handbags_harris This is a bit like me and an extensive restaurant menu - in the same way that indecision is abound with what you want to eat, how the hell do you choose between different players? Would love to do this but I, for one, would never be satisfied with who I pick in particular positions.
And with all due respect to the likes of Webb, Sanchez, Friday, Gilkes, Kerr, Dillon, Hislop, Wdowczyk, A Williams, Quinn, Taylor and the many others who have set this club alight with their footballing prowess, who could really look further than the following?
Hahnemann, Murty, Shorey, Sonko, Ingimarsson, Little, Convey, Sidwell, Harper, Doyle, Kitson.
I'm afraid your choice lacks imagination.
No selection can omit our Robin...................sorry.