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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Geekins » 11 Oct 2012 11:41

This is the problem. We all want to improve the atmosphere but when suggestions come in, all we hear is don't fucking bother. :roll: If these songs are sung, i would happily join in. I even sing the "Le Fondre, do do do do do do do" and i hate it.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Once were Biscuitmen » 11 Oct 2012 13:40

Royalclapper I thought that singing does and always has existed in Rugby, traditionaly more of a middle class following than football. Not sure about it being an entirely class oriented reason. Trends are often seen and pioneered in football that act as a wider barometer to cutural changes and influences.

For me, it is largely due to the newer stadiums being constructed with the emphasis being on safety rather than supporters desires. Demand for tickets in all seated premier league stadia has also obviously meant splitting old groups up. Fans were moaning about this years ago at Old Trafford and trends tend to work top down in football. The atmosphere was never always great even with terraces, and even at the big clubs, it was of course great for certain games which is not so frequent or apparent now.

It does exist in Rugby but never really to the extent it did historically in football. Shouts or chants are more isolated, the mixing of fans does not really lend itself to adversarial, large-scale chanting I suppose.

I don't think it's all down to class as you say but groups of younger men in a terrace are always going to make more noise than families in an all-seater stadium.

I just don't think the relative absence of singing is a big deal or worth the annual bouts of collective self-flagellation. Every other major sport in the world seems to cope ok without the fans singing songs to the players, I'm sure football can as well.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Royalclapper » 11 Oct 2012 15:15

Once were Biscuitmen
Royalclapper I thought that singing does and always has existed in Rugby, traditionaly more of a middle class following than football. Not sure about it being an entirely class oriented reason. Trends are often seen and pioneered in football that act as a wider barometer to cutural changes and influences.

For me, it is largely due to the newer stadiums being constructed with the emphasis being on safety rather than supporters desires. Demand for tickets in all seated premier league stadia has also obviously meant splitting old groups up. Fans were moaning about this years ago at Old Trafford and trends tend to work top down in football. The atmosphere was never always great even with terraces, and even at the big clubs, it was of course great for certain games which is not so frequent or apparent now.

It does exist in Rugby but never really to the extent it did historically in football. Shouts or chants are more isolated, the mixing of fans does not really lend itself to adversarial, large-scale chanting I suppose.

I don't think it's all down to class as you say but groups of younger men in a terrace are always going to make more noise than families in an all-seater stadium.

I just don't think the relative absence of singing is a big deal or worth the annual bouts of collective self-flagellation. Every other major sport in the world seems to cope ok without the fans singing songs to the players, I'm sure football can as well.

Yes, and i agree that the songs are of a different nature to what i suspect most football fans are thinking of.

I was talking to some Man City supporting friends last weekend who went to the Dortmund Champs league game and they were not overly sold on the popular continental 'organised singing' that the Dortmund fans were doing. Like the AL post suggested about the spontanaety of chants, this type of 'organised singing' is usually orchestrated by a bloke with a megaphone type thing and not even watching the game, which is a little contrived for my liking

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Theroyalbox » 11 Oct 2012 16:00

What would definatly help the situation would be an adopted song from the club like a youll never walk alone sort of thing , i like this one

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by madreadingfan » 11 Oct 2012 18:39

Theroyalbox What would definatly help the situation would be an adopted song from the club like a youll never walk alone sort of thing , i like this one

I would love to sing an anthem like that where our fans can sing with passion altogether and it lasts more then 5 seconds

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Compo's Hat » 11 Oct 2012 18:53

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Compo's Hat
The effort at Swansea was truly pathetic

Whilst this is true the most pathetic song at Swansea came from the home support.

The Michu rendition of 'We will rock you'....was just laughable.

Hope I never hear anything as cringeworthy from Reading fans.

Did you not hear our idiots singing the Big Bad Wolf. Anyone over the age of twelve singing that should be banned for life!

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Turnball ACs » 11 Oct 2012 19:45

Take me home
To the Tilehurst Road
To the place
Where I belong
To the South Bank
To see the Reading
Take me home
Tilehurst Road

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Theroyalbox » 11 Oct 2012 22:13

Theroyalbox What would definatly help the situation would be an adopted song from the club like a youll never walk alone sort of thing , i like this one

I would love to sing an anthem like that where our fans can sing with passion altogether and it lasts more then 5 seconds

Me too love the idea and this song is not taken!

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by savage 4 england » 11 Oct 2012 22:38

He can't pass a ballllllllllllllll, he can't pass a balllllllllllllllllllllllllll, JEM KARACAN, he can't pass a ball.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by mr_number » 12 Oct 2012 09:57

Theroyalbox What would definatly help the situation would be an adopted song from the club like a youll never walk alone sort of thing , i like this one

I would love to sing an anthem like that where our fans can sing with passion altogether and it lasts more then 5 seconds

Me too love the idea and this song is not taken!

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Stuboo » 16 Oct 2012 00:24

Theroyalbox What would definatly help the situation would be an adopted song from the club like a youll never walk alone sort of thing , i like this one

I would love to sing an anthem like that where our fans can sing with passion altogether and it lasts more then 5 seconds

Me too love the idea and this song is not taken!

If you see the thread, Should Reading Have an Official Anthem, you will see that the club seem to have decided to make The Beautiful Dream our anthem. Not sure how I feel about that, but I agree we need something.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by General B » 16 Oct 2012 09:18

Everyone in this thread

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by RockheadRumple » 16 Oct 2012 11:27

^^^ Actual LOL

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Compo's Hat » 16 Oct 2012 12:07

I can't like that Impossible dream at all due to the fact i feel it's insulting to the class of 05/06. They not only got us into the top tier for the first time in our history but also romped the league which nobody could have imagined forthcoming at the start of that season.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Alexander Litvinenko » 16 Oct 2012 12:14

Compo's Hat I can't like that Impossible dream at all due to the fact i feel it's insulting to the class of 05/06. They not only got us into the top tier for the first time in our history but also romped the league which nobody could have imagined forthcoming at the start of that season.

Agreed - teh very title "The Impossible Dream" makes me wince.

It's not "impossible" - we did it a few years ago.

And if the club do think it's "impossible" they're devaluing everything and giving the message of inferiority. If this is an "impossible" dream it says that that we're just a small club playing above ourselves in the big time - rather than what we actually are which is a Premier League club in our own right who's got there by being better than the other teams around them.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by floyd__streete » 16 Oct 2012 12:39

I hate 'The Impossible Dream' montage. As well as reminding me of the laughable 'WE WILL NOT BE NEXT' crap inflicted on us before every game of the hopeless 07/08 relegation season (erm yep, we will be next actually :| ), It is a drony song, hardly likely to whip a football crowd into a frenzy, and the playing of it before every single ruddy game is typical of the football club's breezy attitude towards enforcing 'their' way of you supporting the club on all 20,000 of us. Sadly, people are so lacking in imagination having become conditioned to having suited marketing-types (in all walks of life sadly, not just football) think for them that I imagine there would be complaints if the dropped this part of the pre-match build up.....I gather there were complaints when the after-goal music was forgotten some time ago :| .

Luckily, all-seater stadia is so skills that I can pitch up at my seat 2 mins before kick off, avoid whatever moronic half time 'entertainment' is put on and not lose my place like you would ahve done in the days of terracing!

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Divvy » 16 Oct 2012 13:46

Turnball ACs Take me home
To the Tilehurst Road
To the place
Where I belong
To the South Bank
To see the Reading
Take me home
Tilehurst Road

Love it.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by Compo's Hat » 16 Oct 2012 14:54

floyd__streete Luckily, all-seater stadia is so skills that I can pitch up at my seat 2 mins before kick off, avoid whatever moronic half time 'entertainment' is put on and not lose my place like you would have done in the days of terracing!

Bingo! It's actually worse than when the players used to come out to Let Me Entertain You when we were mince.

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by grey_squirrel » 16 Oct 2012 15:51

Turnball ACs Take me homeTo the Tilehurst Road
To the place
Where I belong
To the South Bank
To see the Reading
Take me home
Tilehurst Road

Love it.

Oh I see now- silly me - this thread is developing into the biggest p:ss-take ever on HNA. Nice one

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Re: ATMOSPHERE-More songs

by SPARTA » 16 Oct 2012 17:10

grey_squirrel .
Turnball ACs Take me homeTo the Tilehurst Road
To the place
Where I belong
To the South Bank
To see the Reading
Take me home
Tilehurst Road

Love it.

Oh I see now- silly me - this thread is developing into the biggest p:ss-take ever on HNA. Nice one


Fan comes up with what could be a decent song and muppets like you come along and ridicule. Well done you. I assume you're vocal at football and enjoy singing along? If you do, you'll agree we lack in songs/chants and should welcome new ideas, not berate them.

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