by Barry the bird boggler »
31 Oct 2012 08:31
While it's only the league cup, and I couldn't give a rodent's posterior about cup games, I was thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed to be a Reading supporter last night.
After a 1st half, where the team really was playing very well and giving Arsenal
RESERVES a good hiding, the team then proceeded to spend the rest of the game turning out a level of performance which would have shamed most U5s. At least when Arsenal's first team arrive in December we'll be able to answer one of the mysteries of life which is how far scorboard goal tallies can actually go up.
It was just a total b******g disgrace and shows that we do not have a squad of players good enough at this level. Pogrebnyak aside, the signings made are no more than the standard level of player "for the future" that BM generally buys and take ages to gel.
I have to say that right now I am putting the blame for the crap we've had to endure this season at the foot of the manager and if we carry on in November with the unforgiveable, abysmal, pathetic defending we've been seeing then his time is going to be very much up as I can't see the Russians being too happy with owning a club which has just made itself a world laughing stock.
Of course a win on Sunday means all this will be forgotton and everything will be right in Reading land again.