Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

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Re: "We've got no money"

by The Prisoner » 03 Aug 2011 17:47

I've got no money either.

Just thought I'd mention it.

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Re: "We've got no money"

by floyd__streete » 03 Aug 2011 17:50

The Prisoner I've got no money either.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Just like Mr Mad, the Onslow of football chairmen. He's hasn't got an ensuite to p*ss in, poor bloke.

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Re: "We've got no money"

by The Prisoner » 03 Aug 2011 17:52

Forster IN! (forget that management lark!)

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Re: "We've got no money"

by winchester_royal » 03 Aug 2011 17:54

It's threads like these which can be used as a pretty powerful argument against democracy.

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Re: "We've got no money"

by Friday's Legacy » 03 Aug 2011 17:55

Ian Royal Oh well, You've heard it, must be true then. :roll:

We'll see how it pans out, I don't even care anymore...pointless to complain. I don't think there has ever been a football club in history who have got so much money for player sales in a short space of time and have invested probably not even 5% of it on players. The money we have received for our players has been Championship manger style. I never in a million years saw our club being able to command such high fee's, especially considering the vast majority were picked up for peanuts too. Spending sensibly would be putting in 5/6 million of that ( over the last 3/4 years)on several players on moderate championship wages, however we seem to be incapable of doing that despite these championship freak style player sales.

that's the biggest load of rubbish you're likely to read on here (today).

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Re: "We've got no money"

by Ian Royal » 03 Aug 2011 17:57

FiNeRaIn these transfers would take our player sales since premiership football to over 40 million

Yeah but when you factor in the new media centre, Hammond's wages, Nigel Howe's dry-cleaning bill and the cost of giving away 12,000 Lindt bunnies to season ticket holders a few years ago than there is barely enough to cover the cost of the brasso required to keep Degas's Little Dancer clean and sparkling.

lol, not like we got 90 million in tv money for two seasons either, on top of sellouts every week on increased ticket prices.

You're right we didn't. We got about £60m, you've add 50%, which is a massive margin error, even for a moron. £90m is the figure quote for promotion now, and includes one season in the Premier League and 4 (FOUR) years of parachute money.

The thing that is most annoying, is that I could accept complaints about how the club is run, if it actually came from people who knew what the hell they were talking about and didn't just parrot ill-informed, erroneous bullshit.
Last edited by Ian Royal on 03 Aug 2011 17:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "We've got no money"

by Sarah Star » 03 Aug 2011 17:58

There's one point on which I agree with him though.
FiNeRaIn I don't even care anymore...

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Re: "We've got no money"

by PieEater » 03 Aug 2011 18:03

We operate above our means and have to flog players occasionally to balance the books, end of.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 03 Aug 2011 18:08

We operate within our means, sensible shirley

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by The Prisoner » 03 Aug 2011 18:10

I am also so very bored by all this. We've always sold players and exploit the fact that we are great at scouting and developing cheap young talent that is worth ££££ to those clubs who don't want to/can't be arsed. If we had never had those two years in the promised land (where we didn't have to and briefly turned the tables) nobody would be batting an eyelid at this.

All this will be forgotten when the season starts, problem is that this is all there is to talk about at the mo!

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Re: "We've got no money"

by FiNeRaIn » 03 Aug 2011 18:10

Ian Royal The thing that is most annoying, is that I could accept complaints about how the club is run, if it actually came from people who knew what the hell they were talking about and didn't just parrot ill-informed, erroneous bullshit.

The players we have sold speak for themselves, the premiership money from TV shouldn't even matter when we've got ridiculous fee's like 7 for gylfi, 6.5 for doyle, 5.5 for kitson, 3.5 hunt, 5 mills, 3 bikey, 2 sonko,etc bla bla bla, even add your 60 million tv money then, plus sell outs on higher ticket prices. You are an RTG you don't except criticisms of the club even when they are fair, you are just a spoon fed goon like RR who will simply take anything and defend the club tooth and nail using the age old " doing a bradford" rubbish as the defence. Like I said though, I've accepted the way we are ran. Thats life.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by ZacNaloen » 03 Aug 2011 18:13

The other comment from Mcdermott on talk sport was

"Last year we were in the black, two years ago we were in the black and this year we will be in the black. It's the way our club operates."

We aren't going to spend money we don't have, deal with it.

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Re: "We've got no money"

by Royal Rother » 03 Aug 2011 18:32

Ian Royal The thing that is most annoying, is that I could accept complaints about how the club is run, if it actually came from people who knew what the hell they were talking about and didn't just parrot ill-informed, erroneous bullshit.

The players we have sold speak for themselves, the premiership money from TV shouldn't even matter when we've got ridiculous fee's like 7 for gylfi, 6.5 for doyle, 5.5 for kitson, 3.5 hunt, 5 mills, 3 bikey, 2 sonko,etc bla bla bla, even add your 60 million tv money then, plus sell outs on higher ticket prices. You are an RTG you don't except criticisms of the club even when they are fair, you are just a spoon fed goon like RR who will simply take anything and defend the club tooth and nail using the age old " doing a bradford" rubbish as the defence. Like I said though, I've accepted the way we are ran. Thats life.

No chap, I've got a brain and I was taught how to use it thankfully.

You obviously missed those lessons but it's never too late.

Adding up would be a good start.

Swiftly followed by written English if you don't mind. (Specific attention on the old apostrophe would be sensible.)

BTW, I've NEVER used the expression "doing a Bradford / Leeds / Portsmouth" or anybody else for that matter.)

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by FiNeRaIn » 03 Aug 2011 18:57

You can be a pedant all you want, I'm perfectly capable of structuring my grammar I just simply can't be bothered to take care during these silly debates anymore.

As for " using a brain" and " adding up", you always use these petty insults but very rarely do you counter anything with actual facts or figures. You're a pretty tiresome character on these threads and I knew as soon as I quoted your name you'd pop out of your shell with the same old tripe. In that respect its my own fault.

The facts are we raked in a lot of money during the prem campaign and 40million-ish since in player sales. All this into account we've spent close to sweet FA on the team. That cannot be argued and it doesn't need a mathematician to do so.

Moving on.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Svlad Cjelli » 03 Aug 2011 18:59

FiNeRaIn .....
All this into account we've spent close to sweet FA on the team. That cannot be argued and it doesn't need a mathematician to do so.

Do wages not count, then?

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by FiNeRaIn » 03 Aug 2011 19:01

Svlad Cjelli
FiNeRaIn .....
All this into account we've spent close to sweet FA on the team. That cannot be argued and it doesn't need a mathematician to do so.

Do wages not count, then?

Of course they count. Perhaps i'll rephrase, spent sweet fa of the money we made in bringing in players.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Svlad Cjelli » 03 Aug 2011 19:03

Svlad Cjelli
FiNeRaIn .....
All this into account we've spent close to sweet FA on the team. That cannot be argued and it doesn't need a mathematician to do so.

Do wages not count, then?

Of course they count. Perhaps i'll rephrase, spent sweet fa of the money we made in bringing in players.

But when our wage bill exceeds our income what other money can we spend on wages apart from transfer income?

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by FiNeRaIn » 03 Aug 2011 19:05

How can a wage bill exceed 60 million from TV money, 40 million in player sales + merchandising and sell ours every week in the prem on pretty high season ticket and gate prices. Just how much were we paying average players to make that believable?

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 03 Aug 2011 19:08

There were quite a few on £1m a season in the Prem, market rate.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by rhroyal » 03 Aug 2011 19:09

How much do you reckon the fee for Leigertwood was? We have good Championship players; our wage budget will reflect this accordingly. I can't imagine our ticket receipts, TV revenue etc. covering the wages for the likes of Fedders, Long, Kebe, Leigertwood, McAnuff, Griffin, Hunt, Tabb, potentially Khumalo's loan wages. We'd have paid a fair bit for Zurab last year; HRK's new contract will be significantly improved. Only the very youngest academy kids will have lower wages to match. Pearce, Karacan et. al have all signed new deals since breaking into the team and will have wages to match.

If good players at this level are demanding wages we can scarcely keep up with, making a profit on players is the obvious way to counteract this. The alternatives are either to operate at a loss, or put all our resources on 3 or 4 players with the rest of the squad sub standard.

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