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Re: demonstration

by Terminal Boardom » 30 Aug 2010 20:36

Tony Le Mesmer
Mid Sussex Royal We should wait and see how much if any of the money raised is used for team strengthening.

If we get £5m for Gylfi that makes a total this summer of around £6m with Cisse and Marek going which gives us £2m - as the club have already announced a £4m shortfall.

You can add to that the wages for Marek, Cisse, Bertrand and Zurab. Who we have wisely replace with Williams. Christ, its like when we sold Bremner & Senior and replaced them both with Colin Gordon. We all know what happened in the following few years.

I mentioned this a week or so back. Funny how the older supporters can see this but those employed to run the football club are completely blind. But what would anyone expect from a bunch of slimy toadying sychophants.

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Re: demonstration

by RoyalBlue » 30 Aug 2010 20:38

Nobby The chairman is selling all of his cars, at least one hotel (Copthorne) and despite what people say, he is desperate to sell Station hill.

Seems he needs money and selling players is an easy way to get it.

I guess this is payback time. Our chairman isn't as rich as he used to be.

If so, then perhaps he's not as smart as he and his supporters like to make out! Afterall his version of an extremely well run business i.e. RFC seems somewhat unusual!

Mid Sussex Royal We should wait and see how much if any of the money raised is used for team strengthening.

Even if any is (unlikely) we won't know how much as all we will get is 'undisclosed' and plenty of spin! :twisted:

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Re: demonstration

by dogmark01 » 30 Aug 2010 20:45

At the end of the day the fans should show there feelings with there feet , the club are showing no ambition in any was but the same blind fools give them there money every week , the only way they may take notice is when they are getting 8000 per week , possible less next year when we are in division 1.
ohh and before some fool spouts on about we are in a better state than cardiff,portsmouth ect they may stay up we wont.
no ambition anymore the madman has had his moment no he dont give a s##t.

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Re: demonstration

by Arch » 30 Aug 2010 20:45

Shocking that the only hard data any of us will have to base our judgments of the club on will be trivialities like the results of matches.

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Re: demonstration

by working class hero » 30 Aug 2010 20:48

we are in a better state than cardiff

I look forward to playing them in the Prem next season.... :roll:

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Re: demonstration

by RoyalBlue » 30 Aug 2010 20:48

dogmark01 At the end of the day the fans should show there feelings with there feet , the club are showing no ambition in any was but the same blind fools give them there money every week , the only way they may take notice is when they are getting 8000 per week , possible less next year when we are in division 1.
ohh and before some fool spouts on about we are in a better state than cardiff,portsmouth ect they may stay up we wont.
no ambition anymore the madman has had his moment no he dont give a s##t.

Cardiff won't just stay up, they're likely to go up. They show real ambition and are prepared to play right to the limits of the rules as they currently stand.

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Re: demonstration

by prostak » 30 Aug 2010 20:55

The one positive of this thread - I learned a new word in English. Thank you, Thou Voice, for 'Orangery'.

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Re: demonstration

by Terminal Boardom » 30 Aug 2010 20:56

dogmark01 At the end of the day the fans should show there feelings with there feet , the club are showing no ambition in any was but the same blind fools give them there money every week , the only way they may take notice is when they are getting 8000 per week , possible less next year when we are in division 1.
ohh and before some fool spouts on about we are in a better state than cardiff,portsmouth ect they may stay up we wont.
no ambition anymore the madman has had his moment no he dont give a s##t.

So don't go to the games then. Quite simple really.

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Re: demonstration

by Platypuss » 30 Aug 2010 23:58

joe999 I'm sick to death of spending my hard-earned cash on my team.

And believe me, that's a lot of paper rounds.

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Re: demonstration

by SpaceCruiser » 31 Aug 2010 00:02

Focher its time for the scorpions to take action

Do you mean scorpians........ :?:

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Re: demonstration

by Badger Finger » 31 Aug 2010 00:03

Focher its time for the scorpions to take action

Do you mean scorpians........ :?:

Quoted, just in case you disappear again... (Miss you sweetcakes)

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Re: demonstration

by Horsham Royal » 31 Aug 2010 00:18

dogmark01 At the end of the day the fans should show there feelings with there feet , the club are showing no ambition in any was but the same blind fools give them there money every week , the only way they may take notice is when they are getting 8000 per week , possible less next year when we are in division 1.
ohh and before some fool spouts on about we are in a better state than cardiff,portsmouth ect they may stay up we wont.
no ambition anymore the madman has had his moment no he dont give a s##t.

Cardiff won't just stay up, they're likely to go up. They show real ambition and are prepared to play right to the limits of the rules as they currently stand.

I like to get where I want to go by acting decently rather than being a clever git - much more fulfilling and tends to leave people liking instead of loathing you.

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Re: demonstration

by firstdivision » 31 Aug 2010 00:39

Focher its time for the scorpions to take action

Do you mean scorpians........ :?:

Aha the Winds of Change I guess.

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Re: demonstration

by joe999 » 31 Aug 2010 01:41

joe999 I'm sick to death of spending my hard-earned cash on my team.

And believe me, that's a lot of paper rounds.

Guitar tuition actually, but the equivalent of a lot of paper rounds for nothing in return, yes.

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Re: demonstration

by Arch » 31 Aug 2010 01:51

joe999 I'm sick to death of spending my hard-earned cash on my team.

And believe me, that's a lot of paper rounds.

Guitar tuition actually, but the equivalent of a lot of paper rounds for nothing in return, yes.

So how long has this sickness been building? We've been in the top two flights for eight years in row, been at least in with a shout of Premiership football in the closing games of every one of those seasons, we're currently mid-table in the championship, we won our last game. How much more of this nothing can you take?

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Re: demonstration

by joe999 » 31 Aug 2010 01:56

Arch So how long has this sickness been building? We've been in the top two flights for eight years in row, been at least in with a shout of Premiership football in the closing games of every one of those seasons, we're currently mid-table in the championship, we won our last game. How much more of this nothing can you take?

You do know YOU'RE in the minority now don't you? You're speaking like there's literally nothing to complain about. If it wasn't for a lack of investment we'd still be in the premiership. What annoys me is that we're the only club in this league not spending any cash. It's pathetic. As I keep saying, if you're happy to throw all your money at something and have it basically burnt, then that's fine, but that's not good enough for me.

"Premiership ambition" It's a joke.

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Re: demonstration

by Arch » 31 Aug 2010 02:10

I honestly don't know if I'm in the minority or not, and I don't care one way or the other. I can see things going badly in the future, but I judge the club's strategy on results. In the big picture, our results up to and including the latest season have been more than adequate. As for this year - challenging for promotion would be great, top half would be respectable for a club like ours, bottom half would be poor, and being in a relegation scrap would be unacceptably bad. If we're relegated it will be a shocking indictment of the running of this club. And you can quote me on any of that, but not until it's happened.

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Re: demonstration

by joe999 » 31 Aug 2010 02:13

Arch I honestly don't know if I'm in the minority or not, and I don't care one way or the other. I can see things going badly in the future, but I judge the club's strategy on results. In the big picture, our results up to and including the latest season have been more than adequate. As for this year - challenging for promotion would be great, top half would be respectable for a club like ours, bottom half would be poor, and being in a relegation scrap would be unacceptably bad. If we're relegated it will be a shocking indictment of the running of this club. And you can quote me on any of that, but not until it's happened.

Ok that's fine, but surely based on our squad, performances and the fact our results and final standings have been getting worse, as depressing and pessimistic as it is, it's looking like it's going to be something from the latter part of that list? Prevention is better than cure, and if something can be done sooner rather than later, surely it should be.

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Re: demonstration

by Arch » 31 Aug 2010 02:15

I'd like to see some prevention tomorrow, no question.

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Re: demonstration

by joe999 » 31 Aug 2010 02:18

Arch I'd like to see some prevention tomorrow, no question.

Oh believe me, so do I, more than anything. But don't you agree it's a bit off if there's err.... no "prevention"?

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