Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by facaldaqui » 22 Oct 2012 13:06

Hoop Blah
Alexander Litvinenko I think Show Racism the Red Card deserves far, far more of the credit for changes in the game - but they're not funded from inside football (except a small donation from the PFA) so what they can do is appropriate and make a difference.

Kick It Out is almost wholly funded from within football, and so has to kow-tow to its leaders and not ruffle feathers. A couple of years ago KIO virtually ran out of funds and had to apply to the PL for "emergency funding" to stay in business. In the same way that the PL funds Supporters Direct and other advocacy and representative organisations in the game, there's a tacit understanding that the funding comes as long as you don't make too many waves and don't criticise the funders or what they stand for.

KIO won't ruffle feathers because they know they'll lose their funding again .....they need funding without strings attached to be effective. And *that's* the key argument.

I can see the worth in that argument but I'm not sure it's actually needed.

Outside bodies kicking up a fuss over incidents and basically being more militant and confrontational probably isn't going to have the right effect on footballs governing bodies or those members of society that really need the education. What football needs, and IMO already does, is to take racial incidents seriously and consistently. Treat them with the contempt they deserve and deal with the culprits. I think that's being done, in this country, pretty well.

Football needs the support of society as a whole in order to tackle racism as an issue and to stamp out abuse. Players taking an aggressive stance against KIO isn't going to do that. I just don't see the point of basically attacking a charitable organisation who undertake a decent amount of work to help the evolution of thinking regarding racism moving in the right direction. It just seems to me that Roberts, and those that are following his lead (and I don't include Lescott here btw) are lashing out at KIO because it follows on so quickly after the awful scenes in Serbia.

KIO are the wrong target. Show Racism the Red Card are likewise the wrong target (although I don't see why you think they deserve more credit Dirk, they're work doesn't seem to be more effective to me).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Roberts speaking out about Ferdinands 'choc ice' re-tweet and his minimal fine. I don't remember him speaking out and calling for Terry's ban to be X before the FA found him guilty.

I just wonder exactly what these players want. It just seems like lashing out aimlessly and having a bit of a hissy fit against the wrong people.

Well argued, though I see it differently. Kick it Out aren't the target, in my opinion; if you listen to what people are saying, weakness by the authorities on racism is the target, and Kick it Out is being seen, even by those who support it, as unable to change that. One reason, as Roberts said, is that they are more or less totally funded, and very meagrely at that, by the FA.

So for me, Roberts and the others were making an entirely consistent political stand. The idea is that since the authorities and charities cannot bring radical changes on racism, the players should take up the baton. The problem with that, of course, is that most footballers are not political and will not, at least to begin with, be easy to rouse. But players are very powerful if they want to be. If player action at matches started taking place, the authorities would have to get stricter on racism--by which I mean banning players for long periods and, in the case of places like Serbia, banning teams for the actions of their fans. I think if the players ever properly organised themselves on a European scale, they could have a significant influence on the levels of punishment for racism in football.

Of course, it may be that the players cannot do this, because there aren't enough radical ones among them, nor enough who understand political action. But that doesn't make Roberts less smart in trying to influence things in that direction. There have been many silly things said on this thread, but some of the most superficial have been those calling him unintelligent--far from it.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Hoop Blah » 22 Oct 2012 13:31

Good points, I just don't see the point in attacking KIO.

By all means take up a stance that the authorities aren't doing enough (I'm not sure that's valid in the recent cases that seem to have kicked up a fuss) and collectively try and put pressure on them to do so, but I still think it's undermining their message to pick KIO (one if their key allies) to start that off.

I know it's got everyone talking about this week, and so there's an argument that it's worked, but it would've been so much more effective if they'd taken this week as a chance to unite against racism instead of making this a week of 'is it right or wrong' action instead of a week of how can we combine to fight against racism.

I think this 'uprising' is doing more to distract from the great strides we've made in this country instead of celebrating them and showing the country, and the rest of the world, how far we've come. There may still be some work to be done to address institutional racism at the higher levels of the game and in the boardroom (I'm really not sure that's true when you look at some owners and senior people in the PFA) but sometimes I wonder what the likes of Roberts want?

Was he campaigning for a 10 game ban for Terry? Would that have been sufficient for him? Does he want a number of black club owners? How many? Who at the FA do they think shouldn't be in their job in favour of some black representation?

KIO is one part of a range of things going on in football to address the issues. I just don't get why it should be singled out for all the perceived failings of the other organisations.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Royal Rother » 22 Oct 2012 13:42

Well said. FWIW I agree.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Madstad to Nadderud » 22 Oct 2012 15:06

Ideal Why don't we just let Jason Roberts have his way, and we make a minimum quota for black staff.
Say 50% of all premier league managers will now have to be black, or perhaps 50% of all staff.
That should satisfy Roberts.
Sack Ferguson, hire John Barnes. Sack Wenger, hire Paul Ince. And so on.

We could call it "The Roberts rule".
Anyway, we all know the reason John Barnes isn't the manager of Manchester United is the wall of "constitutional racism" as described by the posters in this thread.

Clearly you're not a fan of Jason Roberts. Like I said earlier, a bit surprising your comments considering what happened in your own country last year! But there again maybe not.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by pea » 22 Oct 2012 15:13

Madstad to Nadderud
Ideal Why don't we just let Jason Roberts have his way, and we make a minimum quota for black staff.
Say 50% of all premier league managers will now have to be black, or perhaps 50% of all staff.
That should satisfy Roberts.
Sack Ferguson, hire John Barnes. Sack Wenger, hire Paul Ince. And so on.

We could call it "The Roberts rule".
Anyway, we all know the reason John Barnes isn't the manager of Manchester United is the wall of "constitutional racism" as described by the posters in this thread.

Clearly you're not a fan of Jason Roberts. Like I said earlier, a bit surprising your comments considering what happened in your own country last year! But there again maybe not.

The guy is Breiviks brother on the basis of other posts, I'd put him on ignore if I were you

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Madstad to Nadderud » 22 Oct 2012 15:34

Madstad to Nadderud a bit surprising your comments considering what happened in your own country last year!

I'll bite, you've caught fish.

You seem to not be able to fully comprehend the reasons why what happened did in fact happen.
If people were able to air their views in public, and other people engaged them in rational discussions, then we would have free and open discussions, do you not agree?
Unfortunately, because people shout "racist, cock, bellend, die die die scumbag", rather than engage others in rational discussion, people such as Breivik are driven off to racist messageboards where they discuss only with radical persons who further radicalize them and they are then driven towards terrorism.

People like yourself are part of this movement, this "racist, cock, bellend, Breivik!"-movement, where you drive others into the arms of radical extremists.
If people like yourself were to accept that "anti-racism" does not in fact mean that rapists should go free, and it does in fact not mean that Jason Roberts is correct, then that would be a step in the right direction and would in fact inhibit the growth and expansion of radical racist opinions among people.

I myself simply find it amusing to provoke discussion, and I think it is possible that a fair few have caught on to that by now.

What is worrying here is that you seem to be sympathetic towards Breivik as he would have engaged in his actions whether he was given an open forum or not. He is a racist and extremist with extremely warped views of society. I have experienced racism and discrimination in your country on several occasions but I actually don't go around using the tone of comments you seem to suggest. I am fully in support of Jason Roberts.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 22 Oct 2012 16:03

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Royal Lady But he HAS been a manager - just a not very good one!

But he has complained about not gettign other jobs

I meant newly qualified, as I said in my other post - not manager's who have already been tried and proven to be ineffective.

why would you hve heard newly qualified managers complaining about not getti8ng jobs.

a bloke who steps out of his training having paid for the badges etc isnt going to have any profile, and isnt going to have any access to media with which to tell you about it. unless said manager is a m8 of yours, and im guessing you dont have a lot of black friends, let alone back manager friends, i reckon it would be almost impossible for you to have heard anything about it

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 22 Oct 2012 16:05

Ideal Why don't we just let Jason Roberts have his way, and we make a minimum quota for black staff.
Say 50% of all premier league managers will now have to be black, or perhaps 50% of all staff.
That should satisfy Roberts.
Sack Ferguson, hire John Barnes. Sack Wenger, hire Paul Ince. And so on.

We could call it "The Roberts rule".
Anyway, we all know the reason John Barnes isn't the manager of Manchester United is the wall of "constitutional racism" as described by the posters in this thread.

that would be mental

the precentage should roughly reflect their percentage among the population if possible

but affirmative action doesnt work, so i disagree anyway

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Royal Rother » 22 Oct 2012 16:13

Ideal does of course have a point in there somewhere.

I am not saying it is acceptable but in the real world, and in certain contexts, the use of the term "black anything" does not automatically mean that the perpetrator is a 100% nailed-on nasty racist and it is frankly pathetic to suggest it does. But that way of thinking has become so ingrained in many people on here that others are afraid to contradict it.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by melonhead » 22 Oct 2012 16:17

so, does it mean he is a 50% nailed on nasty racist
a 100% loosely attached friendly racist?

i admit, that to us comfortable white folk, there seems very little difference between calling someone a black cnut, and calling them a ginger cnut, or a welsh cnut.

i guess it means a little more to black people.
or that they at least have recourse to complain when they take offence. the gingers and welsh just have to sit and take it


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 22 Oct 2012 16:23

I heard it a while back that Stan Collymore wanted at least one Black manager to be interviewed for each vacancy.

So when SAF leaves UTD, they would have to scrabble around for a black man to interview just for the sake of it even though he was completely inexperienced. They would then kick off in 3 years showing how many interviews black managers have had and how many had been offered the job.

Surely it should go to the best candidate and not the blackest??? If they want the jobs they should apply.

My mum is a head teacher for a first school in quite an affluent area, she is told that she must accept at least one asian child and one black child into the school at the start of each school year no matter where they live. Their are children who live right next to the school who cant get in because of this and the two chosen ones are travelling 30-40 mins each day just to get there.

World's gone mad.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Avon Royal » 22 Oct 2012 16:24

Ideal If people were able to air their views in public, and other people engaged them in rational discussions, then we would have free and open discussions, do you not agree?
Unfortunately, because people shout "racist, cock, bellend, die die die scumbag", rather than engage others in rational discussion, people such as Breivik are driven off to racist messageboards where they discuss only with radical persons who further radicalize them and they are then driven towards terrorism.

Game, set and match Ideal.


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 22 Oct 2012 16:28

Avon Royal
Ideal If people were able to air their views in public, and other people engaged them in rational discussions, then we would have free and open discussions, do you not agree?
Unfortunately, because people shout "racist, cock, bellend, die die die scumbag", rather than engage others in rational discussion, people such as Breivik are driven off to racist messageboards where they discuss only with radical persons who further radicalize them and they are then driven towards terrorism.

Game, set and match Ideal.

Spot on, Ideal.

It has become such a taboo subject that people fear saying anything at all.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Madstad to Nadderud » 22 Oct 2012 16:33

Avon Royal
Ideal If people were able to air their views in public, and other people engaged them in rational discussions, then we would have free and open discussions, do you not agree?
Unfortunately, because people shout "racist, cock, bellend, die die die scumbag", rather than engage others in rational discussion, people such as Breivik are driven off to racist messageboards where they discuss only with radical persons who further radicalize them and they are then driven towards terrorism.

Game, set and match Ideal.

Spot on, Ideal.

It has become such a taboo subject that people fear saying anything at all.

Yeah, and look at the amount of people criticising Jason Roberts for expressing his opinion and standing up for what he believes in.


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 22 Oct 2012 16:36

No, Jason Roberts is concentrating too much on his own crusades and not enough on football.

There are things I would like to say about the whole affair but would probably find myself banned from here and infront of a judge. Political correctness has gone mad and in my opinion they pander too much to the minorities in this once great country.

No Fixed Abode

Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by No Fixed Abode » 22 Oct 2012 16:40

Agreed with Lacoste here. I know racism is bad, but I'd rather someone be racist to me than physically violent or spitting at me. Sticks and stones.

El Hadj Diouf ONLY got a 2 game for spitting. Far worse offence than calling someone a name.


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 22 Oct 2012 16:45

Ideal Spitting also carries the risk of transmitting a sexual disease or other kinds of viral or bacterial infections, anything from Hepatitis to HIV/AIDS.

Hepatitis can stunt your life expectancy by 30-40 years, you'd die at 50.

And calling someone a name gets you a 4-8 match ban :lol:

Pandering at its worst.

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Elm Park Pasty » 22 Oct 2012 16:54

Lacoste I heard it a while back that Stan Collymore wanted at least one Black manager to be interviewed for each vacancy.

So when SAF leaves UTD, they would have to scrabble around for a black man to interview just for the sake of it even though he was completely inexperienced. They would then kick off in 3 years showing how many interviews black managers have had and how many had been offered the job.

Surely it should go to the best candidate and not the blackest??? If they want the jobs they should apply.

Part of the trouble has always been the closed shop that was the managerial merry-go-round. We have all probably lost count of the number of blokes that have employed time after time after time or shoudl that failure after failure after failure, and still are. I am sure there are an awful lot of black players who could give a lot back to the game if the right impetus is there, and I would suspect there is still some racism at club level in some form on appointing black backroom staff. How many can you think of? I am thinking Terry Connor and er, um.......


Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by Lacoste » 22 Oct 2012 16:56

Elm Park Pasty
Lacoste I heard it a while back that Stan Collymore wanted at least one Black manager to be interviewed for each vacancy.

So when SAF leaves UTD, they would have to scrabble around for a black man to interview just for the sake of it even though he was completely inexperienced. They would then kick off in 3 years showing how many interviews black managers have had and how many had been offered the job.

Surely it should go to the best candidate and not the blackest??? If they want the jobs they should apply.

Part of the trouble has always been the closed shop that was the managerial merry-go-round. We have all probably lost count of the number of blokes that have employed time after time after time or shoudl that failure after failure after failure, and still are. I am sure there are an awful lot of black players who could give a lot back to the game if the right impetus is there, and I would suspect there is still some racism at club level in some form on appointing black backroom staff. How many can you think of? I am thinking Terry Connor and er, um.......

They should apply then!!!

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Re: Jason Roberts...Do you sometimes find him annoying?!

by mr_number » 22 Oct 2012 16:57

No Fixed Abode Agreed with Lacoste here. I know racism is bad, but I'd rather someone be racist to me than physically violent or spitting at me. Sticks and stones.

El Hadj Diouf ONLY got a 2 game for spitting. Far worse offence than calling someone a name.

I'd rather have someone be racist at me, since as a white person, it wouldn't really carry much meaning. Not sure how I'd feel as a black person though.

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