FAO Daytrippers

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Elm Park Old Boy » 31 May 2011 19:55

cmonurz Just to back up RR's point, it's not the swearing, or excessive standing, that is an issue, but the vile, rage-filled manner that accompanies it.

I've never heard my Dad swear as much as he did on Sunday. For a United supporting rugby fan who has only become interested in Reading these last few years because of me, to see him stand up on his own on our row to shout 'what the fcuk was that Shane you fcuking pillock!' as Long trotted back to halfway after his air-shot from 6 yards, was something to behold.

But that's different to screwed up faces, veins popping, phrases like 'fcuking Welsh cnuts can suck my cock' (wth does that even mean?!), kicking and pushing a guy out of the Allsop as he ordered a drink after his Welsh accent was heard. Seriously, what is that all about? That's not banter, or passion, its a planned or underlying approach to the game, and it's hate-filled, and I don't understand where it comes from.

To the fans who asked others to sit down when then were exciting events on the pitch - get used to football, it's an exciting, passionate sport andif people are up and down out of their seats, well that means it's a great game, and the atmosphere in the crowd reflects it.

To the fans who insist on standing through the entire game irrespective of the action on the pitch - have some respect for those behind you who don't wish to stand for 90 minutes. It's an all-seater stadium, use your seat until the action, or singing or whatever brings you from it.

This thread is laughable. Criticising those who want to stand and sing, criticising those who don't, criticising those who hardly go to games, and those who enjoyed 'the day out'. How difficult is it to just behave respectfully towards others?

if you are of voting age, i bet you vote lib dem and they like sitting on the fence too

There's a subtle distinction between respecting other people and sitting on the fence that you clearly do not get, and I suspect no explanation will ever be simple enough to convey it to you.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Humanistic » 31 May 2011 19:57

Jerry St Clair A more compelling case for safe standing you could not find.

+1. Thoroughly unenjoyable and unsatisfactory all round wasn't it? The fellas in front of me were a bit blotto and stood up continually. That's fine, I'll be standing up too then. A woman behind me moaned, I replied in no uncertain terms once and once only that it wasn't my responsibility to steward complete strangers and the complaints were never heard again, funnily enough.

A further LOL @ the whole 'it'll be a good day out' bandwagon. It really, really wasn't.

Totally agree with those sentiments to be honest. Even if we'd won I can't see it coming close to matching a Leicester or a Brentford style promotion when there are a couple of thousand 'true' Reading fans there. Although it sounds mad I'd almost rather have Bristol City or West Ham awayer rather than the day out brigade at Old Trafford or the Emirates.

As for Wembley, was almost set upon by a family of total mongs in block 133 for the appalling crime of swatting away a kids balloon :roll:

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Maquisard » 31 May 2011 20:09

It's not foul-mouthed abuse to describe the referee's eye-sight, intelligence and parentage; it's merely stating obvious facts

Block 536 had a great atmosphere - we all joined in the Bl'Army chants, the nananana singing and the clapping, we all expressed the same frustration at some of the activities on the pitch, and nobody in my row and the rows nearest me left before the final whistle; quite a few waited, like me, for all our players to leave the pitch (go on, Shane, in you go, we've got a train to catch sweet pea). Obviously, if you want to avoid the plastics (I'm really not a plastic, I just don't go to many live games), don't go for the popular seats behind goal :wink:

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by manny96 » 31 May 2011 20:22

1TeamInBerksRFC Block 550 was the Best......

I assume you weren't there then.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by southstand67 » 31 May 2011 20:40

Oh yes i was i Payed £52 ........ I was seating Rowing 31 Seat 302 So Shut up ok Idiot[/quote]

Was that the Swansea end?

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by West Stand Man » 31 May 2011 20:43

southstand67 Oh yes i was i Payed £52 ........ I was seating Rowing 31 Seat 302 So Shut up ok Idiot

Was that the Swansea end?


Hmmm - not in keeping with your usual "I am special needs" approach then. I suspect that we have seen the first indications of what a wind up merchant you think that you are.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by southstand67 » 31 May 2011 20:45

Retard Piss off You Fag[/quote]

I'll have you know I'm heterosexual and damned good at it too.

Ask your Mum. :D

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Rex » 31 May 2011 21:10

I see someone is finally rattled.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by manny96 » 31 May 2011 21:30

Eloquent as ever. Perhaps there's one Reading fan I wouldn't have minded getting thrown out for swearing (like that) yesterday.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Toon Toon Blue army » 31 May 2011 21:32

RoyalBlue Strange too how the moaning in our end stopped when we got two goals back! Then suddenly eveyone seemed happy to stand almost continuously. A connection between how the team are doing and how strongly people feel about standing?

Thats the thing, in my block (125) people were still moaning during the 10 minute period. These people behind me barely stood up for our goals.

And for once I think it was the pro-sitters who ruined everyone's day rarther than the pro-standers. These people behind me were very aggressive, pulling me down twice despite hundreds of people being in front of me, calling people tw*ts left right and centre because they were stood up. All this took place as we were attacking every 30 seconds so people were constantly getting on their feet, its just natural.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Uke » 31 May 2011 21:35

royalexile I see someone is finally rattled.

Not as much as his mum though!

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Ian Herring » 31 May 2011 21:47

southstand67 Retard Piss off You Fag

I'll have you know I'm heterosexual and damned good at it too.

Ask your Mum. :D


Have you taken your Ritalin now? Done your breathing exercise? Pulled in the belt on your over-sized jeans? Finished making that keening noise as you repeatedly slam your forehead into the reinforced glass of the specially adapted mini-bus?

Your carer will be around in a minute to wipe you. You incoherent, lock-jawed imbecile. Do us all a favour and get back to basket weaving or that sheet-waving they do on sports days in 'special' schools.

Anything except posting here you utter cretin.

(If you're not a wind-up then you'll understand such 'hard word', eh?)

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Royal With Cheese » 31 May 2011 21:53

I see Retired Aggro's back and posting again.

I must admit I was up and down like a whore's draws yeterday and felt a bit sorry for anyone behind me.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by oldebiscuit » 31 May 2011 21:58

Meeko The whole 'day trippers shouldnt ever go again' statements are rediculous, without these fair weathers then how stupid would we have looked only having around 14k hard core reading fans there? Take out those who sit quietly and sit down you may have 2-4k people?! wouldnt look great would it!

If you only allowed people who would cry if Reading lose big games and stand up all game and shout c*nt every 5 words in every direction then the club would die a miserable death. I think people who have seen the last 8-10 years of success should realise the reason we are now regualry involved in top half championship battles season in season out is because Madjeksi has created a family club that has grown in support due to the fact the new breed of fan wants to sit down a lot and doesnt see Football as the only thing in their life.

People have to except both sides of the coin, the fact of the matter is, the club gains more from 8-10k people sitting there knitting than 2k people standing and cheering, our beautiful game is supported by money and bums on seats means we have a club to watch that is successful.

I have have been going to around 25 games a season since 94 so experienced the Elm Park south bank and everything it offered as an experience, but football has changed and isnt going back to the way it was, people have to accept that those wanting to swear freely infront of kids and stand all game no matter who is behind them are now in the minority! Terraces are not going to come back, nor will you be able to stand at many games of football ever again!

These silent supporters who dont really care are in truth the people that are keeping the club alive, for every Jester hat sold, stupid flag or tacky t-shirt, thats money in the clubs coffers, I wore my old school Auto Trader top, no cash for the club with that but the man next to me in their brand new bought for the day outfit prob spent £25 getting kitted out in the club shop. The club gained more from him than me shouting enourgament at Jobi on the wing! We dont have to embrace the modern fan, but they sadly will need to be accepted as they are the majority and sadly will always be from now on whether people like it or not!

Final point, I was 5th row in block 128, bit of singing going on down there, up and down from the seats any time there was excitment in the game, no-one moaned or complained about words used or the fact they too were forced to stand when i stood up so guess i was lucky in that aspect.

Good post, agree completely.

Saw lots of Madstad regulars in jesters hats, flags, etc. Their not daytrippers or any other derogatory name, they're atmosphere makers.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by RoyalBlue » 31 May 2011 22:20

Saw lots of Madstad regulars in jesters hats, flags, etc. Their not daytrippers or any other derogatory name, they're atmosphere makers.

I'm sorry but those around us were making sod all atmosphere once we went two goals down, let alone three! In contrast the older school hardcore 'travellers' don't seem to give up, no matter what happens. From the visiting teams I've seen at the Mad Stad, that seems to largely apply to their support too.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Trainspotter » 31 May 2011 22:46

Good posts from Meeko and cmonurz. Lots of common sense. I have supported Reading non-stop for 50 years, so don't call me a 'plastic' or 'day tripper' because I don't use the vilest, hate-filled profanities, don't stand up for the whole match and prevent other people from enjoying the match too, don't go to matches pissed and unable to control my actions, don't fight and argue like angry school kids and don't expose my sweaty and rather unattractive naked top!!
Passion is not about these things but about being a loyal supporter who sticks with the team through thick and thin (not always easy), being able to discuss the game in a meaningful way while recognising that other people may see it differently,abusing the referee fairly consistently (they are fair game and mostly useless!!) and realising that football is not about life and death (although it sometime seems like it and it can really screw up your weekend).

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by rabidbee » 31 May 2011 23:15

cmonurz To the fans who insist on standing through the entire game irrespective of the action on the pitch - have some respect for those behind you who don't wish to stand for 90 minutes. It's an all-seater stadium, use your seat until the action, or singing or whatever brings you from it.

Just to clarify - I did actually sit for most of the game. The three occassions I was tapped on the shoulder and asked to sit down were: immediately after Zurab had blocked a shot on the line; an early break as Jimmy ran at the full-back got into the box and squared the ball across the box; and the corner immediately after we had scored the second goal. I would prefer to stand, and wish I were given the choice, but I can't be arsed to argue with people around me, or stewards - it just ruins my experience of the game. But surely everyone understands that people are going to jump up at moments of particular excitement? Otherwise, we really will reduce attending a football match to the equivalent of going along to an opera.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by rabidbee » 31 May 2011 23:18

West Stand Man Hmmm - not in keeping with your usual "I am special needs" approach then. I suspect that we have seen the first indications of what a wind up merchant you think that you are.

Wow - how have you made that kind of mental leap?

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by PEARCEY » 31 May 2011 23:19

Trainspotter Good posts from Meeko and cmonurz. Lots of common sense. I have supported Reading non-stop for 50 years, so don't call me a 'plastic' or 'day tripper' because I don't use the vilest, hate-filled profanities, don't stand up for the whole match and prevent other people from enjoying the match too, don't go to matches pissed and unable to control my actions, don't fight and argue like angry school kids and don't expose my sweaty and rather unattractive naked top!!
Passion is not about these things but about being a loyal supporter who sticks with the team through thick and thin (not always easy), being able to discuss the game in a meaningful way while recognising that other people may see it differently,abusing the referee fairly consistently (they are fair game and mostly useless!!) and realising that football is not about life and death (although it sometime seems like it and it can really screw up your weekend).

This really is a very good post. You should more often on here.

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Re: FAO Daytrippers

by Avon Royal » 01 Jun 2011 07:21

It's a pity that some people on this thread don't put as much energy into supporting the team as they do into defending their right to sit in silence. :wink:

My original post had an air of heat of the moment about it, however it was the fact that people were ejected that wound me up. That tends to ruin people's day a lot more than overhearing some naughty words.

Oh, and genuine LOLS at anyone who thinks that Jester hats and facepaint is what makes an atmosphere............

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