Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Vision » 04 Aug 2011 13:57

Harpers So Solid Crew
brendywendy whats wrong with you! Thats a terrible post imo.
You say 40 million in means we should spend 20 million. Why?
The 5 million is just a made up figure.
The extra costs are too. The costs just havent come down in line with spending,fully explained in the star article. We have lost 30 million in yearly tv income for starters.not sure why you think its magical in any way.
And the utter tripe at the end is actually libellous.

Post has been reported, never done that before, but felt it needed doing.

I think tbf rhroyal was simply taking the piss out of other posters comments.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Royal Rother » 04 Aug 2011 13:57

I'm pretty sure rhroyal was on a wind up there actually in the (exaggerated) style of the usual culprits!

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Hoop Blah » 04 Aug 2011 14:07

Cypry I agree with most of that, however, people should really stop perpetuating the myth that we're using money to repay loans - where is the evidence of this?

The bank recalling the overdraft was a substantial repayment of a short term loan.

It wiped out a whole years profit so I don't think you can really call it a myth.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Cypry » 04 Aug 2011 14:10

Hoop Blah
Cypry I agree with most of that, however, people should really stop perpetuating the myth that we're using money to repay loans - where is the evidence of this?

The bank recalling the overdraft was a substantial repayment of a short term loan.

It wiped out a whole years profit so I don't think you can really call it a myth.

Sorry - perhaps I should have said "perpetuating the myth that we're using money to pay off chairmans loans"....

I did mention the overdraft and other commercial loans later.....

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 04 Aug 2011 14:11

Not sure it wiped out a profit as such, it used it up but the balance sheet has to be better after surely,

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by brendywendy » 04 Aug 2011 14:14

Harpers So Solid Crew
brendywendy whats wrong with you! Thats a terrible post imo.
You say 40 million in means we should spend 20 million. Why?
The 5 million is just a made up figure.
The extra costs are too. The costs just havent come down in line with spending,fully explained in the star article. We have lost 30 million in yearly tv income for starters.not sure why you think its magical in any way.
And the utter tripe at the end is actually libellous.

Post has been reported, never done that before, but felt it needed doing.

can someone report my post now too, cos now the other post has gone it looks like my post is a crazy response to a normal post! :lol:

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by brendywendy » 04 Aug 2011 14:15

Harpers So Solid Crew
brendywendy whats wrong with you! Thats a terrible post imo.
You say 40 million in means we should spend 20 million. Why?
The 5 million is just a made up figure.
The extra costs are too. The costs just havent come down in line with spending,fully explained in the star article. We have lost 30 million in yearly tv income for starters.not sure why you think its magical in any way.
And the utter tripe at the end is actually libellous.

Post has been reported, never done that before, but felt it needed doing.

I think tbf rhroyal was simply taking the piss out of other posters comments.

its very hard to pick sarcasm and tone from written text, but if it was as you say, i can only apologise for what can only be calleda crazy response to a very well pitched parody

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Hoop Blah » 04 Aug 2011 14:19

Harpers So Solid Crew Not sure it wiped out a profit as such, it used it up but the balance sheet has to be better after surely,

It was, as Crpry said, pretty much out of our control because the bank called it in, but we made a profit of 6-7m both years we were in the Prem and the overdraft was c. £7m.

I know where you're coming from about it not being the same thing as the balance sheet now looks much better (and we had no choice in the matter), but if we didn't have to pay off the overdraft we'd have had the equivalent of a Premier League seasons profit extra to spend.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by brendywendy » 04 Aug 2011 14:21

and thats pretty much the value of our debts over the last however many years as calculated by matey back there somewhere.
so if the bank hadnt recalled that, wed have been fine financially as it stands

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Svlad Cjelli » 04 Aug 2011 14:27

Hoop Blah
Harpers So Solid Crew Not sure it wiped out a profit as such, it used it up but the balance sheet has to be better after surely,

It was, as Crpry said, pretty much out of our control because the bank called it in, but we made a profit of 6-7m both years we were in the Prem and the overdraft was c. £7m.

I know where you're coming from about it not being the same thing as the balance sheet now looks much better (and we had no choice in the matter), but if we didn't have to pay off the overdraft we'd have had the equivalent of a Premier League seasons profit extra to spend.

Not quiet that much, because the interest on overdraft borrowing is likely to be quite substantial - possibly the most expensive type of legitimate borrowing there is. So not paying off the OD would have seen the capital eroded.

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Maguire » 04 Aug 2011 14:30

I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by brendywendy » 04 Aug 2011 14:53

Maguire I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

point 1 - some people dont know where all the money has gone
point 2 - Jm has probably stolen it all though
point 3 - a new type of accountancy has been invented, where you only look at the income column, and complain that it seems odd that our income isnt all still in the bank.

its the team board- just posting here is the lowest of the low
the only winners are the pop up advert providers

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Vision » 04 Aug 2011 14:55

Maguire I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

You're missing out big-time here fella. Its the quintessential Team Board post.

Floyd posts some shite that he thinks is funny.
Finerain goes all hyper
Jay cant make up his mind
Brendy goes a bit mental
Accounts get quoted (woop woop)
Woodcote has an internet rage oxf*rd
Jay cant make up his mind
Hoop Blah gets to mention Bennett and Sodje
Royalee misses the point again
Jay cant make up his mind
Ian Royal get to call people retards
RoyalBlue gets to slag Madejski
Snowball posts some stats
Royal Rother gets to be patronising
BR to remind us all how old he is
Dirk gets to remind us he's ITK
Jay cant make up his mind
2-0 gets wooshed and snitches.
All we're missing is Reading Bedding to cut n paste something banal and Kes to point out we're a small club and we've got a bona fide classic.

Not that I've read most of it though....

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by who are ya? » 04 Aug 2011 15:04

Vision Snowball posts some stats.

And for that reason.. I'M OOT

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Wimb » 04 Aug 2011 15:28

Maguire I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

You're missing out big-time here fella. Its the quintessential Team Board post.

Floyd posts some shite that he thinks is funny.
Finerain goes all hyper
Jay cant make up his mind
Brendy goes a bit mental
Accounts get quoted (woop woop)
Woodcote has an internet rage oxf*rd
Jay cant make up his mind
Hoop Blah gets to mention Bennett and Sodje
Royalee misses the point again
Jay cant make up his mind
Ian Royal get to call people retards
RoyalBlue gets to slag Madejski
Snowball posts some stats
Royal Rother gets to be patronising
BR to remind us all how old he is
Dirk gets to remind us he's ITK
Jay cant make up his mind
2-0 gets wooshed and snitches.
All we're missing is Reading Bedding to cut n paste something banal and Kes to point out we're a small club and we've got a bona fide classic.

Not that I've read most of it though....


Cheered me up on a long day

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Royal Rother » 04 Aug 2011 15:28

Maguire I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

You're missing out big-time here fella. Its the quintessential Team Board post.

Floyd posts some shite that he thinks is funny.
Finerain goes all hyper
Jay cant make up his mind
Brendy goes a bit mental
Accounts get quoted (woop woop)
Woodcote has an internet rage oxf*rd
Jay cant make up his mind
Hoop Blah gets to mention Bennett and Sodje
Royalee misses the point again
Jay cant make up his mind
Ian Royal get to call people retards
RoyalBlue gets to slag Madejski
Snowball posts some stats
Royal Rother gets to be patronising
BR to remind us all how old he is
Dirk gets to remind us he's ITK
Jay cant make up his mind
2-0 gets wooshed and snitches.
All we're missing is Reading Bedding to cut n paste something banal and Kes to point out we're a small club and we've got a bona fide classic.

Not that I've read most of it though....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by brendywendy » 04 Aug 2011 15:33

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Maguire » 04 Aug 2011 15:54

Maguire I've not read this thread (that i remember).

I'm guessing that 23 pages on a thread about finance probably aren't going to be that interesting.

Can somebody (perhaps brendy as seems to like posting here) sum up the three key points and the thread's biggest winners and losers thus far? Ta

You're missing out big-time here fella. Its the quintessential Team Board post.

Floyd posts some shite that he thinks is funny.
Finerain goes all hyper
Jay cant make up his mind
Brendy goes a bit mental
Accounts get quoted (woop woop)
Woodcote has an internet rage oxf*rd
Jay cant make up his mind
Hoop Blah gets to mention Bennett and Sodje
Royalee misses the point again
Jay cant make up his mind
Ian Royal get to call people retards
RoyalBlue gets to slag Madejski
Snowball posts some stats
Royal Rother gets to be patronising
BR to remind us all how old he is
Dirk gets to remind us he's ITK
Jay cant make up his mind
2-0 gets wooshed and snitches.
All we're missing is Reading Bedding to cut n paste something banal and Kes to point out we're a small club and we've got a bona fide classic.

Not that I've read most of it though....

The unwavering accuracy of it all is what makes it, cheers :lol:

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by Ian Royal » 04 Aug 2011 17:21

Masterful. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Oh, What A Lovely Defecit!

by PEARCEY » 04 Aug 2011 17:35

Well I've just reported brendy for the sake of it.

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