by glass half full » 07 Nov 2010 19:26
by Snowball » 07 Nov 2010 19:26
I didn'nt notice him make the gesture, but IF he did, then it was a good point well made. The 'Long-time to go' thread is 38 pages long (ok, 37 of them are Snowball!) because so many people think he's no good. He knows we think that and after scoring a belter he makes a gesture that says "what do you think of that then eh?!". How on earth is that a lack of respect!
And lets be honest, we don't pay his wages and I do not feel disrespected.
Oh, and one more thing, we weren't playing like utter dogshit, we were just being outclassed away from home by a team who haven't been beaten in the league all season, on double our wages with a player in Faurlin who is was bought for 3.5m and Taarabt who was playing a blinder.
by Big Foot » 07 Nov 2010 19:47
Croydon Royal PPPS – I don’t think I’ve seen us win away from home now since Doncaster away last year, having missed the Burnley and Leicester games. You’ll be all glad to know that I’m not going to Watford!
by handbags_harris » 07 Nov 2010 19:48
Row Z RoyalBandini and the guy a bit to the right of the goal having the staring contest with the steward in the last few minutes appeared to be an utter twat - he must have been late 20s/early 30s, but came across as being a petulant toddler.
by Snowball » 07 Nov 2010 19:53
by Bandini » 07 Nov 2010 19:58
Snowball Is a defeat up there so bad?
by Big Foot » 07 Nov 2010 20:03
BandiniSnowball Is a defeat up there so bad?
Being outplayed by 10 men isn't the best though.
by Bandini » 07 Nov 2010 20:12
Big FootBandiniSnowball Is a defeat up there so bad?
Being outplayed by 10 men isn't the best though.
Do the other team get an extra point for going down to 10 men?It's completely irrelevant when the ink is dry
by PistolPete » 07 Nov 2010 20:16
Fans pay his wages.
Lack of respect.
Two complete-load-of-bollocks-talksportesque statements that piss me off no end.
I didn'nt notice him make the gesture, but IF he did, then it was a good point well made. The 'Long-time to go' thread is 38 pages long (ok, 37 of them are Snowball!) because so many people think he's no good. He knows we think that and after scoring a belter he makes a gesture that says "what do you think of that then eh?!". How on earth is that a lack of respect!
And lets be honest, we don't pay his wages and I do not feel disrespected.
Oh, and one more thing, we weren't playing like utter dogshit, we were just being outclassed away from home by a team who haven't been beaten in the league all season, on double our wages with a player in Faurlin who is was bought for 3.5m and Taarabt who was playing a blinder.
Well, given that the club's main source of income is season ticket sales, yes we bloody well do pay his wages.
And given that he is paid handsomely, he has no right to do the whole 'badly done to baby' thing when he finally decides to do his job.
And we were very, very shit yesterday. Taarabt and Faurlin were not the only differences.
by glass half full » 07 Nov 2010 20:17
by floyd__streete » 07 Nov 2010 20:25
PistolPete "Hi Winchester Royal, I'd like to offer you a 10k per week contract at Reading and, when we've got your fitness up to scratch, we'll start playing you up front on your own in a tough league"
'Er, no thanks John. I wont be able to keep Hob Nob readers happy so I think I'll stick to my current job - albeit I'll be turning down a dream..."
"But Winchester, we pay a manager to pick the team. If he thinks your good enough surely the fans will blame the manager if you're no good and you keep getting picked?"
"You'd think so John, the thing is, Reading fans are a bit odd..."
by winchester_royal » 07 Nov 2010 20:29
floyd__streetePistolPete "Hi Winchester Royal, I'd like to offer you a 10k per week contract at Reading and, when we've got your fitness up to scratch, we'll start playing you up front on your own in a tough league"
'Er, no thanks John. I wont be able to keep Hob Nob readers happy so I think I'll stick to my current job - albeit I'll be turning down a dream..."
"But Winchester, we pay a manager to pick the team. If he thinks your good enough surely the fans will blame the manager if you're no good and you keep getting picked?"
"You'd think so John, the thing is, Reading fans are a bit odd..."
Jesus H., you think it is only Reading fans who get on the back of players who don't perform? I think that the kind of reaction you saw against Doncaster when he was subbed was more indicative of the dissatisfaction of the fan to modern football where you pay £25 week-in week-out to see.....well, often it isn't a great product is it, lets be honest.
And my heart positively bleeds for those poor blighters getting paid so handsomely and apparently unable to button it and show a bit of decorum when those supporters - who have paid through the nose for the privilege of attending, remember - get a little frustrated at seeing their hard-earned spaffed away on such poor entertainment. If you're getting some stick, knuckle-down, work-harder and dare I say get a bit better at your job.....otherwise the alternative is a 9-5 toil 5 days a week like the rest of us. You are privileged so show some f*cking respect.
by gazzer, loyal royal » 07 Nov 2010 20:37
by PistolPete » 07 Nov 2010 20:38
floyd__streetePistolPete "Hi Winchester Royal, I'd like to offer you a 10k per week contract at Reading and, when we've got your fitness up to scratch, we'll start playing you up front on your own in a tough league"
'Er, no thanks John. I wont be able to keep Hob Nob readers happy so I think I'll stick to my current job - albeit I'll be turning down a dream..."
"But Winchester, we pay a manager to pick the team. If he thinks your good enough surely the fans will blame the manager if you're no good and you keep getting picked?"
"You'd think so John, the thing is, Reading fans are a bit odd..."
Jesus H., you think it is only Reading fans who get on the back of players who don't perform? I think that the kind of reaction you saw against Doncaster when he was subbed was more indicative of the dissatisfaction of the fan to modern football where you pay £25 week-in week-out to see.....well, often it isn't a great product is it, lets be honest.
And my heart positively bleeds for those poor blighters getting paid so handsomely and apparently unable to button it and show a bit of decorum when those supporters - who have paid through the nose for the privilege of attending, remember - get a little frustrated at seeing their hard-earned spaffed away on such poor entertainment. If you're getting some stick, knuckle-down, work-harder and dare I say get a bit better at your job.....otherwise the alternative is a 9-5 toil 5 days a week like the rest of us. You are privileged so show some f*cking respect.
by Victor Meldrew » 07 Nov 2010 20:43
by gazzer, loyal royal » 07 Nov 2010 20:47
by PistolPete » 07 Nov 2010 20:48
by Elm Park Old Boy » 07 Nov 2010 20:52
gazzer, loyal royal I think the celebration was a little bit of frustration coupled with relief.
It may have been a celebration that he wanted to hear more noise from the away end.
Remember he said that footballers do read these websites, even though they shouldn't. The last month Long has got a lot of undeserved stick. It's not easy playing up front on your own, let a lone for a guy who only started playing football when he was 16. The guy closes down brilliantly, wins more than his fair share of headers/flick ons and does hold the ball up well.
Surely it's just a sign of passion, and after scoring a goal like that, you deserve to react the way you want to. He was probably, apart from Fed our best player yesterday and will only get better
by Sarah Star » 07 Nov 2010 20:53
PistolPete I miss Bertrand too
by floyd__streete » 07 Nov 2010 21:00
PistolPete And you're right - it's not just Reading fans - it's all football fans. I've fallen out of love with the game but just not Reading FC (it's my dads fault!)
We don't have Adebayor on 200k+ a week giving it the African dance when he scores for his Mancunian fans, we don't have Rooney on £150k a week moaning that his team mates aren't up to it, we don't have Andy Caroll snorting cocaine in his spare time or a player like Anelka who wanted to move to a new club every other season. No, we've got Shane Long who tries his heart out every game to justify his place and salary.
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