by Wycombe Royal » 07 Jun 2011 09:24
by trueroyal1871 » 07 Jun 2011 10:28
by Wycombe Royal » 07 Jun 2011 10:40
trueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
by TBM » 07 Jun 2011 10:44
Wycombe Royaltrueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
But we aren't looking for a striker to take a punt on as we are likely to only have space in the squad for ONE striker - do you really want that striker to be someone like Davies, who at the age of 25, has only had one good season in his career and that was in League Two?
by Hoop Blah » 07 Jun 2011 11:09
by loyalroyal4life » 07 Jun 2011 11:17
trueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
by TBM » 07 Jun 2011 11:17
by Wycombe Royal » 07 Jun 2011 11:22
loyalroyal4lifetrueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
we have enough of those kind of strikers, manset and morrison
by bassavage » 07 Jun 2011 11:22
by Wycombe Royal » 07 Jun 2011 11:24
by Unphased Royal » 07 Jun 2011 13:04
Wycombe Royaltrueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
But we aren't looking for a striker to take a punt on as we are likely to only have space in the squad for ONE striker - do you really want that striker to be someone like Davies, who at the age of 25, has only had one good season in his career and that was in League Two?
by Wycombe Royal » 07 Jun 2011 13:49
Unphased RoyalWycombe Royaltrueroyal1871 I think he'll be worth a punt especially being a free agent. He's different to what we've got and looks a very good finisher and being on a free we could pay reasonable wages and it still wouldn't really hurt the finances.
But we aren't looking for a striker to take a punt on as we are likely to only have space in the squad for ONE striker - do you really want that striker to be someone like Davies, who at the age of 25, has only had one good season in his career and that was in League Two?
Sometimes one season is enough. Look at Shane Long, there must 4 or 5 Premier league clubs taking a look at him and he has only had one good season in his career and that was in the championship. I guess the spotlight is on anyone who scores over 25 goals a season
by rg6royal » 07 Jun 2011 15:57
by Hoop Blah » 07 Jun 2011 17:04
by The Doctor » 07 Jun 2011 20:28
by The Doctor » 07 Jun 2011 20:29
by andrew1957 » 07 Jun 2011 20:42
The Doctor Brett williams is our punt for the new season. Church will be expected to step up, as will Hunt and Manset. don't be so sure we're after a replacement for long!!
by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 08 Jun 2011 07:09
by Barry the bird boggler » 08 Jun 2011 07:50
by fester_royal » 08 Jun 2011 11:06
Barry the bird boggler Or that Reading have never been interested enough to put an offer to the player.
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