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Re: CeLOLtic

by handbags_harris » 06 Aug 2010 08:31


100 people amongst a total of near 120,000 fans.

lol. both those figures are utter bollox

Got anything to back up your viewpoint Affers?

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Re: CeLOLtic

by handbags_harris » 26 Aug 2010 21:58

lulz :lol:

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Re: CeLOLtic

by TBM » 26 Aug 2010 22:19

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Re: CeLOLtic

by Big Foot » 26 Aug 2010 23:21

If I may

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Re: CeLOLtic

by FiNeRaIn » 26 Aug 2010 23:57

God I love how much they are hurting, they make my skin crawl. Massive LOL at this.

" We Celtic fans are the best in the world and are consistently let down by board management and players when it comes to Europe - bring back Martin O'Neill"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: CeLOLtic

by AndyRFC » 27 Aug 2010 00:39


Co-efficient is gonna be shite,but nay tims in europe

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Re: CeLOLtic

by RoyalChicagoFC » 27 Aug 2010 01:25

FiNeRaIn God I love how much they are hurting, they make my skin crawl. Massive LOL at this.

" We Celtic fans are the best in the world and are consistently let down by board management and players when it comes to Europe - bring back Martin O'Neill"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hear the same shizz here where I am all the time, except of course they ain't talkin' 'bout the tims (and it's not even the same sport, but still --to the LOLetter aside from the fine details)

And indeed :lol: @ the lot

Oh jeez, this reminds me --top watering hole here for all the matches from around the globe is co-owned by a CFC guy; gon' be a lot quieter in there on Thursdays till next summer soonest then! :lol:

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Re: CeLOLtic

by readingbedding » 27 Aug 2010 07:44

Poor result for Celtic.

Scottish football continues to be mired.

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Re: CeLOLtic

by weybridgewanderer » 27 Aug 2010 18:12

kerryfail street There's no doubt that it was a diabolical result but in all honesty if ever there was a referee who looked as if he was determined that the home side would go through, it was Senor Carballo tonight. Not since Mike McCurry's Ibrox performanc...e against Dundee United have I seen such a clear example of a ref who might as well have advised the visitors not to bother turning up.

Seriously, if there was ANY offence at all by Hooiveld for the first penalty, it was at the very most an obstruction, i.e., an indirect free-kick. Michael Silberbauer started his dive towards Hooiveld from outside the penalty-box and Hooiveld could do little to get out of his way.
As for the second penalty, that was even worse. Zaluska played the ball and Mertens dived like Eduardo or Giggs.

All of this could be regarded as simple incompetence if Carballo had then red-carded Mertens for his head-butt on Brown, but the fact that he only showed him a yellow and then, as if he was impersonating Ian Brines, also showed a yellow to the Celtic man proves that this was not ineptitude but favouritism.

2nd defeat ofthe season, 2nd time they've blamed the ref, never defeat, always cheated

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Re: CeLOLtic

by PlasticRoyale » 02 Jan 2011 15:57


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Re: CeLOLtic

by who are ya? » 02 Jan 2011 16:57

Vermin?? I think so..

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Re: CeLOLtic

by Silver Fox » 04 Jan 2011 09:17

Are the Rangers fans more disappointed about losing 2-0 at home or about the Celtic fans behaving themselves durig the minutes silence?

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Re: CeLOLtic

by weybridgewanderer » 04 Jan 2011 12:47

Gutted at the performance.

We were not going to bring up the subject of the silence, but since you did here goes.

As expected the majority of Celtic fans behaved themselves. Unfortunately there is a sizeable core that cannot, even though one of the people that died - Nigel Pickup - was a Roman Catholic. Once again SKY muted the effects mikes so the viewing public could not hear what was going on.

The Scottish Sun It was a strange afternoon, one where the usual poison mingled in the chill air with the raw emotion of remembrance. Where Celtic had made a big show of keeping out a rabble-rousing element of their support but when the cops let others smuggle in smoke bombs and one guy even got through the turnstiles in a Pope costume.

And where the ultra-moronic found a surreal way to try and screw up a tribute to the 66 lives lost in the 1971 Ibrox Disaster.

As the stadium fell still on ref Craig Thomson's whistle, a cough came from the Celtic End. Then another. Then another and another and lots more anothers until it was as clear as the red nose on a flu-ridden reindeer's face that this was an orchestrated effort to make a point.

What that point was, we'll never know. But it seems some lame-brains just don't have the civility to shut the hell up for 60 seconds in memory of others.

As the seconds ticked painfully slowly, someone in the middle of the away support started to applaud.

To the credit of others around him, he was quickly and quietly shut up.

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol ... z1A4K42ZOu

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Re: CeLOLtic

by sandman » 04 Jan 2011 18:54

What a world coughing in the middle of flu season . Damn you Celtic! God damn you all to hell! :twisted:

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Re: CeLOLtic

by bigmike » 04 Jan 2011 19:23

sandman What a world coughing in the middle of flu season . Damn you Celtic! God damn you all to hell! :twisted:

Nothing to do with Flu...

These ar$eholes who claim to be celtic fans are an absolute bunch of low lifes.. They bring shame on celtic and scottish football and have been for years..

Neil Lennon will come out with another cover story this week to deflect from this just like he did for the poppy banner incedent that he managed to cover with his screaming and shouting about refs..

Dont get me wrong I am not a Rangers fan ... I hate them also but no where near as much as those so called septic fans !!!!

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Re: CeLOLtic

by weybridgewanderer » 04 Jan 2011 20:04

The "organised coughing" had nothing to do with flu.

If they did not want to observe the moments silence for 66 people who went to watch a football game and never made it home, could they not have had the decency to do what their manager did, and not appear until after the minutes silence?

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Re: CeLOLtic

by sandman » 04 Jan 2011 21:08

The writer of the article is a Rangers fan (notice the use of the words "their fans" at the start of the article) and he writes for the Sun which is hardly the most reliable source when it comes to reporting fan behaviour just ask Liverpool fans. From all the reports I've read no one has suggested that Celtic fans acted with disrespect apart from one person who started a slow handclap and was immediately stopped by those around him.

It's Scotland in January people are going to cough; both sets of fans need to grow up.

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Re: CeLOLtic

by bigmike » 05 Jan 2011 12:01

sandman The writer of the article is a Rangers fan (notice the use of the words "their fans" at the start of the article) and he writes for the Sun which is hardly the most reliable source when it comes to reporting fan behaviour just ask Liverpool fans. From all the reports I've read no one has suggested that Celtic fans acted with disrespect apart from one person who started a slow handclap and was immediately stopped by those around him.

It's Scotland in January people are going to cough; both sets of fans need to grow up.

Your Right both sets of fans need to grow up .. However from what I have witnessed this season and others Celtic fans seem to get away with disgraceful behaviour and Rangers get punished.

All you need do is compare the attendences at grounds when they play the old squirm .. you can see that Fans are staying away from the games when Celtic come to town.

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Re: CeLOLtic

by prostak » 05 Jan 2011 20:13

So which bald man currently has the comb?

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Re: CeLOLtic

by SouthDownsRoyal » 05 Jan 2011 20:59

neiLOL LOLennon at ceLOLtic

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