Long - Time to go.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 16:22

cmonurz Bolding responses, capitalising them, underlining, and calling people twats, is not 'responding' in that sense. You come across as angered, and impatient that such little people would question your facts.

again- as an impartial observer- theres insults flying from both sides, and it looks like mostly snowballs are in response to ones directed his way.

not from you per se, yours seem at least to be without namecalling and swearing, but its easy to lump everyone in th esame group when being attacked on here.
same with the RTG Vs STG fight. if you say anything positive you are automatically lumped in with every comment anyone has ever made in support of the club/players

Seems to me you're being deliberately obtuse.

:lol: :wink:

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 16:26

cmonurz They decide to hate Shane Long and that's it. He's no good. End. If he scored a couple of hat-tricks and then a few braces
and ended up on 19 goals for the season, maybe 2 or 3 would get as far as saying, "He got a bit lucky, kept finding shit
keepers, the defenders were tired, he was wearing illegal boots, and, anyway, Kebe laid 18 of those goals on a plate for him."

Perhaps Snowball, you can give us undeniable proof that such an attitude exists on this board, because I can tell you if Shane Long scores 19 or 20 goals this season, I will be praising him until the cows come home, perhaps once again as the supporter of a Premier League team.

again- maybe hes guilty of hyperbole and exaggeration there- but you know that kind of thing happens all teh time, i can give you a list of players as long as my arm who have been written off, and it takes a year of great play before they are given any credit.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by cmonurz » 04 Nov 2010 16:29

Seems to me you're being deliberately obtuse.

:lol: :wink:

Fact - every time I use 'obtuse' I think of that scene in Shawshank. :lol:

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 16:30

Wycombe Royal
brendywendy stop screeching every time he posts, and he'll probably stop posting as much.
the end.

I have responded to a fraction of his posts, and only some have been critical/sarcastic. I think you have defended him far more times than I have criticised so get off that high horse of yours.

And by the way, my comment you responded too was a sarcastic one. Interesting that you bit and Snowball didn't...........

oh carry on then you big gaylord.
just trying to say it looks to me to be about 50-50
that it would stop if you stopped, just the same as if he stopped
and it looks to me like you lot are as much to blame for ruining threads as he is.
and yet again you cant seem to be able to deal with someone disagreeing with you.
thats how it looks, regardless of how irritated anyone is with the statspam

just saying like.

peace. out.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 16:32

Wycombe Royal
And by the way, my comment you responded too was a sarcastic one. Interesting that you bit and Snowball didn't...........

2nd gayest thing ever posted

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Snowball » 04 Nov 2010 16:35

Wycombe Royal
Royal Rother Are you sure he's only scored 2 goals this season?

For Reading, yes.

I don't care that he has scored for Ireland. Different team mates, different style of play. Not relevant to his performances for Reading.

It's very relevant two two things

1. His true ability.
2. Whether he can score goals in open play. (8 last half-a-season)
3. The fact that RFC's 4-5-1 makes striker goals rarer

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Wycombe Royal » 04 Nov 2010 16:36

Wycombe Royal
And by the way, my comment you responded too was a sarcastic one. Interesting that you bit and Snowball didn't...........

2nd gayest thing ever posted

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Wycombe Royal » 04 Nov 2010 16:43

Wycombe Royal
Royal Rother Are you sure he's only scored 2 goals this season?

For Reading, yes.

I don't care that he has scored for Ireland. Different team mates, different style of play. Not relevant to his performances for Reading.

It's very relevant two two things

1. His true ability.
2. Whether he can score goals in open play. (8 last half-a-season)
3. The fact that RFC's 4-5-1 makes striker goals rarer

No it isn't relevant. A player can play great for one team and useless for another - which is his true ability? Answer it is only his performances for his current team that count. In relation to RFC it is only his performances for Reading that count, not what he does for Ireland.

As for his ability to score form open play, we know he can do that as he has done it before for us, but on current form he is missing the chances that are coming his way. Even your stats will show that.

And as for the 451 system making striker goals rarer, yes they probably you would stille expect his to have scored a couple from open play by now, if not then he isn't the right striker for the system and either the striker or the system needs to be changed.

Yes I want his to play well for Ireland (I'm part Irish myself) but it has nothing to do with how he performs in our team.

Take David Healy - great international scoring record for NI, but very average in league football.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Hoop Blah » 04 Nov 2010 17:12

Hoop Blah Seemed a bit hypocritical to me thats all.

isnt that just what everyone else is doing, but in reverse.

so hes a hypocrite.most people are some of the time.

i dont see why its such a big thing, and it certainly is all of you against one, which seems unfair, and hence why i felt the need to even comment on the gayfest

Is everyone else being a hypocrite? No.

Most of the other people posting are saying that some stats and different viewpoints are interesting and are/were willing to discuss them on their merits.

He won't discuss them (his stats or opinions) or accept that any view that isn't supported by stats are credible. The likes of IR, comonurz , Wycombe and Vision are quite open to stats and an open discussion of others views but this guy is just frimmers'esque in his jumping around and refusal to accept he's wrong.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 17:18

Hoop Blah
Hoop Blah Seemed a bit hypocritical to me thats all.

isnt that just what everyone else is doing, but in reverse.

so hes a hypocrite.most people are some of the time.

i dont see why its such a big thing, and it certainly is all of you against one, which seems unfair, and hence why i felt the need to even comment on the gayfest

Is everyone else being a hypocrite? No.

Most of the other people posting are saying that some stats and different viewpoints are interesting and are/were willing to discuss them on their merits.

He won't discuss them (his stats or opinions) or accept that any view that isn't supported by stats are credible. The likes of IR, comonurz , Wycombe and Vision are quite open to stats and an open discussion of others views but this guy is just frimmers'esque in his jumping around and refusal to accept he's wrong.

but like i said earlier- who cares- who made you the hypocrite police? why do you feel the need keep having a go about the same thing?

lol at getting irritated cos someone wont admit theyre wrong on an internet forum.

hes nailed his colors to the shane long mast and you may LOl repeatedly when at teh end of the season shane long still hasnt scored from open play


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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Hoop Blah » 04 Nov 2010 17:30

The hypocratie council made me the hypocrite police, that's who.

I tried to have a discussion with him about the points he raised. That's kind of the idea of the board isn't it? He wouldn't really discuss it, I tried again, pointed out the issues I had with it and then got bored.

I'm only answering you're questions here as I've given up on the debate as it's pointless and it's killing any sensible discussion. If you didn't want an answer then don't ask me the question then get uppety when you get one.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Victor Meldrew » 04 Nov 2010 17:50

Always_Royal To get this thread back on track this is BM's take on Shane and I for one never boo a RFC player no matter what.

http://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/sport ... s-critics/?

BTW Snowball I enjoy reading your stats and constructive opinions.

What the f*** is Brian on about?
What is he doing making the player go out and play when he has just thrown up before the game and again at half-time? It's not as if we are like a Sunday side with just 11 players being available.
I like Brian but this decision nearly cost us the game.
With there being so little to choose between our 3 strikers why on earth didn't Church or Hunt start in his place?
Shane is no Lionel Messi or Ronaldo he is a run-of-the-mill footballer and as Saturday showed we can actually do better without him.
A very poor decision by our manager who appears to have as much a fixation with the player as Snowball does and that IMHO is unhealthy.
Last edited by Victor Meldrew on 04 Nov 2010 17:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 17:50

Hoop Blah The hypocratie council made me the hypocrite police, that's who.

I tried to have a discussion with him about the points he raised. That's kind of the idea of the board isn't it? He wouldn't really discuss it, I tried again, pointed out the issues I had with it and then got bored.

I'm only answering you're questions here as I've given up on the debate as it's pointless and it's killing any sensible discussion. If you didn't want an answer then don't ask me the question then get uppety when you get one.

not bored enough to actually stop!

i see where you are coming from. i can also see his point of view.
why cant we all just get along etc :cry:

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 17:56

Victor Meldrew
Always_Royal To get this thread back on track this is BM's take on Shane and I for one never boo a RFC player no matter what.

http://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/sport ... s-critics/?

BTW Snowball I enjoy reading your stats and constructive opinions.

What the f*** is Brian on about?
What is he doing making the player go out and play when he has just thrown up before the game and again at half-time? It's not as if we are like a Sunday side with just 11 players being available.
I like Brian but this decision nearly cost us the game.
With there being so little to choose between our 3 strikers why on earth didn't Church or Hunt start in his place?
Shane is no Lionel Messi or Ronaldo he is a run-of-the-mill footballer and as Saturday showed we can actually do better without him.
A very poor decision by our manager who appears to have as much a fixation with the player as Snowball does and that IMHO is unhealthy.

:| :roll: :| :roll: :| :roll: :|

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Always_Royal » 04 Nov 2010 18:21

Wycombe Royal
Always_Royal To get this thread back on track this is BM's take on Shane and I for one never boo a RFC player no matter what.

http://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/sport ... s-critics/?

Personally I didn't understand the fans reaction to him when he was substituted, but then I never boo a player as I think it is counter-productive. But I can understand the frustration of some fans as Shane is a striker and his job is to score goals, and regardless of what he has contributed he has only scored two penalties and missed quite a few golden opportunities to score from open play.

I pretty well agree with this, booing players is counter-productive. One thing's for sure and that's Shane always gives his all every match, but not had the luck lately. We need to get behind him and give him the confidence to start scoring again and not slate him.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Ian Royal » 04 Nov 2010 18:24

Why should everyone just allow someone to post absolute nonsense? When people think I do it they tell me. It's exactly the same for everyone. Many of us will defend our views robustly, fair enough, if you don't have faith in your opinion what's the point in having it?

The problem lies in that once you debate the relevance or accuracy of snowball's posts you are locked into an argument with him that will almost never end, inevitably leads to personal sniping (and I know I'm guilty of that, more than him originally, but certainly not now).

If snowball isn't capable of having a rational debate then he has no genuine place on a discussion forum. And the very fact there there are basically no threads he involves himself in which don't descend into this nonsense suggests to me he isn't.

Hell I've even largely agreed with him in posts several times since I spent a month away and somehow he's still managed to end up in an argument with me just because I haven't whole heartedly backed every minute detail of his post. At least that's the way it seems.

His style means it is impossible to avoid him in threads he contributes to because someone will respond and then it's the snowball show from then on in. That makes it near impossible to carry on the original discussion, which sometimes has very little to do with snowball.

And for every argument that cmonurz or Hoop or I am stalking him, there is an equally valid argument that he is stalking us. Afterall he was all over a thread I created about our scoring rates a few weeks ago which he took completely away from the intended discussion. He seems to enjoy his tedious, condescending and childish references to mysself and cmonurz rather too much.


Back on topic, I'm surprised Long got booed. He is working hard and contributing a lot of positives. And he is possibly the best in terms of work rate for the one up front, at least until Hunt is back in form and fitness. But his finishing in the highlights I've seen and three of the last four matches which I have watched in their entirety is very poor.

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Always_Royal » 04 Nov 2010 18:28

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 18:33

Why should everyone just allow someone to post absolute nonsense? When people think I do it they tell me. It's exactly the same for everyone. Many of us will defend our views robustly, fair enough, if you don't have faith in your opinion what's the point in having it?

The problem lies in that once you debate the relevance or accuracy of snowball's posts you are locked into an argument with him that will almost never end, inevitably leads to personal sniping (and I know I'm guilty of that, more than him originally, but certainly not now).

If snowball isn't capable of having a rational debate then he has no genuine place on a discussion forum. And the very fact there there are basically no threads he involves himself in which don't descend into this nonsense suggests to me he isn't.

Hell I've even largely agreed with him in posts several times since I spent a month away and somehow he's still managed to end up in an argument with me just because I haven't whole heartedly backed every minute detail of his post. At least that's the way it seems.

His style means it is impossible to avoid him in threads he contributes to because someone will respond and then it's the snowball show from then on in. That makes it near impossible to carry on the original discussion, which sometimes has very little to do with snowball.

And for every argument that cmonurz or Hoop or I am stalking him, there is an equally valid argument that he is stalking us. Afterall he was all over a thread I created about our scoring rates a few weeks ago which he took completely away from the intended discussion. He seems to enjoy his tedious, condescending and childish references to mysself and cmonurz rather too much.

thats just not how it comes across to me.

but then perhaps we need some stats on this gay argument to help me moderate my opinion that was formed based on the evidence of my eyes.

how many posts each, how many insults thrown etc

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by Ian Royal » 04 Nov 2010 18:34

Damn, I think Long is holding us back and vice versa. Much in the way that moving on from Forster and bringing Kitson through helped us take a big step forward.

I think we need better and this means we aren't going to get it. I don't think he's ever going to be the regular goalscorering starter we need. But then stranger things have happened and maybe we will bring in better and relegate him to squad player (seems unlikely).

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Re: Long - Time to go.

by brendywendy » 04 Nov 2010 18:36

good news imo
comments from brian and hammond spot on

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