floyd__streete Snowball 19 ON 15 Off. So he's averaging a shot on target per game, a little less than a miss per game

he's managing to get a mere single shot on target each game? F*ck me, that is even more woeful than I expected.
Guys, how many chances do you think strikers actually GET?
Here is Doyle's last season.
In 39 (02) games he had 74 shots LESS than 2 per game2008-09 43 31 18 39 02 39.34 Games Doyle
2008-09 32 32 13 29 10 30.70 Games Hunt
2008-09 17 15 09 15 26 19.42 Games Long
2008-09 16 10 02 09 01 09.17 Games Kitson
2008-09 11 10 01 08 04 08.68 Games Lita
That's raw data Year -ON target- OFF - Goals - Starts - Sub - "Games"
Now look at it when you divide by number of games. Guess who was the most prolific?
YEAR --- ON - OFF G/Gme ST Sb Games
2008-09 1.09 0.79 0.458 39 02 39.34 Doyle
2008-09 1.04 1.04 0.423 29 10 30.70 Hunt
2008-09 0.88 0.77 0.463 15 26 19.42 Long
2008-09 1.74 1.09 0.218 09 01 09.17 Kitson
2008-09 1.27 1.15 0.115 08 04 08.68 Lita
.463 Goals per Game LONG
.458 Goals per Game DOYLE
.423 Goals per Game HUNT
.218 Goals per Game KITSON
.115 Goals per Game LITA
SHOTS PER GAME 2008-092.83 shots per game Kitson (second worst in terms of GOALS per game)
2.42 shots per game Lita (but total crap in terms of GOALS)
2.08 shots per game Hunt (middle on shots and middle on goals)
1.88 shots per Game Doyle (second least shots per game, but near-top on Goals per game)
1.65 shots per game Long (but BEST in terms of GOALS per game)