what happens in Rwanda? If the Mbongo tribe wants to wipe out the Mbingo tribe then as far as I am concerned that is entirely a matter for them."
Mr R. Littlejohn. 1994. Written during the Rwandan genocide.

Unfortunately the rest of the world felt pretty much the same way.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by Row Z Royal » 16 Jun 2010 23:39

Row Z Royal I'm most definitely not a DM reader, but I don't see the problem with him asking that question.

The simple answer is: watch something else if Honduras v Chile isn't your idea of a wild night in.

Spacey mode: Honduras Chile was the early KO so if you were planning a wild night in front of that you'd be disappointed. So, the point you were making has been totally and utterly undermined as a result.

It was the evening game in Bongo Bongo Land.

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Re: DaiLOLy MaiLOL

by 3 veesinarow » 17 Jun 2010 13:03


On the WC TV coverage thread, someone "Before the Algeria versus Slovenia game in Group C on Sunday, Shearer seemed to be speaking for the entire BBC panel when he said, "Our knowledge of these two teams is limited."

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