FAO Daytrippers

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Fezza » 30 May 2011 19:58

Avon Royal Fuck off and never come back.

That really mattered to some of us. Have never been so ashamed to be a Reading fan. What happened on the pitch was football, it happens. However, what happened in the stands was unforgivable. Getting real fans ejected because they show passion is lower than low. If you don't like shouting and swearing then stay at home.

Oh, and nobody gives a fuck if there are kids present.

Didn't see this, though the 3 chaps next to me on the halfway line did their best to be ejected prior to halftime having had 4 "last" warnings from the chief steward and didn't show in the second half.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Avon Royal » 30 May 2011 20:01

Avon Royal Fuck off and never come back.

That really mattered to some of us. Have never been so ashamed to be a Reading fan. What happened on the pitch was football, it happens. However, what happened in the stands was unforgivable. Getting real fans ejected because they show passion is lower than low. If you don't like shouting and swearing then stay at home.

Oh, and nobody gives a fuck if there are kids present.

Didn't see this, though the 3 chaps next to me on the halfway line did their best to be ejected prior to halftime having had 4 "last" warnings from the chief steward and didn't show in the second half.

Last warnings for what? Showing passion? Caring? If they weren't breaking any law then WTF were they warned for?

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by andrew1957 » 30 May 2011 20:07

I am really surprised to hear all this. I was in 125 and no issues that I saw - varied sitting and standing all match and no problems from other fans or stewards and plenty of passion being shown.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Fezza » 30 May 2011 20:08

Avon Royal
Avon Royal Fuck off and never come back.

That really mattered to some of us. Have never been so ashamed to be a Reading fan. What happened on the pitch was football, it happens. However, what happened in the stands was unforgivable. Getting real fans ejected because they show passion is lower than low. If you don't like shouting and swearing then stay at home.

Oh, and nobody gives a fuck if there are kids present.

Didn't see this, though the 3 chaps next to me on the halfway line did their best to be ejected prior to halftime having had 4 "last" warnings from the chief steward and didn't show in the second half.

Last warnings for what? Showing passion? Caring? If they weren't breaking any law then WTF were they warned for?

You'd need to ask the stewards! Though I assume it was for offering out to the Swansea fool on the other side of the strip.

No idea if they left or were made to!

Was it you?

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Avon Royal » 30 May 2011 20:17

I'm not brave / stupid enough to do that!

Getting thrown out for threatening behaviour is one thing, what I witnessed was people getting thrown out for nothing more than shouting things that offended the ears of fellow "supporters". What really got to me was the fact that the stewards only acted after Reading fans complained.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Rex » 30 May 2011 21:32

ZacNaloen I was stood all match, my feet are killing me. Never again. Sitting all the way.

I feel like i have a groin strain tonight.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by PistolPete » 30 May 2011 21:35

Unphased Royal
manny96 Must say didn't see this in the stadium but heard about it from a couple of lads on the tube back. Sounds awful. As for those who left early, well, see you in 16 years time. You paid your money, so feel free to do as you want. I paid the same and I'll feel free to judge you for it...

And when I want to see you up on your high horse casting judgements upon people who leave early then I'll be sure to send you a pm you bellend.

Tbf, I stayed until the end because I thought it was only fair to give the team a well earned round of applause for their amazing performance during the second half of this season. Obviously I left before the jacks lifted the trophy, I mean I'm not welsh.


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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by SLAMMED » 30 May 2011 21:38

Forbury Lion
SLAMMED Add to that all the twats that left before the final whistle.
To be fair, half the regular home attendance at the Madejski do that - I've even seen it in the 85th minute of exciting cup games where we're at deadlock and have a corner.

And I've never understood why.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by SLAMMED » 30 May 2011 21:38

Unphased Royal
manny96 Must say didn't see this in the stadium but heard about it from a couple of lads on the tube back. Sounds awful. As for those who left early, well, see you in 16 years time. You paid your money, so feel free to do as you want. I paid the same and I'll feel free to judge you for it...

And when I want to see you up on your high horse casting judgements upon people who leave early then I'll be sure to send you a pm you bellend.

Tbf, I stayed until the end because I thought it was only fair to give the team a well earned round of applause for their amazing performance during the second half of this season. Obviously I left before the jacks lifted the trophy, I mean I'm not welsh.


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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Schards#2 » 30 May 2011 21:38

SLAMMED Add to that all the twats that left before the final whistle.

Fukc off. I'll leave when I want.

Well said mate, I've been a loyall fan for over 30 years. I will leave when I want, simples.

So why did you stop being a loyal royal and start leaving before the end?

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Ian Royal » 30 May 2011 21:39

Was actually impressed with the crowd myself. No problems that I saw whatsoever and despite being miles from the singing area plenty of noise.

Did get told off (by my mum :roll: ) for swearing at one point because there was a little girl infront of us. But to be fair her Dad wasn't worried at all.

If you don't want your kids to hearing swearing, don't take them to a football match. Although I'd say if there are kids present I probably would draw the line at dropping the C-bomb.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Finch » 30 May 2011 21:40

Schards#2 So why did you stop being a loyal royal and start leaving before the end?

No one who leaves before the end is loyal?

You're rather pedantic.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by AthleticoSpizz » 30 May 2011 21:44

explain the Swansea fans that left early then

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Vicky Pollard » 30 May 2011 21:51

Greatwesternline Singing Federici's name before the first pen, some old dear next to me tells me to shut up it's not going to do any good!?!?!

Just after we've scored our second two middle aged guys behinf us yank my brother down by the shoulders and tell him to sit down, we've just got back to 3-2 FFS.

And sat in 131 i thought they'd have more sense / banter than that.

Give up. Go and watch London Irish

Was in 546 and some twat behind me told me to sit down after we'd scored the second. Couldnt believe it, told him to piss off and stand up. Clearly never been to a football match before

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Avon Royal » 30 May 2011 21:53

Ian Royal Did get told off (by my mum :roll: ) for swearing at one point because there was a little girl infront of us.

Bloody hell. If you didn't laugh you'd cry.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Rex » 30 May 2011 21:56

Well i never had a problem down in block 133 although the singing was fairly muted. Those that left early allowed me and Winch to get to the front so thanks. :mrgreen:

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by pace=forster » 30 May 2011 22:00

big thumbs up to the middle aged lady who tells me to sit down whilst celebrating the second goal. couldn't believe it!

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by floyd__streete » 30 May 2011 22:08

SLAMMED Add to that all the twats that left before the final whistle.


Left when the second pen was slotted in. Home within the hour, having avoided the annoyance of packed trains full of sweaty replica-shirted prats in facepaint and wigs. So I missed applauding Long, Kebe etc. on their last games for us? Boohoo.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by fester_royal » 30 May 2011 22:12

Four guys sat behind me swearing like dockers, didn't know any player but long, being ridiculously obnoxious and pissin everyone off.

One of them then shoves a man in my row for standing up and asks him outside... After the third goal all four left stating reading were shit and they didn't come back...

Made me so proud to come from reading

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Tamworth_Royal » 30 May 2011 22:12

FAO all those sitting in rows 11 and 13 block 542.

You complete and utter tossers, just sat there all match no clapping no cheering and even still sat down after our first goal. What the FECK were you doing going to the game in the first place.

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