Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Deadlock » 20 Aug 2012 09:55

Tap water. Remember Scrappy that the bar staff are so useless they can only get work serving in a bar at a football ground.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by TBM » 20 Aug 2012 10:05

Why do people feel the need to drink during football? - surely you can go nearly 2 hours without a pint?......just have a couple before the game, watch the game and then have a few after the game, in a pub, where you get proper glass pints

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Ups and Downs » 20 Aug 2012 10:32

^ Ghey.

If you've had a few before then the last thing you want to do is stop for 2 hours. I'd be asleep by the second half.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by The Rouge » 20 Aug 2012 10:36

Not being funny folks but you do have some options here:

1. Do nothing
2. Join STAR for £10, relay this info to them and watch them do nothing

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Alexander Litvinenko » 20 Aug 2012 10:45

Purely and simply, this is because Compass, the company who bought the contract from RFC, want to keep costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible.

So the staff behind the bars are mainly agency staff on minimum wage.

Can people really expect them to be motivated, efficient or customer-focussed? Would you be in their situation?

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Royal Lady » 20 Aug 2012 11:51

Alexander Litvinenko Purely and simply, this is because Compass, the company who bought the contract from RFC, want to keep costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible.

So the staff behind the bars are mainly agency staff on minimum wage.

Can people really expect them to be motivated, efficient or customer-focussed? Would you be in their situation?

Can't RFC put the contract up for renewal at some point?

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Alexander Litvinenko » 20 Aug 2012 11:57

Royal Lady
Alexander Litvinenko Purely and simply, this is because Compass, the company who bought the contract from RFC, want to keep costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible.

So the staff behind the bars are mainly agency staff on minimum wage.

Can people really expect them to be motivated, efficient or customer-focussed? Would you be in their situation?

Can't RFC put the contract up for renewal at some point?

Don't know how long it lasts or what the terms & conditions are.

But inevitably, RFC will go for the contractor who offers them the most, which means the one which keeps costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible ... so they'll do the same. There's no money in improving customer service when you have a captive market - the only possible benefit is selling more if you do it more quickly, but there's the continual problem that when staff are used on so few occasions in the year it's inevitable they'll be demotivated, on minimum-wage and with high staff-turnover and minimal training they're likely to be unfamiliar with the set-up and routines.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Green » 20 Aug 2012 13:16

Agree with Alexander Litvinenko

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Stuka » 20 Aug 2012 13:20

Embarassing as it is, I've been using the Jazz Cafe at half time. Service not so bad but it really is awful otherwise.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by shart3 » 20 Aug 2012 13:22

I've never done the maths, but surely paying a little bit more in wages to get some decent staff in would more than pay for itself in the extra turnover they could generate by selling twice as much beer at half time.

So many games I've been to, I've not bothered to get a pint at half time as I know that I won't get one in time. If I knew I could go down at half time and definately get a beer, then I would. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in this situation!

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Alexander Litvinenko » 20 Aug 2012 13:30

Probably - but I think limiting factors are also the size of the kiosks and the space inside them.

But really, why would they pay for additional training of staff who work no more than 20 times in a year, and who are employed on a casual basis through an external agency, so there are no guarantees that the staff who were there on Saturday will be the same ones who are back on 8th September - i.e. 21 days later.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Green » 20 Aug 2012 13:36

I think you'd struggle to recruit experienced bar staff - I bet they struggle just to get any old chump to turn up and do it.

Not sure an extra few quid an hour would really make the difference.

Perhaps paying them a bonus based on the turnover each match day might help.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by RoyalBlue » 20 Aug 2012 14:07

Alexander Litvinenko
Royal Lady
Alexander Litvinenko Purely and simply, this is because Compass, the company who bought the contract from RFC, want to keep costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible.

So the staff behind the bars are mainly agency staff on minimum wage.

Can people really expect them to be motivated, efficient or customer-focussed? Would you be in their situation?

Can't RFC put the contract up for renewal at some point?

Don't know how long it lasts or what the terms & conditions are.

But inevitably, RFC will go for the contractor who offers them the most, which means the one which keeps costs as low as possible in order to keep profits as high as possible ... so they'll do the same. There's no money in improving customer service when you have a captive market - the only possible benefit is selling more if you do it more quickly, but there's the continual problem that when staff are used on so few occasions in the year it's inevitable they'll be demotivated, on minimum-wage and with high staff-turnover and minimal training they're likely to be unfamiliar with the set-up and routines.

In a spirit of secrecy that STAR would be proud of, the club have previously steadfastly refused to say whether they sell the catering rights to an external provider (i.e. the catering company pay a fee for the rights and keep all profits themselves) or pay a catering company to manage the catering outlets with all profits going to RFC. The basis of that arrangement can make quite a difference to how (well) the catering is run. RFC have always said that it is commercially confidential, although I've never been able to work out how merely outlining the basis on which the contract is run can adversely impact on any of the parties involved.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Alexander Litvinenko » 20 Aug 2012 14:10

Really? :shock:

I'd always assumed that RFC get a set fee for the catering franchise plus a proportion of the take from Compass. I may be wrong on that but that was always what I thought it was.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Royal Lady » 20 Aug 2012 15:59

I always assumed, obviously incorrectly, that the club were in charge of the catering in as much as costs etc and just hired Compass to do the purchasing and staffing.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Alexander Litvinenko » 20 Aug 2012 16:05

Royal Lady I always assumed, obviously incorrectly, that the club were in charge of the catering in as much as costs etc and just hired Compass to do the purchasing and staffing.

No, definitely not. Compass run it (and the conference centre catering) lock stock and barrel.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by The Rouge » 20 Aug 2012 16:13

Alexander Litvinenko
Royal Lady I always assumed, obviously incorrectly, that the club were in charge of the catering in as much as costs etc and just hired Compass to do the purchasing and staffing.

No, definitely not. Compass run it (and the conference centre catering) lock stock and badly kept barrel.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by melonhead » 20 Aug 2012 16:34

bar in "inundated with thousands of customers in a short 15 minute burst and struggles to cope" shocker

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by Royal Lady » 20 Aug 2012 17:54

The thing is, when they know it's pretty much a sell-out, you'd think they'd make sure that there are adequate staffing levels and drinks "ready to go" just before half time. Even if they started pre-pouring pints of lager 10 mins before half time, it wouldn't have gone any flatter and people are already queueing to buy it at that time anyway.

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Re: Is there an award for the slowest bar staff in the Prem

by St Pauli » 20 Aug 2012 17:59

I think they already do that RL.

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