Idealgrey_squirrel Don't really understand the panic here on this.
If the deal is off, then so what? Was never convinced by it in the first place and secondly whether it happens or not now, it ain't going to effect the outcome of this season now anyway (unless we were advanced enough money and signed Messi on an emergency loan).
As a major Madejski critic of recent years, IF we go up, then his bargaining position is greatly enhanced. Enter Branson or Simon Fuller et al etc (). If we don't go up, then at worst all that happens is we realise our Championship mediocrity next season that most of us thought would be the case at the start of this season anyway.
Never trusted them ruskys.
+1 to all that!
Madejski = we know what we get, safe harbour and all that, no monkey business and the club is safe - won't risk our future.
Russians = unknown entity, shady track record (Everton shenanigans), Russian "businessmen" don't exactly have a track record of integrity and morals, and we have no idea what's in store for us.
In fact, if this deal falls through I will not be sad for one moment, I might even feel slightly relieved.
Upwards and onwards with JM at the helm is completely OK for me, I'll take another win against Liverpool any day of the week.
Dream on! If this deal falls through there is only one direction we will be taking and that is the complete opposite of the one you suggest. More star players sold to fill the annual black holes and our miracle working manager, sick and tired of annual rebuilding exercises, off to another club who will give him proper backing.