by Snowball » 05 Oct 2010 21:32
by Hoop Blah » 05 Oct 2010 22:02
by Starry Blue Hooped Wonder » 05 Oct 2010 22:04
by Horsham Royal » 05 Oct 2010 22:59
Snowball Anyone know what sort of percentages normally apply, dead-ball situation goals v open-play?
by Ian Royal » 05 Oct 2010 23:33
Hoop Blah You don't really pay much attention when you watch games do you?
by Snowball » 06 Oct 2010 00:39
Ian RoyalHoop Blah You don't really pay much attention when you watch games do you?
I'm still trying to work out how on earth anyone who's watched more than a dozen games over a few years could think that a goal came from roughly one in ten corners. Especially given how crap we've always seemed to be at them historically.
by 26-10-06 » 06 Oct 2010 12:06
Ian RoyalHoop Blah You don't really pay much attention when you watch games do you?
I'm still trying to work out how on earth anyone who's watched more than a dozen games over a few years could think that a goal came from roughly one in ten corners. Especially given how crap we've always seemed to be at them historically.
by Magnus » 08 Oct 2010 11:19
by Millsy » 08 Oct 2010 21:46
by papereyes » 08 Oct 2010 22:21
He is doing the board a massive service by providing the stats.
It provides very interesting reading and generates fantastic discussion.
It seems to me that a lot of folk here love to hide behind the fuzziness of their unsubstantiated opinions i.e. "I've watched X games and I have a better footballing brain than all of you and from what I've seen I think x, y, z and if you disagree with me you're wrong" and as soon as some hard facts turn up toys start being thrown out the pram.
by Ian Royal » 08 Oct 2010 22:33
papereyesHe is doing the board a massive service by providing the stats.
It provides very interesting reading and generates fantastic discussion.
The main problems are that
a) as shown in this thread, he doesn't really follow the games. The 'stats' are all after-the-fact outcomes. There's no real attempt to think through the processes by which the stats come about, making them really rather one dimensional. If he gave insight into the process rather than the outcome then he might be useful. As it is, he's just a database with all the wit that implies.
b) For a 'statistician', he seems quite happy to take small sample sizes and unequal situations and make no account for the significance of any differences.
c) he really doesn't take counter-arguments well. My main memory is one where he argued a pro-Marek point and someone equally convincingly argued that Marek's presence had made no difference. Didn't take that well ...
He has a place, but don't think these stats are getting near the be-all and end-all.
The best things to hold against him would be ...
*proving that Bristol City couldn't beat us over pages and pages (and then, guess what, they did)
*his 'intuitively' sentence at the start of the thread.It seems to me that a lot of folk here love to hide behind the fuzziness of their unsubstantiated opinions i.e. "I've watched X games and I have a better footballing brain than all of you and from what I've seen I think x, y, z and if you disagree with me you're wrong" and as soon as some hard facts turn up toys start being thrown out the pram.
I agree with that but I think he rarely actually shows much real insight. Very rarely. Its all about the weight of numbers and strength of bluster.
That said, he's better than 99 % of the board. Sentences and punctuation, for a start ...
by Snowball » 09 Oct 2010 02:47
by SLAMMED » 09 Oct 2010 04:09
by Snowball » 14 Oct 2010 23:55
SLAMMED Another pointless thread.
My main memory is one where he argued a pro-Marek point and someone equally convincingly argued that Marek's presence had made no difference. Didn't take that well ...
by SLAMMED » 14 Oct 2010 23:57
SnowballSLAMMED Another pointless thread.
I see you ducked my challenge to your BS statement
by papereyes » 15 Oct 2010 11:01
SnowballSLAMMED Another pointless thread.
I see you ducked my challenge to your BS statement
My main memory is one where he argued a pro-Marek point and someone equally convincingly argued that Marek's presence had made no difference. Didn't take that well ...
Wanna try again, or will you admit your error?
by Snowball » 15 Oct 2010 11:16
Didn't even bother reading your post mate. Same old shit, different stats.
by Snowball » 15 Oct 2010 11:18
Also, you've just had a go at SLAMMED when it was me who made that statment.
Given that you can't get it right within a thread, I don't hold out hope over a period of weeks or months.
by Wimb » 15 Oct 2010 11:26
papereyesHe is doing the board a massive service by providing the stats.
It provides very interesting reading and generates fantastic discussion.
The main problems are that
a) as shown in this thread, he doesn't really follow the games. The 'stats' are all after-the-fact outcomes. There's no real attempt to think through the processes by which the stats come about, making them really rather one dimensional. If he gave insight into the process rather than the outcome then he might be useful. As it is, he's just a database with all the wit that implies.
b) For a 'statistician', he seems quite happy to take small sample sizes and unequal situations and make no account for the significance of any differences.
c) he really doesn't take counter-arguments well. My main memory is one where he argued a pro-Marek point and someone equally convincingly argued that Marek's presence had made no difference. Didn't take that well ...
He has a place, but don't think these stats are getting near the be-all and end-all.
The best things to hold against him would be ...
*proving that Bristol City couldn't beat us over pages and pages (and then, guess what, they did)
*his 'intuitively' sentence at the start of the thread.It seems to me that a lot of folk here love to hide behind the fuzziness of their unsubstantiated opinions i.e. "I've watched X games and I have a better footballing brain than all of you and from what I've seen I think x, y, z and if you disagree with me you're wrong" and as soon as some hard facts turn up toys start being thrown out the pram.
I agree with that but I think he rarely actually shows much real insight. Very rarely. Its all about the weight of numbers and strength of bluster.
That said, he's better than 99 % of the board. Sentences and punctuation, for a start ...
by papereyes » 15 Oct 2010 11:31
Also, you've just had a go at SLAMMED when it was me who made that statment.
Given that you can't get it right within a thread, I don't hold out hope over a period of weeks or months.
Dear, dear, dear. You know I often use caps for emphasis
and I'm pretty sure you know I wasn't referring to the
gentleman NAMED "Slammed"
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