under the tin I have been involved in sales for most of my working life, and understand that sometimes the market needs stimulation. It's the reason for things like the January sales. You have to motivate people to part with even more of thier money, after they've spent too much on Christmas.
The shops do it for this reason.
I'm not asking for RFC to go out and sign Messi. I just want them, (and the party loyalists on here) to think about the concept that trading losses could also be soved by increased sales, not just reduced costs.
Send a signal out. Motivate the fan base, Motivate the corporates.
The slowly collapsing, self sufficient balloon isn't working.
If FA cup quarter finals and a playoff final don't motivate people, I can't see why spending 5 million on Mills would. People in Reading pay for Championship football and get good Championship football. That seems like a good deal to me. What's your evidence that self-sufficiency is a "slowly collapsing balloon"? More wishful thinking.