Fans' Forum

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Ian Royal » 13 Jul 2012 16:19

Dear STAR fukwits

As a long term supporter and sometime member who's received absolutely no benefit for his £10 a year and even helped out with a STAR event once, despite living in Cambridge, I think this is pretty shambolic.

Expecting people to wait a for a quarterly newsletter to find out what was said in a fans forum is ridiculous. Expecting a blanket of silence without telling anyone in the room that "what's said n the room stays in the room" is ridiculous.

Have any of you had even the barest hint from the club or its management that a brief summary of forums appearing on the internet, specifically HNA? will in anyway jeopardise future meetings?

I find it doubtful.

The suggestion that Cypry posting up a very brief summary, containing virtually nothing even remotely confidential may in someway prevent future forums seems like ridiculous hysteria that your little club might somehow lose out on its relations bragging rights.

Take half an hour out of your day, write a slightly more detailed summary of what's said and send it out to members and put it on HNA within a day. It's not hard.

It's rank hypocrisy to ask HNA members if they've got any questions they want to ask and then refuse to tell any of us what was said, you bunch of fuking twats.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by pea » 13 Jul 2012 16:20

southbank1871 It's nice that hobnob agrees with us but it sounds like he was put under tremendous pressure from the club to delete the thread. Dear oh dear. Like others have said, if Cypry had reported on anything remotely controversial or revealing, then I could understand it, but he didn't.

its the principle that it is intended to be behind closed doors and so club representatives such as Brian will treat it in that way. If it becomes considered 'ok' by the moderators of a site with such a huge readership as HNA? has then it erodes that principle and the club won't be able to approach those session in the same way as they evidently feel they can at the moment.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Green » 13 Jul 2012 16:23

southbank1871 It's nice that hobnob agrees with us but it sounds like he was put under tremendous pressure from the club to delete the thread. Dear oh dear. Like others have said, if Cypry had reported on anything remotely controversial or revealing, then I could understand it, but he didn't.

its the principle that it is intended to be behind closed doors and so club representatives such as Brian will treat it in that way. If it becomes considered 'ok' by the moderators of a site with such a huge readership as HNA? has then it erodes that principle and the club won't be able to approach those session in the same way as they evidently feel they can at the moment.

Why is it that the few people on here who do stick up for STAR sound like they're reading off a prepared script?

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Geekins » 13 Jul 2012 16:25

Ian Royal Dear STAR fukwits
you bunch of fuking twats.


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Re: Fans' Forum

by Wax Jacket » 13 Jul 2012 16:29

Only one Trevor Morley
southbank1871 It's nice that hobnob agrees with us but it sounds like he was put under tremendous pressure from the club to delete the thread. Dear oh dear. Like others have said, if Cypry had reported on anything remotely controversial or revealing, then I could understand it, but he didn't.

Interesting that the club swooped within a couople of hours - obviously HNA is required reading in the comms dept.

FAO the Comms dept

you're rubbish

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Simon's Church » 13 Jul 2012 16:33

It's a sad day when the club feel the need to strong arm the admin of a supporters' forum because of their own oversight.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Only one Trevor Morley » 13 Jul 2012 16:35

southbank1871 It's nice that hobnob agrees with us but it sounds like he was put under tremendous pressure from the club to delete the thread. Dear oh dear. Like others have said, if Cypry had reported on anything remotely controversial or revealing, then I could understand it, but he didn't.

its the principle that it is intended to be behind closed doors and so club representatives such as Brian will treat it in that way. If it becomes considered 'ok' by the moderators of a site with such a huge readership as HNA? has then it erodes that principle and the club won't be able to approach those session in the same way as they evidently feel they can at the moment.

ultimately the club embrace the digital age when it suits them but not when it doesnt.

The star website policies section (over 20!) makes interesting reading (more for the types of policy rather than content!) as does the Constitution and elected board section. Its interesting that STAR often say 'if you think you can do better then why dont you join'. when you dig into the detail of the constitution/policies it becomes very difficult for a lone voice on board to change things. Basically a majority of like minded people is needed.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by HoneyRoastHoax » 13 Jul 2012 16:37

they are fooked if we all join as we can out vote them on anything.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Big Foot » 13 Jul 2012 16:47

I don't think I'd need 3 guesses to work out which media bellend at the club it was to ask for it to be removed.

BUT as I was told in a private environment, I'll keep it under my hat.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by sandman » 13 Jul 2012 16:50

As a member of HNA? I am disgusted by STAR. I can't imagine another organisation connected with Reading Football Club whose members have an inflated opinion of themselves, think their ideas represent all Reading fans and behave in a cliquey way. That would never happen on here.
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Re: Fans' Forum

by pearcetom » 13 Jul 2012 16:50

HoneyRoastHoax they are fooked if we all join as we can out vote them on anything.

their pensions will dramatically increase though! :evil:

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Re: Fans' Forum

by The Rouge » 13 Jul 2012 16:51

Simon's Church It's a sad day when the club feel the need to strong arm the admin of a supporters' forum because of their own oversight.

STAR ran the event, Brian attended on invite.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Royal Biscuitman » 13 Jul 2012 16:52

Cypry On a serious note, I hope STAR learn from this, and make it clear to everyone what the etiquette is for the forum.
I was blissfully unaware

Cypry I know now that I've been a very naughty boy, and I will not do it again!!!!

You've done nothing wrong, STAR should have informed attendees before the event.

Turns8 My biggest gripe is this whole 'top secret' represent the instead of deleting the original thread...why not have the balls to actually post a STAR version up
or moderate it and nicely explain why.

Turns8 Just a shame I didn't copy and paste the original thread as I'd be reposting it as we speak!!! :o

You'll find it on-line if you know where to look, in fact there are other summaries of the evening too out there (someone was actually tweeting the odd line during the fans forum).

starliaison As someone who has a business to run rather than spend all my time on here I apologise that I have not been replying to everyone who is slagging off STAR.

Yes it is run by volunteers (not amateurs but people who have lots of other things to do) and so things do not always happen as fast as they would if it were our job, but it is also successful at what it does. The fact that STAR members were trusted enough by Brian that he was happy to tell us more than anodyne press conferences (a special meaning to those who were there) is because of what we have done over the last 10 years. If that is ruined by one post on here (and that is entirely possible both with the team management and the club management not trusting us in future) then those of you complaining that we are seen to censor the forum will have even less information in the future. Enjoy
1. You allow a new member to join
2. You fail to explain the rules to the new member
3. You fail to take ownership and responsibility for the consequences of 1 + 2
4. You panic/mishandle the situation
5. Your PR department make things worse & appear to make threats to those they supposedly represent
6. The deleted thread will now be read by more people as a result
7. You claim not to be amateurs :shock:

hobnob However, they are running a "private" event and don't want it reported on so you have to respect those wishes!
If one was to run a private forum and ask in the sign up process not to report the contents, would that prevent someone reporting a post?

Obviously, HNA? The HNA Team board is not a private forum, unlike the other forums on the site

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Arch » 13 Jul 2012 16:55

The entitlement culture at its worst on here.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by davis69 » 13 Jul 2012 17:02

What do you actually get from your star membership??

The chance to sit on a coach with no leg room , full of people looking there going for a lovely trip to Bognor Regis to play some bingo rather than going to a football match. :o :o

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Simon's Church » 13 Jul 2012 17:03

The Rouge
Simon's Church It's a sad day when the club feel the need to strong arm the admin of a supporters' forum because of their own oversight.

STAR ran the event, Brian attended on invite.

But when the club contacted hobnob they surely weren't acting at STAR's behest?
Last edited by Simon's Church on 13 Jul 2012 17:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fans' Forum

by who are ya? » 13 Jul 2012 17:10


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Re: Fans' Forum

by Wax Jacket » 13 Jul 2012 17:11

davis69 What do you actually get from your star membership??

The chance to sit on a coach with no leg room , full of people looking there going for a lovely trip to Bognor Regis to play some bingo rather than going to a football match. :o :o

I'll stick up for Bognor here as I've a lot of friends in the town

there's more to it than bingo

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Royal Biscuitman » 13 Jul 2012 17:13

Simon's Church
The Rouge
Simon's Church It's a sad day when the club feel the need to strong arm the admin of a supporters' forum because of their own oversight.

STAR ran the event, Brian attended on invite.

But when the club contacted hobnob they surely weren't acting at STAR's behest?

Moderators: STAR Campaigns, starliaison

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Re: Fans' Forum

by Cpl Jones Dont panic » 13 Jul 2012 17:23

My God are Star in a timewap and yes I am a paid up member.

Every person at the forum would have told at least 6-10 people at work [ and maybe more] what was said and also texted a summary to at least the same number. Those people would have told another 10 and on it goes , it's called the ripple effect. These days there is so much social media and communications no one can expect a non disclosure agreement . I pay my dues but guess what I am not reading based and work away often so would never be able to attend the forum. I have been a season ticket holder for 35 years and yes, i do want to know what happens at the fans forum, so tell me what options I have.

I am eagerly waiting my my quarterly star newsletter so i can find out if Reading did mange to get promotion .

Reading may be premium league but Star certainly is not, a case of how to alinate freinds and influence people.

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