Final tickets

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Re: Final tickets

by Seal » 24 May 2011 14:19

The Prisoner
Seal And what's all this about then?,,10354~2365835,00.html

Swansea getting extra tickets to get them past the 40,000 mark....

More of this.....

Wowsers...and I thought our fans weren't the most photogenic.

No it's no big deal just would be nice to break that psychological 40,000 mark.

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Re: Final tickets

by The Prisoner » 24 May 2011 14:39

The Prisoner
Seal And what's all this about then?,,10354~2365835,00.html

Swansea getting extra tickets to get them past the 40,000 mark....

More of this.....

Wowsers...and I thought our fans weren't the most photogenic.

No it's no big deal just would be nice to break that psychological 40,000 mark.

I know! Some proper in breeding west of the border :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Joke people! Joke!!!!!! :wink:

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Re: Final tickets

by The Prisoner » 24 May 2011 15:59

BOSH! We have been allocated a few more tickets (official text thingy from club). Allocation is now over 40,000!!!!!

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Re: Final tickets

by rob the royal » 24 May 2011 16:19

The Prisoner BOSH! We have been allocated a few more tickets (official text thingy from club). Allocation is now over 40,000!!!!!

Just been looking at the partially obstructed views... all I could find was a metal safety railing in front of you or a massive concrete wall with 2 TVs on it to help you see what's going on! LOLZ

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Re: Final tickets

by Chaney » 24 May 2011 16:20

62 coaches filled too

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Re: Final tickets

by Red » 24 May 2011 16:25

62 :!:

Who are all these people that think the best way to travel between Reading and Wembley is coach :?:

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Re: Final tickets

by Svlad Cjelli » 24 May 2011 16:27

Red 62 :!:

Who are all these people that think the best way to travel between Reading and Wembley is coach :?:

Don't worry - those coaches will have the cleanest windows in the world!

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Re: Final tickets

by Rob-Royal » 24 May 2011 16:41

Just called the TZ hotline and sure enough seats I thought I had were gone and now moved from block 135 to 137....

Bloke on phone was very good and apologetic, he also mentioned that the majority of issues were on the Thursday morning which seems to be a recurring theme.

I only called because no funds had come out of my account but was holding on the basis that I had received no call or email so presumed all was ok. TZ stated that they had sent me an email but I definitely didn't get it so if you're in the same position then I suggest calling quick so you can get near to where you wanted to sit!

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Re: Final tickets

by floyd__streete » 24 May 2011 18:11

Svlad Cjelli Official from RFC at 11.59 - NOW SOLD OUT!

SH!T. I knew there was something I had to do this week :shock: :cry:

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Re: Final tickets

by tink » 24 May 2011 19:48

We are emailing you regarding your recent INTERNET BOOKING for tickets to the the play off final
Our reports show that you experienced problems on-line and we have not been able to take payment and process your booking.

We have seats held for you on new BOOKING REFERENCE No xxxxxxx
Please be assured the seats held for you are equal to those you selected originally.
We just need to take your payment card details from you, to complete the booking process.

As soon as we receive your payment card details we can process the booking quickly and arrange for ticket dispatch
Please contact us immediately on 08444 99 99 55 and quote the reference above so we can process your booking .

Please note, even if you have received a confirmation email when you placed your booking, we still need to take payment from you to proceed

If we do not hear from by 6pm on Tuesday 24th May we will release the tickets currently held for you

Thank you for your co-operation and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Customer Services Team
Ticket Zone

If we do not hear from you by 6pm?!! What if I don't get home till 7 you oxf*rding useless pile of oxf*rd oxf*rds?! How hard can it be to organise the sale of a few thousand tickets?! Why in god's name has it taken you until Tuesday to work out you've double booked my tickets, when i ordered them on Saturday morning.

The only reason i have not gone down to Barnstaple and started a bloody riot is because when i phoned up at 7 they were still able to allocate me two seats, albeit in a different block and miles up in the gods, but at least i'm still going.

How can this incompetent bunch of cretins ever be allowed to run a ticket allocation service again? The one thing they are supposed to be able to do, they seem utterly incapable of doing.

If i was this sh!te at my job, i would be down the jobcentre at 9am tomorrow.

And breath. I'm still going to Wembley, but no thanks to Ticketzone.

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Re: Final tickets

by loyalroyal4life » 24 May 2011 19:53

so we have now got past 40k in tickets or have we sold this out too?

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Re: Final tickets

by tink » 24 May 2011 19:58

loyalroyal4life so we have now got past 40k in tickets or have we sold this out too?

Well the way TZ are going, we are going to need 60,000 tickets to re-allocate all the seats they've double-booked

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Re: Final tickets

by West Stand Man » 24 May 2011 21:28

Have Swansea experienced similar issues? A joint Reading /Swansea assault on TZ should result in someone at least considering terminating their contract

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Re: Final tickets

by finbarr » 24 May 2011 22:03


TZ have just debited 2 amounts from my account :roll: - 1 amount for £480 for 7 x £64 tickets (for which I only got a system error message and no confirmation order number) and 1 amount for £386 for 7 x £52 tickets (an order which went through correctly)

The 7 x £52 tickets arrived this morning........anyone else have this problem?

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Re: Final tickets

by moo » 24 May 2011 22:17

finbarr Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh

TZ have just debited 2 amounts from my account :roll: - 1 amount for £480 for 7 x £64 tickets (for which I only got a system error message and no confirmation order number) and 1 amount for £386 for 7 x £52 tickets (an order which went through correctly)

The 7 x £52 tickets arrived this morning........anyone else have this problem?

I'm sure you can flog them. Wonder what they do if you get the incorrect ones cancelled and then sell them ? Hmmmm

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Re: Final tickets

by finbarr » 24 May 2011 22:23

I am pretty sure they haven't allocated tickets to me - they've probably only taken the money. I'm also confident that a phone call tomorrow will get it sorted. It's just incredibly annoying when you find these things out in the evening and can't do anything about it. It'll teach me to look at my credit card statements before going to bed.
I'll let you know if the £64 tickets turn up tomorrow.....

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Re: Final tickets

by SouthDownsRoyal » 25 May 2011 00:25

finbarr Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhh

TZ have just debited 2 amounts from my account :roll: - 1 amount for £480 for 7 x £64 tickets (for which I only got a system error message and no confirmation order number) and 1 amount for £386 for 7 x £52 tickets (an order which went through correctly)

The 7 x £52 tickets arrived this morning........anyone else have this problem?

YES! exactly the same.

They said send back ones I dont need and I get refund

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Re: Final tickets

by finbarr » 25 May 2011 07:53

OK Thanks - I'll see if the tickets turn up today.

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Re: Final tickets

by Mr Angry » 25 May 2011 08:57

According to the OS, the tranche of tickets released yesterday are for "restricted view" seats; I thought that one of the purposes of spending £800M on a new National Stadium was that there wouldn't be any "restricted view" seats!


Hey ho.

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Re: Final tickets

by Stuka » 25 May 2011 09:02

Mr Angry According to the OS, the tranche of tickets released yesterday are for "restricted view" seats; I thought that one of the purposes of spending £800M on a new National Stadium was that there wouldn't be any "restricted view" seats!


Hey ho.

Obviously some seats are better than others but having variously sat in places throughout the new Wembley I can't say I'd describe any view as 'restricted'.

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