Z175 I'd be delighted to see the Whiff back.
Understand the committment/printing costs/online thing. So...maybe you could
1. Expand the team. (Seems to me the Tilehurst End does this well.) Use of email and website to collect articles could lessen the burden.
2. Charge £2, no one would care, inflations biting. With 24k fans each game should be able to sell out.
3. I disagree that the online era has changed things. People want paper to read at the stadium, over a pint, on a train, or when clearing out their bookcase. The club sell a load of programmes in the digital era for this reason. (And they are pretty yawn...). What I liked was the tongue in cheek reports on progress, which due to printing deadlines generally caveated against a future upturn/downturn in form. In the instant 24 hour forum era, people post reactive fickle crap knowing they can post something different next week.
But for me, HNA? 50% (generous!) of the posts are a load of crap by Internet trolls. (Sometimes guilty myself! ) .You have to really sift through to get to the quality (and some really are insightful/funny). Whereas the Whiff generally only had 1 shite article per issue! Loved the cartoons and letters personally.
Best advert for it is our whiffman Beef above - 17 posts in 8 years. This is someone whose opinions I want to read more than someone with 10,000 posts on an internet forum!
I don't think paper is totally dead but with the ever expanding smartphone/tablet rollout the technology for small blogs and publicatons to make small apps/push issues out to people to read is only going to get easier. I can't imagine it'll be long before the technology to make a digital issue of something is very quick and easy. Apparently Wordpress already makes The Tilehurst End look like a bit of a magazine, or so I've been told!
Then again unless you've got an ipad in the toilet at the nags, a paper copy of the Whiff would always be a good idea