Terminal Boardom Not sure if it is irrational or not but I can't abide Brian Howard. He epitomises everything to me that is wrong with football. There are far better footballers playing park football on a Sunday morning.
No there aren't
by Silver Fox » 25 Oct 2010 14:49
Terminal Boardom Not sure if it is irrational or not but I can't abide Brian Howard. He epitomises everything to me that is wrong with football. There are far better footballers playing park football on a Sunday morning.
by papereyes » 25 Oct 2010 14:52
by Vision » 25 Oct 2010 14:56
by Elmer Park » 25 Oct 2010 15:03
by General B » 25 Oct 2010 15:07
by Hoop Blah » 25 Oct 2010 15:14
by ZacNaloen » 25 Oct 2010 15:23
by Hugo Boss » 25 Oct 2010 15:36
by Ark Royal » 25 Oct 2010 15:47
by Maguire » 25 Oct 2010 16:26
Hugo Boss Likes: None.
Dislikes: Every single player in our squad.
by Big Foot » 25 Oct 2010 16:41
Vision Dislike: Matt MillsAlso he came from Doncaster with the selling point of being the leader of that passing side. Problem is he can't pass even 5 yards accurately most of the time. He covers up for this though by attempting 70 yard cross-field punts in the misguided belief that it is somehow more acceptable when he oxf*rd this up.
by Royal Lady » 25 Oct 2010 16:41
by Tony Le Mesmer » 25 Oct 2010 17:19
by blue_army1871 » 25 Oct 2010 17:35
by Franchise FC » 25 Oct 2010 17:46
Vision Remember this one from before. My like was Little (obviously) and my dislike was Murty.
Now its....
Like: Andy Griffin. If he can still cut it looking like he does then theres still hope for me making a comeback. Whenever I watch him I feel like I'm watching some old Sci-Fi programme where they've beamed a woodbine smoking,stout drinking bloke from the 40's into modern football. Add this to the fact that his arrival coincided with the true unleashing of Kebe and that while everyone else runs around like headless chickens as is the wont of the modern footballer he just strolls around making it look all so easy. He's also expert at the sly,cynical cheap shot which will always go down well with me. Basically he's a dirty filthy plodding throwback. Whats not to like?
Dislike: Matt Mills. Where to start? Well taking aside the obvious jealousy factor, I'll start at the beginning. Rodgers' marquee signing that Rodgers didn't want to play. How shit must you be to have pretty much a whole transfer budget spent on you and then be left out for Alex Pearce?. Also he came from Doncaster with the selling point of being the leader of that passing side. Problem is he can't pass even 5 yards accurately most of the time. He covers up for this though by attempting 70 yard cross-field punts in the misguided belief that it is somehow more acceptable when he oxf*rd this up. He finds utterly pointless ways of getting booked & then tries to give it the "man of the people" bollox by slumming it with the fans on away games he's not playing in. Oh and keep your middle finger to yourself dickhead.
However all of that is nothing compared to the real reason I hate him which is because he's taken up this spot that should have been given over that rotund ex Swindon fraudster Brian Howard.
by leww_rfc » 25 Oct 2010 17:50
Tony Le Mesmer I dislike any 'promising' youngster who is essentially shit. Because it seems our entire mong squad would spunk all over his shirt for no other reason than he is from our Academy. Alex Pearce being a perfect example. Or that lollaping bafoon Antonio.
by bassavage » 25 Oct 2010 18:36
by Royal With Cheese » 25 Oct 2010 19:25
by seahawk10 » 25 Oct 2010 20:12
bassavage Surprised no-one has mentioned Brynjar Gunnarsson yet. He's slow, getting on a bit, quiet, dull, never really been the first choice CM since he's been here, but isn't there to like about him? Wherever he's told to play whether it be CM, RB or CB he'll just get on and do his job. There's so many memorable moments involving him too - beginning with the double against Sheff Utd, scoring the first in the 6-0 against West Ham, the equaliser at Old Trafford in the Cup, smashing the crossbar in the last minute in the replay of that tie, his goal against Blackburn on the last day 06/07 (still one of my favourite Reading goals) and of course, that nutmeg and cross at Anfield in January. I love him, and RFC won't be the same when he leaves/retires.
by NR_Royal » 25 Oct 2010 20:16
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