by loyalroyal4life » 08 May 2011 21:01
by Ian Herring » 08 May 2011 21:52
JoeyJoeJoeJnrShabadooIan Herring It's also quite amusing to note that such 'braggadocio' comes forward from living pretty humdrum and unsatisfying lives that need to be bolstered by such displays of semi-articulate nonsense. (Some Reading fans are as equally guilty of the same, especially when the club is doing well.)
You do get the odd set of fans who can and do exhibit a fine sense of humour - a balance of sarcasm and wit that comes off, and this rises and falls at clubs over the years.
However it should be remembered that a fair proportion of football fans are witless and almost terminally thick. When you factor in some ingrained boorishness and typically pack behaviour it's not entirely unsurprising to see it when it's exhibited en masse.
I'm not sure Derby are any worse than others.
They do have a very strange accent in Derby though. Even people from Leicester think they sound quite backward.
Anywhere where the menfolk address one another as 'duck' has to be slightly suspect; trophies, history or penis size notwithstanding.
It's not often you read a well structured and gramatically correct post on here these days.
Bravo to you sir!
by moo » 08 May 2011 23:05
SpaceCruisermoo Leave it out. They were alright when we got relegated at Pride Park to be fair.
Mmmmm. Right. I don't suppose you're old enough to remember the first away game at Pride Park when we got promoted to the second tier and them lot were relegated from the top flight?
Do the words "you're only here to see the champions" mean anything to you? And not just that, their manager was very insulting about us, something along the lines of "when you see that you're playing against Reading for the first game, you know you've just been relegated" or something like that.
They might have beaten us 3-0 that day, but that white headed twat did a lot of diving during that game.
by lozz2601 » 08 May 2011 23:16
SpaceCruisermoo Leave it out. They were alright when we got relegated at Pride Park to be fair.
Mmmmm. Right. I don't suppose you're old enough to remember the first away game at Pride Park when we got promoted to the second tier and them lot were relegated from the top flight?
Do the words "you're only here to see the champions" mean anything to you? And not just that, their manager was very insulting about us, something along the lines of "when you see that you're playing against Reading for the first game, you know you've just been relegated" or something like that.
They might have beaten us 3-0 that day, but that white headed twat did a lot of diving during that game.
by moo » 08 May 2011 23:21
by Ian Royal » 09 May 2011 00:38
by rabidbee » 09 May 2011 10:15
by Maguire » 09 May 2011 10:21
by brendywendy » 09 May 2011 10:25
by muddyfeet » 09 May 2011 10:29
by The Prisoner » 09 May 2011 11:23
by Gatecrasher » 09 May 2011 11:36
by brendywendy » 09 May 2011 11:39
by Man Friday » 09 May 2011 12:15
Gatecrasher yep Derby fans pretty much symbolises what bores me about football fans. The same old songs from all of them. The hugely imaginative "your support is fcuking shit" and "you've never won fcuk all".
Fact is they've never won fcuk all in front of most of there current supporters, we've seen the greatest time in our club's history.
How much respect would they have given Robbie Savage if he was playing his last game wearing a Reading shirt I wonder?
You could almost hear them congratulating themselves on how intensely funny they are. "Proper" football fans who of course never sing anything positive about their own team, just abuse us. It's all they have in their sad lives, wishing misfortune on others.
by sandman » 09 May 2011 12:54
by Svlad Cjelli » 09 May 2011 12:59
by Archie's penalty » 09 May 2011 13:25
Svlad Cjelli Surely the worst song ever is the crap "This is a shithole, I want to go home" that is sung absolutely everywhere by every set of fans?
Even worse when a set of fans from a provincial town with an identikit concrete and plastic bowl sing it about the identikit concrete and plastic bowl of an opposing team from a provincial town?
What used to be brilliant about football chants was the wit and originality. You still see it in occasional flashes, but most of the time it's the same old chants, repeated again and again, and every one in the catalogue being wheeled out at one time or another, whether it fits or not!
Tiresome, crap and utterly pathetic!
by Mr. Reading » 09 May 2011 13:27
Svlad Cjelli Surely the worst song ever is the crap "This is a shithole, I want to go home" that is sung absolutely everywhere by every set of fans?
Even worse when a set of fans from a provincial town with an identikit concrete and plastic bowl sing it about the identikit concrete and plastic bowl of an opposing team from a provincial town?
What used to be brilliant about football chants was the wit and originality. You still see it in occasional flashes, but most of the time it's the same old chants, repeated again and again, and every one in the catalogue being wheeled out at one time or another, whether it fits or not!
Tiresome, crap and utterly pathetic!
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 09 May 2011 13:53
moo Football fans in winding other fans up shocker.
by Bandini » 09 May 2011 13:54
Rev Algenon Stickleback H Not that were were immune to that. We'd often sign "is that all you take away?" even though the away following would be greater than what we took to their place.
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