Turns8starliaison As someone who has a business to run rather than spend all my time on here I apologise that I have not been replying to everyone who is slagging off STAR.
Yes it is run by volunteers (not amateurs but people who have lots of other things to do) and so things do not always happen as fast as they would if it were our job, but it is also successful at what it does. The fact that STAR members were trusted enough by Brian that he was happy to tell us more than anodyne press conferences (a special meaning to those who were there) is because of what we have done over the last 10 years. If that is ruined by one post on here (and that is entirely possible both with the team management and the club management not trusting us in future) then those of you complaining that we are seen to censor the forum will have even less information in the future. Enjoy
Oh get over yourselves!!!I'm sure that Brian didn't say anything last night which he wouldn't be happy saying in the public domain...
Have you ever been to a press conference before? Generally managers let stuff slip out that they shouldn't or phrase it in ways that might not be the best.
Generally, TV stations and papers won't publish that sort of stuff if asked because if they do, the manager won't speak to them again.
That's all that the STARLiason is saying. The information would have come out to all Reading Fans, but an unedited version by someone that was there might just include a few bits that Brian/The Club didn't want to come out like that. If that results in the club not putting players/the manager up for other forums than other people have missed out simply because some people couldn't wait a few hours for information that in the grand scheme of things wasn't that important.