under the tinRev Algenon Stickleback H whereas if we don't balance the books, and run up losses of a couple of a million a year or so, everything will be fine and dandy.
That's based on the supposition that the club is able to break even.
I have my doubts as to the achievability of that aim.
If the only way to plug the gap is to sell off the silver, then I would suggest that would be to the general denigration of the playing strength.
(Of course, there are exceptions, how much did we mug off Norwich for Andy Hughes?)
I happen to believe that this sort of policy presents a clear and present danger to the club's ability to compete at ths level.
It's perfectly relevant to make the comparison with the household budget.
Yes, I understand that outgoings need to be kept under control, but equally, income needs to be sustained, or the debts will mount anyway.
Were we to to get relegated, because our playing strength was not competitive at this level, that will undoubtedly have an effect on the club's income, and our could still be facing your "couple of million a year" losses in a few years time, but at a lower level. Same nett result.
See that is the key, there has to be a middle ground. It's all well and good saying we need to be run as a business. But how is that possible with out levels of income and wages the way they are? The key to our success in recent years has been outside investment from JM. He allowed us to always invest and always move the team forward, that led to our success.
It's easy to say that we need to run a profit, that anyone who says otherwise is a 'mong'. But the real question is how does this club move forward? Cause we have all seen what happens when a club stands still.