papereyes Brilliant

I know it's in the past, and I know I shouldn't, but I absolutely loathe, detest and hate The Sham. When I was a kid collecting football programmes like some kids collect stamps, The Sham were my "second team" after RFC. Their programme was small, but had about 36 pages, crammed full of stats, info, and not a single advert in sight. Of course ut helped they had the likes of Moore, Peters, Hurst et al.
Sadly, after the lying, thieving, scheming, coniving bastard Brooking stole Judas from us, I have had a pathological hatred of the man and the club.
I SO wish someone would unearth the taped interview of Brooking with Ray Stubbs on Football Focus, where, on LIVE TV, the charlatan actually said these words about The Sham's attempts to entice Judas from his contract : "We've tried the legal approach to get 'our' man. That didn't work, so we'll now try the illegal approach". Ray Stubbs couldn't believe what he was hearing, and IIRC tried to backtrack on Brooking's behalf, but the bastard was adamant he was going to get Judas and nothing as tawdry as a contract with a little club like RFC was going to stop him.
This remember, from a Knight of the Realm, and a Director of the FA!!!!
My oxf*rd arse Brooking you oxf*rd pcunt of a bastard!!!!
I would LOVE to get hold of a copy of that interview and post it on YouTube , sending a copy to the FA and asking for their comments!!!
Yes, it's old hat, old news, I should get over it, but everytime I see that pcunts face I want to put my size 10's through the bloody TV screen!!!!!