Tony Le Mesmer Quality > Quantity.
^ * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
by T.R.O.L.I. » 28 Oct 2011 15:29
Tony Le Mesmer Quality > Quantity.
by Jackson Corner » 28 Oct 2011 15:51
by Humanistic » 28 Oct 2011 17:44
T.R.O.L.I. From a Reading point of view, a smaller away following generally leads to a better atmosphere (ref Southampton away Xmas '08).
So personally I'm not fussed how many tickets we haven't sold.
by LoyalRoyalFan » 28 Oct 2011 17:58
by M-U-R-T-Y » 28 Oct 2011 18:13
URZZZZZZZZM-U-R-T-Y Anyway thats rich from the Palace fans, they only took 900 to us for the match at the Madejski last season, and 3pm Saturday KO too.
It was 2,835 actually.
This proves that you haven't been watching Reading very much. I can remember an abundance of teams which sold every seat in the away end over the years, certainly not top five.
by FiNeRaIn » 28 Oct 2011 18:27
M-U-R-T-Y Not denying that. 3 years at uni 200 miles away you don't get to see them very often. Before that, skint, but have been to 6 games this season so far, a lot more than some on here...
by Royal Prince » 28 Oct 2011 19:11
by Bandini » 28 Oct 2011 19:15
Tony Le Mesmer We took about 500 to Palace in 2006. Awesome atmosphere that night. Quality > Quantity.
Anyway, sod Selhurst Park tomorrow. I shall be at Wey Court, Godalming for the F A Cup 4QR tie v Maidenhead United. A proper match day experience at about a 1/3rd of the cost.
by Compo's Hat » 28 Oct 2011 19:30
M-U-R-T-Y I wonder what the lowest away attendance at the Mad Stad is.
by jazz » 28 Oct 2011 19:49
biscuitman Bristol City is a perfect exmaple of rubbish away fans. Massive City/area.. I've heard that they've sold 140 tickets for Oakwell tomorrow..
by Royal Prince » 28 Oct 2011 23:12
Compo's HatM-U-R-T-Y I wonder what the lowest away attendance at the Mad Stad is.
My money would be on Macclesfield's one and only visit here, can't have been more than fifty.
Agree our away following is pathetic, we struggle to get even close to five hundred these days for trips up north. When you look at what 'boro, a reasonable sized club in comparison to us, brought down the other week and it puts us to shame, even when you take away the exiles based down south.
by grey_squirrel » 28 Oct 2011 23:30
by Jackson Corner » 29 Oct 2011 05:31
by gazzer, loyal royal » 29 Oct 2011 09:47
by loyalroyal4life » 29 Oct 2011 12:27
Royal Prince Saints was an impressive following, but not only have several other clubs sold out both sides of the stand, but they did so without a stupid TV studio stuck in the corner.
Really interesting seeing the table of average away attendances though. Not so long ago I was chatting with my uncle about what teams we are most comparable to in this league, and I plumped for Watford first, then maybe Coventry. Funny to see we all take similar followings away with us.
Finally I can't make it to Palace tomorrow, but 1,200 is a very good following from the Royals. Hope everyone who goes has fun and that we get the result we need!
by LWJ » 29 Oct 2011 13:08
by M-U-R-T-Y » 29 Oct 2011 13:09
Royal PrinceCompo's HatM-U-R-T-Y I wonder what the lowest away attendance at the Mad Stad is.
My money would be on Macclesfield's one and only visit here, can't have been more than fifty.
Agree our away following is pathetic, we struggle to get even close to five hundred these days for trips up north. When you look at what 'boro, a reasonable sized club in comparison to us, brought down the other week and it puts us to shame, even when you take away the exiles based down south.
What about Wimbledon? I seem to recall them only bringing about 50 in their last season. Memory also seems to recall loosing it 1-0 which would be typical!
by Tad Showbiz » 29 Oct 2011 13:11
Compo's HatM-U-R-T-Y I wonder what the lowest away attendance at the Mad Stad is.
My money would be on Macclesfield's one and only visit here, can't have been more than fifty.
Agree our away following is pathetic, we struggle to get even close to five hundred these days for trips up north. When you look at what 'boro, a reasonable sized club in comparison to us, brought down the other week and it puts us to shame, even when you take away the exiles based down south.
by Dickie Davies » 29 Oct 2011 17:16
by If you still hate Futcher » 30 Oct 2011 18:44
StukaRoyals-lad14 so lets prove them wrong! cant wait for tomorrow, so lets be loud and proud! URZZZZ!
[u]And you can feck off with that Back The Boys embarressing shit.[/[/u]
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