Justice For The 96

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Ian Royal » 16 Sep 2012 22:55

Anfield Kopite
creative_username_1 is AKopite real or Kes/Jay etc

Oh yes im very real. And im very sincere when i say thanks to anyone who respects the 96. I knew from day 1 that the police and some 'politicians' where conducting a cover up and a black propaganda campaign against our fans, But having read the results from the Hilsborough independent panel today even im amazed at the scale of deciet. One young copper who stated at the time he was going to be whistle blower was told he would be branded as someone who accepted bribes from ticketless scousers to bunk them in therefore increasing the attendence in that part of the ground.

Thanks for ignoring our idiots as they deserve.

Anfield Kopite

Re: Justice For The 96

by Anfield Kopite » 16 Sep 2012 23:07

Ian Royal
Anfield Kopite
creative_username_1 is AKopite real or Kes/Jay etc

Oh yes im very real. And im very sincere when i say thanks to anyone who respects the 96. I knew from day 1 that the police and some 'politicians' where conducting a cover up and a black propaganda campaign against our fans, But having read the results from the Hilsborough independent panel today even im amazed at the scale of deciet. One young copper who stated at the time he was going to be whistle blower was told he would be branded as someone who accepted bribes from ticketless scousers to bunk them in therefore increasing the attendence in that part of the ground.

Thanks for ignoring our idiots as they deserve.

No worries mate. Im a firm believer in the fact every ground in the country will have the odd idiot and so will every forum. I prefer to interact with the decent folk. So i say again thanks to anyone who shows respect to the 96 and your club showed class this afternoon.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Barry the bird boggler » 17 Sep 2012 11:22

Feel sorry for the decent ManU fans that had to endure their idiots singing songs about Hillsborough at their game on Saturday, quite rightly ManU as a club have made a statement deploring these morons. But guess what, no doubt these idiots will emerge again at Anfield next weekend and then the moronic element of the Liverpool crowd will hit back with songs about Munich etc.

From yahoo.com

United manager Sir Alex Ferguson had expressed the hope that a line could be drawn in the sand on the sour relations between the two sets of supporters following this week's damning report on the handling of the Hillsborough disaster in 1989, in which 96 people died.

The report laid bare a shocking cover-up which attempted to shift the blame for the tragedy on to its victims. It revealed South Yorkshire Police had instructed officers to change or amend their statements relating to the events of April 15, 1989, when the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest was abandoned as the tragedy unfolded.

United's biggest win of the season was scarred by a short burst of anti-Liverpool chanting from a small minority of home fans.

One clearly audible chant was "Always the victims, never your fault".

Ferguson's stance is shared by all senior figures at Old Trafford, who will hope the songs are not repeated when United head to Anfield on Sunday week.

A United spokesperson said the club "deplore" such songs.

In a statement, United said: "The manager has made the club's position very clear on this matter. It is now up to the fans to respect that."

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Re: Justice For The 96

by 3 veesinarow » 17 Sep 2012 13:24

And then the MU Supporter's Trust tries to justify it by saying they were singing about Suarez, not about Hillsborough.

Of course they were.

Why would you sing about Suarez at a game against Wigan? Why would you sing about Liverpool at a Wigan game?

MUFC all over - no class despite their best protestations. But then no football club really has any class supporters, do they?

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Re: Justice For The 96

by cmonurz » 17 Sep 2012 13:28

Have to fully agree with Joe Jordan on this one.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Platypuss » 17 Sep 2012 13:41

MUST have made themselves look very foolish here IMO.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by creative_username_1 » 17 Sep 2012 14:36

All football fans from all teams are exactly the same just different accents and allegiances

you'll have a percentage of twats/happy-clapper shirters/'normal'/hooligans/wannabe hooligans/upper class/chav scum etc

'Who's that lying on the runway'
'Hunt, Hunt, wherever you may be. We don't give a oxf*rd if you dropped the knee'

I wince when i hear/read 'all <insert team you don't like> are classless scum'

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 17 Sep 2012 15:31

Sadly over the last ten years or so a new phenomenon seems to have developed ... some supporters seem to think that the more they hate their team's traditional opponents the more of a supporter of their own team that makes them.

It makes no sense if you think it through, but it's definitely a mindset amongst some, and that's what leads to these sort of chants etc.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by RIP apes » 17 Sep 2012 15:32



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Re: Justice For The 96

by Stuboo » 17 Sep 2012 15:53

Annie Eaves (Man U fan and journalist) and her Sports Witness website are out of order for this article IMHO. I feel it's tasteless to be making excuses for chants about Hillsborough by a minority of MU fans.


No Fixed Abode

Re: Justice For The 96

by No Fixed Abode » 17 Sep 2012 16:32

Platypuss MUST have made themselves look very foolish here IMO.

Reminds me of a small minority of Reading fans LOL'ing at Matthew Harding's death. They're still posting on this forum. Gr8 moder8ion eh Platypuss?

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Divvy » 17 Sep 2012 17:18

Of all the images I have seen of this terrible disaster, this one is the most powerful and heartbreaking for me.

One the right hand side, the man (?) with his back to the fence. He will have been staring at the person(s) who couldn't avoid suffocating him. Then the poor woman to hos left, who's head is forced upwards, and the fence can be seen cutting in to her throat against her apple. It's almost certain she was gone at this point. Also the woman to the left who looks like she too had died at this point. But what strikes me about this picture is just how different things appear just a couple of feet to the left. The young lad looks like he doesn't have a care in the world. It's as if he doesn't realise how bad things are to his side. Perhaps he was one of the lucky ones at the front that came away with his life on that dreadful day.

One of the witness statements I read was a young man who was in the crush, and his arm must have been forced up and his forearm ended up thrust against someone's throat. The man was blue, and managed to say "you're killing me". Seconds later that man had gone. He slowly slipped under everyone's feet.

I find reading/listening to the witness accounts of that day so difficult. I've tried explaining it to my children, even talking about it to my wife, but there's always a lump in the throat and at the least glassy eyes when doing so. At the end of the day, these people were football fans just like you and me. We all have our rivals, but we're all connected by our passion for the game, and our clubs. In many ways we're one family, and the loss of these 96 lives is a sad loss to us all.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by soggy biscuit » 17 Sep 2012 20:20


:shock: :cry:

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Re: Justice For The 96

by soggy biscuit » 17 Sep 2012 20:21

For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Divvy » 17 Sep 2012 20:39

soggy biscuit For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

Yes, and sadly passed away shortly after. It's ridiculous to hear the home fans chanting away as the fire is in full blaze.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by cmonurz » 17 Sep 2012 20:48

soggy biscuit For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

Likewise I watched this last night. People were killed that day by making one wrong decision - head to the pitch and you likely survived, run for the sanctuary of the gates at the back of the stand, and you likely burned to death. Horrific.

These events transcend football tribalism.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Stuboo » 17 Sep 2012 21:23

soggy biscuit For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

Yes, and sadly passed away shortly after. It's ridiculous to hear the home fans chanting away as the fire is in full blaze.

I used to show that video as part of fire warden training. I know what you both mean, that video leaves you stunned after watching it. To the police's credit that day, they did some good work trying to save people.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Ian Royal » 17 Sep 2012 22:25

soggy biscuit For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

Yes, and sadly passed away shortly after. It's ridiculous to hear the home fans chanting away as the fire is in full blaze.

I used to show that video as part of fire warden training. I know what you both mean, that video leaves you stunned after watching it. To the police's credit that day, they did some good work trying to save people.

Same here. And I get to watch it again on Thursday for my refresher training. Yay. :|

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Maguire » 18 Sep 2012 10:08

soggy biscuit

:shock: :cry:

The prospect of being in the middle of that doesn't bear thinking about. I'm sure we've all had fleeting moments of panic in large crowds when it's got a bit hairy, but magnify that tenfold and it's just horrendous.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 18 Sep 2012 12:57

soggy biscuit For some reason I just watched a youtube clip of the Bradford fire. A man staggered out fully on fire at one point. Made me want to cry.

Yes, and sadly passed away shortly after. It's ridiculous to hear the home fans chanting away as the fire is in full blaze.

It's almost certain they had no idea people were dying.

The stand was due to be knocked down anyway the following day, so it's loss wouldn't have been a massive concern.

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