by glenroyal » 20 Aug 2004 10:30
by ruprecht » 20 Aug 2004 10:59
by West Stand Man » 20 Aug 2004 12:16
ruprecht I'd love to have terracing back but can't see it happeneing either. It can be fairly dangerous at times but pretty much everyone who went into the South Bank knew the dangers. To get a standing section at the Mad Stad I for one wouldn't mind signing a disclaimer saying Reading FC would take no responsibility for any injuries sustained at a football match and if anything did happen then tough sh*t. A bit like when you go Go-karting. With todays claim culture though I really can't see the club doing this.
However those people that are opposed to getting standing areas back then you don't really have a leg to stand on when complaining about lack of atmosphere. The two go hand in hand. FACT.
by wehateswindon » 22 Mar 2005 18:45
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 22 Mar 2005 23:48
West Stand Manruprecht I'd love to have terracing back but can't see it happeneing either. It can be fairly dangerous at times but pretty much everyone who went into the South Bank knew the dangers. To get a standing section at the Mad Stad I for one wouldn't mind signing a disclaimer saying Reading FC would take no responsibility for any injuries sustained at a football match and if anything did happen then tough sh*t. A bit like when you go Go-karting. With todays claim culture though I really can't see the club doing this.
However those people that are opposed to getting standing areas back then you don't really have a leg to stand on when complaining about lack of atmosphere. The two go hand in hand. FACT.
It wouldn't work (the disclaimer) because you can't abrogate yourself of responsibfor your own negligence. If there was a riot, or justs minor crowd problem that resulted in injury the club might be deemed negligent in not having stewarded it better. RFC features in a well known case that changed the way the law looks at this type of liability, when one of the Bristol teams came (City I think) and their fans started breaking lumps of concrete off the terracing and hurling them at the South Bank. A Reading fan sued the club for negligence because the club was responsible for maintaining the concrete so that it could not be thus misused. RFC lost and had to pay up.
by Huntley & Palmer » 23 Mar 2005 00:14
by Pin The Tail on the Goat » 23 Mar 2005 13:40
by wehateswindon » 23 Mar 2005 16:09
by Bill Oddie » 15 Jul 2010 20:41
by Terminal Boardom » 16 Jul 2010 22:59
Sebastian Agreed
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