Ups and DownsWizard Decided prolly not gonna bother with Leeds and Forest as well. Save my pennies, and spend some decent time with the girlfriend rather than disappear off to football all the time. See you all at Crystal Palace.
You'll have plenty of time to spend with her in the close season.
I know this is your first girlfriend so the novelty probably still hasn't worn off, but would she mind at all if you went? Any sign of her getting in a mood?
Nope, she wouldn't mind in the slightest if I go, she doesn't want to be the reason I miss out on the party and told me that I should go. But I know secretly she'd like me to go with her, she doesn't want to be seen at an old friend's wedding without a 'date' and I don't want to disappoint her.
FWIW I will now be at the Leeds game tomorrow, due to an unforeseen change of circumstances.