Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Big Foot » 19 Jun 2010 23:06

Compo's Hat Things i'm looking forward to after Wednesday.

-No more tedious England adverts

-No more stupid chavy flags hanging out of windows and cars

-A nation finally realising we're not that good even with one of the best managers in the world

-An empty Wembley for the Hungary friendly in August

-An England free tournement, i enjoyed Euro 2008

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Row Z Royal » 19 Jun 2010 23:21

'greed Big Fers.

Compo's trying to be as miserable as Floyd, but he's just an optimist at heart.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Tredder » 20 Jun 2010 00:02

Some excellent in-house 'net beef.

Ladders did more down the right hand side than milk chocolate and dark chocolate did all game, Barry was rubbish as was Lampard, Rooney doesn't even come close to shit, and Gerrard was out of position and often left Cole on his own on that side of the pitch, glaring managerial errors, why swap like for like, is Joe Cole shagging his daughter and why was Ladders only given 6 minutes, point of reference, Heskey did ok, yes he may not finish, but he did a hell of a lot more good than bad, and you can't say that about too many of the players, maybe Cole, Carragher and James.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Big Foot » 20 Jun 2010 00:28

Row Z Royal 'greed Big Fers.

Compo's trying to be as miserable as Floyd, but he's just an optimist at heart.

Don't know of any Englishman who wants us out in the group stages except those who deem it to be cool or's not 1998 anymore, no-one finds you amusing so phuck off

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by RG30 » 20 Jun 2010 00:58

Desperately cried out for a Michael Carrick figure to get the ball down and get some quick and clever passing and movement. The options within the squad are pretty limited though. Despite that, we'll beat Slovenia Wednesday.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Schards#2 » 20 Jun 2010 08:31

Schards#2 England have a chance to get to the semi finals without playing a single team ranked in the first 13 of the FIFA rankings. To state that this represents the easiest route to the semi finals in years, is not arrogant, it is simply stating fact. Slovenia also have the opportunity to exploit this unusual scenario. Or are you seriously suggesting that this is a difficult path compared to the alternatives?

Come on, you're wise enough to know that football is played on a pitch and not paper, and numerous results would have to work in Englands favour, otherwise Germany and Argentina will be on the cards. And no i'm certainly NOT suggesting that this ideal route would be more difficult than facing Germany and Argentina, i'm just saying it wouldn't be easy.

I don't want to argue semantics here, however it's the assumptions and grounding from which some of RL's posts have been based on that I take issue with.

Schards#2 I spend a bit of time in Scotland and am amused by the desperate need for scots to paint the english as an arrogant bunch who assume they are going to win the world cup when, in fact, this has no basis in reality. I think it partly relates to their embarrasement over Ally's Tarten Army who actually did believe they would win and, secondly, justifying their dislike of England on the grounds that they are arrogant sounds better than just a plain, rather ugly jealousy.

Can't account for the odd english gimp who likes to perpetuate the same myth though.

That i'm afraid is bang out of order. For the record (because you don't know me from Adam) I have and will continue to support England for the duration of this WC. I have a lot of English family and have lived in Henley for 25 years. I have NEVER in any of my posts EVER set out to put England down and that suggestion is laughable, i'm pulling in the same direction of you! I'm immensely proud to be a Scot and am very proud of the history and the country, so to put down a grounded criticism of another poster as based on 'ugly jealousy' is not only insulting, but shows you to be y, blinkered, spiteful and, dare I say it, arrogant as you assume i'd be happier being English. I assume you'd rather support Man Utd because they win trophies but that you've been stuck with Reading somehow? The irony is that what you've written only serves to reinforce the point that a lot of foreigners have about English arrogance.

Nothing winds me up more than pre World Cups and Euro's when Sky go to the East End of Glasgow to find a knuckle dragger who's anti-English, the media positively seek them out to continue this idea. Every country has them, I remember pre France 98 some delightful chaps in London weren't to keen on Scotland. I however haven't based my view of an entire nation on those idiots.

I only ever post my mind on here, never lowering to petty name calling or xenophobic predjudices.

I would suggest that I know you exactly as much as you know RL yet you seem to have no problem in labelling her 'arrogant' and suggesting that it's 'comments like hers' that are the reason 'England's rep is not great'. I'm struggling to see how that is not lowering to petty name calling.

This on the basis of RL suggesting that a route to the semis that would have avoided any of the top 13 teams in the world (which was there for the taking before Friday ) might be one of the easiest routes available in recent years. Something that is entirely grounded in fact.

Moving on in the petty name calling stakes, apparently you think i'm "blinkered, spiteful and arrogant" (despite not knowing me from Adam) in what way do you not see that as petty name calling? A massive overreaction in which you indulge in the very behaviour you criticise in others and one which, I wonder if on calm reflection, you might feel somewhat embarassed by. You certainly should as it makes your last line laughable and totally contridictory.

As for the scots, i've met hundreds of them privately and professionally over that last 6-7 years and found them to be, in the vast majority of cases, friendly, sociable and with no issues with the english whatsoever......until it comes to the issue of the England football team. I've asked many why there is such an antipathy and the answer comes back 100% of the time - english fans are arrogant, they all think they've only got to turn up to win. An argument that is pretty much baseless IMHO.

During tournaments, the Daily Record is, frankly, racist in its coverage of England, perpetuating this myth at every opportunity which can and has made life difficult for my children living in Scotland when tournaments are on. Certainly, my eldest son doesn't feel he can comfortably demonstrate his support so stays at home to watch the games. Hence the reason I find baseless accusations of arrogance on the part of RL as an England fan particularly irritating. More so than the standard mysogonistic comments that are par for the course on this board.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Man Friday » 20 Jun 2010 10:51

Ironic that Reading have got a pre-season tour of Slovenia?

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Royal Lady » 20 Jun 2010 11:36

Awaiting the JT news conference. LOL @ SKy thinking he's going to come out and admit that there's unrest among the players.

Some hack at the NOTW reckons Rooney and his ego is winding up the rest of the team and they're also fed up that Capello doesn't mix with them. Aww diddums. And Lol @ Kenny Sansom saying Capello should join in with a game of cards with them or whatever. He's the boss. They should look up to him, he shouldn't be their mate.

I hope he drops one or two of the big names and plays players who WANT to do a job for England and who will give it their best shot.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Terminal Boardom » 20 Jun 2010 11:45

I have just about calmed down after that abortion of a match on Friday. Time for Fabio to wield the big stick and get rid of Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney. With regard to Rooney, since when does playing in South Africa constitute as a home game?

No shape, no direction, no passion. This is like the England of old before Sven came in and changed things round.

Don't get too upset though. The likes of Rooney and co will be earning their millions of pounds a year while sad fvckwits like me continue to pay the subscription money to Sky and fans hand over £40+ a time for the replica shirt. The sooner the public wake up and smell the coffee and see through the sham that is professional football in this country the better. I would much rather see 11 honest pros on the pitch giving their all and doing their best than what is currently on offer.

And one last thing. There is a very good reason why I never buy a newspaper. Think about it!

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Dirk Gently » 20 Jun 2010 12:04

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 20 Jun 2010 12:09

Gutted Rooney crumbled to pressure and apologised. He's voiced his opinion just as the fans did. Rightly or wrongly booing does more damage, players do not react to that sort of reaction in a positive way. When have u ever heard someway say the booing motivated us.

Lol at the press taking digs over Fabio's tough regime, they have been bashing off to it for a year. Remember we lost the last World Cup cause of the wags circus and the players were too friendly with Sven. Well the press have got the exact manager th wanted and now they slaughter him for it.

I almost cried with laughter with all the txts in saying how great the JT press confrence was. Apparently this guy was scum just months ago, people txting in skysports saying give him the arm band back.

How can u turn on a manager after 2 games? Fabio will sort it out.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Royal Rother » 20 Jun 2010 12:32

The media, the fans and the team all make me laugh at times.

Good though Capello's new regime has been in installing discipline and respect in the squad, what no-one figured was that although that new culture works in short bursts, over the course of a tournament (they've been together for 35 days now) it's just too much for English footballers to handle. They are now flat, inhibited, bored, and unhappy.

They need an opportunity to have some fun and get a bit of zest back.

Not saying it SHOULD be like that, representing one's country should perhaps be enough to get the best out of you, but if the mind isn't right, the performance will suffer and it is clear their minds, individually and collectively, are not right. Will someone, a player, Pearce, Beckham or anyone else, have the balls to go up to Capello and tell him that English footballers are not the same as the Dutch, Italian, Spanish etc. players he has coached / managed in the past and that this bunch need to have an opportunity to have some fun before it's all too late?

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Terminal Boardom » 20 Jun 2010 12:41

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe Gutted Rooney crumbled to pressure and apologised. He's voiced his opinion just as the fans did. Rightly or wrongly booing does more damage, players do not react to that sort of reaction in a positive way. When have u ever heard someway say the booing motivated us.

Oh dear, we do not want to upset the precious little darlings? Get real. They are paid more in a year that many people EARN in a lifetime. Second up, it is not cheap travelling all over the world to support your team. What recourse do the supporters have? How else can they get their message across that they do not like what they see? This is very reminscent of Scotland fans going hatstand in Argentina after they dreww 1-1 with Iran.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by PlasticRoyale » 20 Jun 2010 12:45

Terminal Boardom
Smoking Kills Dancing Doe Gutted Rooney crumbled to pressure and apologised. He's voiced his opinion just as the fans did. Rightly or wrongly booing does more damage, players do not react to that sort of reaction in a positive way. When have u ever heard someway say the booing motivated us.

Oh dear, we do not want to upset the precious little darlings? Get real. They are paid more in a year that many people EARN in a lifetime. Second up, it is not cheap travelling all over the world to support your team. What recourse do the supporters have? How else can they get their message across that they do not like what they see? This is very reminscent of Scotland fans going hatstand in Argentina after they dreww 1-1 with Iran.

tbf it was Iran's cup final

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Row Z Royal » 20 Jun 2010 12:50

Man Friday Ironic that Reading have got a pre-season tour of Slovenia?

Is it?

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by ScottishRoyal » 20 Jun 2010 13:03

Schards#2 England have a chance to get to the semi finals without playing a single team ranked in the first 13 of the FIFA rankings. To state that this represents the easiest route to the semi finals in years, is not arrogant, it is simply stating fact. Slovenia also have the opportunity to exploit this unusual scenario. Or are you seriously suggesting that this is a difficult path compared to the alternatives?

Come on, you're wise enough to know that football is played on a pitch and not paper, and numerous results would have to work in Englands favour, otherwise Germany and Argentina will be on the cards. And no i'm certainly NOT suggesting that this ideal route would be more difficult than facing Germany and Argentina, i'm just saying it wouldn't be easy.

I don't want to argue semantics here, however it's the assumptions and grounding from which some of RL's posts have been based on that I take issue with.

Schards#2 I spend a bit of time in Scotland and am amused by the desperate need for scots to paint the english as an arrogant bunch who assume they are going to win the world cup when, in fact, this has no basis in reality. I think it partly relates to their embarrasement over Ally's Tarten Army who actually did believe they would win and, secondly, justifying their dislike of England on the grounds that they are arrogant sounds better than just a plain, rather ugly jealousy.

Can't account for the odd english gimp who likes to perpetuate the same myth though.

That i'm afraid is bang out of order. For the record (because you don't know me from Adam) I have and will continue to support England for the duration of this WC. I have a lot of English family and have lived in Henley for 25 years. I have NEVER in any of my posts EVER set out to put England down and that suggestion is laughable, i'm pulling in the same direction of you! I'm immensely proud to be a Scot and am very proud of the history and the country, so to put down a grounded criticism of another poster as based on 'ugly jealousy' is not only insulting, but shows you to be y, blinkered, spiteful and, dare I say it, arrogant as you assume i'd be happier being English. I assume you'd rather support Man Utd because they win trophies but that you've been stuck with Reading somehow? The irony is that what you've written only serves to reinforce the point that a lot of foreigners have about English arrogance.

Nothing winds me up more than pre World Cups and Euro's when Sky go to the East End of Glasgow to find a knuckle dragger who's anti-English, the media positively seek them out to continue this idea. Every country has them, I remember pre France 98 some delightful chaps in London weren't to keen on Scotland. I however haven't based my view of an entire nation on those idiots.

I only ever post my mind on here, never lowering to petty name calling or xenophobic predjudices.

I would suggest that I know you exactly as much as you know RL yet you seem to have no problem in labelling her 'arrogant' and suggesting that it's 'comments like hers' that are the reason 'England's rep is not great'. I'm struggling to see how that is not lowering to petty name calling.

This on the basis of RL suggesting that a route to the semis that would have avoided any of the top 13 teams in the world (which was there for the taking before Friday ) might be one of the easiest routes available in recent years. Something that is entirely grounded in fact.

Moving on in the petty name calling stakes, apparently you think i'm "blinkered, spiteful and arrogant" (despite not knowing me from Adam) in what way do you not see that as petty name calling? A massive overreaction in which you indulge in the very behaviour you criticise in others and one which, I wonder if on calm reflection, you might feel somewhat embarassed by. You certainly should as it makes your last line laughable and totally contridictory.

As for the scots, i've met hundreds of them privately and professionally over that last 6-7 years and found them to be, in the vast majority of cases, friendly, sociable and with no issues with the english whatsoever......until it comes to the issue of the England football team. I've asked many why there is such an antipathy and the answer comes back 100% of the time - english fans are arrogant, they all think they've only got to turn up to win. An argument that is pretty much baseless IMHO.

During tournaments, the Daily Record is, frankly, racist in its coverage of England, perpetuating this myth at every opportunity which can and has made life difficult for my children living in Scotland when tournaments are on. Certainly, my eldest son doesn't feel he can comfortably demonstrate his support so stays at home to watch the games. Hence the reason I find baseless accusations of arrogance on the part of RL as an England fan particularly irritating. More so than the standard mysogonistic comments that are par for the course on this board.

If you can't see the difference in our comments then i'm sorry but I really can't help you. I, as others have done, suggested that her comments came across as a bit arrogant, but I never made personal slurs against RL. I don't take issue with her and in all honesty you've made more off an issue of my comments than were neccessary.

However what YOU said crossed a line. I've posted on here since 2005 and no, i've never reverted to name calling before, surely you understand that you were out of order.

I'm genuinely sorry if you're kids have a hard time because of the crap published in the Record. Any poor treatment is not in keeping wit the majority of Scots I assure you. But please do bear in mind that the Record is on par with the Mirror or Sun which do the same down here, none of which are synonymous with responsible journalism. I think The Sun had a front page along the lines of 2WW and 1WC prior to a Germany game?

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Row Z Royal » 20 Jun 2010 14:06

To be honest, the way you're both roping Adam into all this is really unfair.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Ian Royal » 20 Jun 2010 14:17

England were shit. Rooney was shit. It doesn't matter whether fate conspires to give us a potentially far easier route to the semi-finals than any other time. We can't take it if we can't play football. Which at the moment we can't.

Barry good defensively but couldn't pass to save his life. Gerrard wasted out of position. Heskey only good for holding the ball up. Rooney couldn't trap a bag of cement. Lampard wouldn't get in the Oxford team based on his two displays at the world cup. Lennon rubbish.

James exactly what was expected, solid. Always should have been number 1. About the only genuine positive to come out of the game.

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Baines » 20 Jun 2010 14:21

Come on, Ian. Let's get this thread back on track. Is RL arrogant or not?

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Re: Algeria v England [OFFICIAL THREAD]

by Ian Royal » 20 Jun 2010 14:25

Baines Come on, Ian. Let's get this thread back on track. Is RL arrogant or not?

RL's alright, a bit daily mail sometimes but everyone's got their faults. It's Schards who's arrogant if either of them are.

And that's the pot calling the kettle by the way.

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