Playing on the same side? The last taboo

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Royalclapper » 14 Nov 2012 12:50

Rumpole I'm a governor of a primary school in Wandsworth - every year we have Key Stage results broken down by a number of factors - free school meals, ethnicity, sex, etc. The school is at least 90% non-white.

Every single set of exam results show the same thing - minority ethnicity pupils outperform white pupils. Even those that spoke no English (AT ALL) when they arrived at the school aged 5,6,7 whatever have, on the whole, a MUCH better grasp of the foundations of English grammar, etc, when they reach 11 and leave for secondary school. Especially written English. The reason the Head Teacher assigns is that those children with little English feel pressured to fit in, and so work harder and progress at a much quicker rate.

The incidence of exclusion-panel-worthy behaviour (kids doing stuff bad enough to be expelled or suspended, in old terms) is higher amongst white students.

Now, I admit this is just one example, and anecdotal at best, but my experiences have greatly defied my own previous assumptions.

I find that staggering tbh, that those starting with no English do better. What kind of exams are they, dot-to-dot?
Nonetheless, that's much better evidence than anything I have so can't disagree, and it would also defy my previous assumptions like yours. Agree with Melon about the chavs also, a scar on civilised life.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Cobi » 14 Nov 2012 12:53

Hampshire Royal The seige has never been a person that I have any empathy with. all of his posts to date have been mindless drivel. The difference on this thread is that they are now dangerous, mindless drivel. I too have six children and I can't imagine withdrawing my love from any one of them because they told me they are gay. That simply shows him to be a person who doesn't have normal human feelings that the majority of people have.

The Siege reminds me of the Harry Enfield gay dad character. :lol:

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by maffff » 14 Nov 2012 12:56

Rumpole I'm a governor of a primary school in Wandsworth

My housemates are teachers at a primary school in Reading. The vast majority (80%?) of children are BME and a large number are EAL (English as an additional language). You'll find those of different ethnicities in almost all instances are far more intellectually developed than the caucasian children, English and Poles seem to be the ones that are less developed.

You look at the demographic of the parents too, in the white caucasian community a significant proportion are single parents*, barely out of their teens*, low income if not JSA*, and don't really help the children out of school whereas those of other ethnicities (particularly those of Asian decent) really support their children's education, help with homework, do extra to help them learn English and settle in. Generally feels like they try harder and their children are better for it.

* obviously generalising, there are some great single parents and some awful parents on both sides of the fence, but that's the general feel across that school, and that of a few of their friends I know who teach also.

The problem in the Eduaction system in this instance has nothing to do with immigration, sexuality, etc, more British and certain European cultures.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Hampshire Royal » 14 Nov 2012 13:00

It never ceases to amaze me that people who work in Indian or Chinese restaurants speak perfect English. It's not only in Britain that they do it - those who work in restaurants in Geneva and France have the same command of French.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by sputnik » 14 Nov 2012 14:03

If he can't be removed from this board can we at least give TheSiege an eight game ban ?

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Royalclapper » 14 Nov 2012 14:23

melonhead and totally back up my points/destroy sieges

excellent stuff.

As well as the comforting knowledge that anyone anti-immigrants is not acceptable, but your class bashing is acceptable.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by MouldyRoyal » 14 Nov 2012 14:25

melonhead and totally back up my points/destroy sieges

excellent stuff.

As well as the comforting knowledge that anyone anti-immigrants is not acceptable, but your class bashing is acceptable.

Neither is acceptable, but weirdly I get way more grief for being middle class or "posh" or whatever than I would ever give out. In any event, people class-bashing doesn't warrant being anti-immigrants.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by maffff » 14 Nov 2012 15:07

Probably no point saying this, but, erm, can we get back to the point in the O/P?

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by RobRoyal » 14 Nov 2012 15:37

TheSiege In every strata of life, a person who overcomes his problems and succeeds is a winner. A person who does not is a loser! Unless, of course, you are a homosexual. In that case, you are able to give in to any perversion that takes you, pass Aids into the general society and always know that the Liberal/Socialist w*nkers will support every vile thing that you do! Thousands of animals are tortured every day so that you can have a working eye-drop, but who cares, we need to need to look after homosexuals who require us to pretend that they are normal!

TheSiege Now watch, the biggest left-wing dinosaur on the site is bound to call me homophobic!

:lol: Do you understand what a homophobe is, at all?

And I'll have to spell this out to you, since I obviously didn't get it through to you last time:

TheSiege Terry-Thomas would turn in his grave to have his portrait so demeaned!

That is not a picture of Terry Thomas you appalling moron. It's a picture of a man who did more than almost anyone in the 20th century to advance human understanding. Imagine my surprise that you have no idea who he is.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 14 Nov 2012 16:52

melonhead and totally back up my points/destroy sieges

excellent stuff.

As well as the comforting knowledge that anyone anti-immigrants is not acceptable, but your class bashing is acceptable.

didnt say it was unnacceptable at all

i just disagreed with it, and said why

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Optimist » 14 Nov 2012 17:03

marcusopp I tell you what, all this talk about racism and bigotry being a thing of the past is quickly removed by 'the siege'. shocking.
The thread was about gay guys in football and how they shouldn't be made to live in the closet. The siege is somehow got that onto immigration and paedophiles. This sums up the views of a horrible minority of our population, which is why things like racism and homophobia are here to stay.
So tell me, the siege, are you a practicing christian who has never broken the ten commandments? Do you feel that religion is still relevant in 2012 when we have scientific explanations for most things? I hope you don't live anywhere near me, because my son is mixed race, or a 'wog' as you'd probably refer to him, and i hate to think that this little boy could be the victim of racist abuse by a cnut like you.
Feck off and support Millwall, you'll fit right in there.

Now this does irritate me a tad (Well, compared to how irritating TheSiege is it's nothing). Why must you suggest he's a Christian because of his bigoted opinions? Some of us are Christians (and of a particular denomination which is not always percieved to be friendly to homosexuals), but that doesn't make us all racist, homophobic and bigoted at the same time. I and many others religios folks I know are rather liberal on most things (I'm also pro-Europe, have no problem with gay people, and anti-Siege), even though our faith is considered conservative by much of "normal society".

Please in future don't assume that this is the view of all Christians, the vast majority of us are intelligent and accepting. Ta.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 14 Nov 2012 17:15

marcusopp I tell you what, all this talk about racism and bigotry being a thing of the past is quickly removed by 'the siege'. shocking.
The thread was about gay guys in football and how they shouldn't be made to live in the closet. The siege is somehow got that onto immigration and paedophiles. This sums up the views of a horrible minority of our population, which is why things like racism and homophobia are here to stay.
So tell me, the siege, are you a practicing christian who has never broken the ten commandments? Do you feel that religion is still relevant in 2012 when we have scientific explanations for most things? I hope you don't live anywhere near me, because my son is mixed race, or a 'wog' as you'd probably refer to him, and i hate to think that this little boy could be the victim of racist abuse by a cnut like you.
Feck off and support Millwall, you'll fit right in there.

Now this does irritate me a tad (Well, compared to how irritating TheSiege is it's nothing). Why must you suggest he's a Christian because of his bigoted opinions? Some of us are Christians (and of a particular denomination which is not always percieved to be friendly to homosexuals), but that doesn't make us all racist, homophobic and bigoted at the same time. I and many others religios folks I know are rather liberal on most things (I'm also pro-Europe, have no problem with gay people, and anti-Siege), even though our faith is considered conservative by much of "normal society".

Please in future don't assume that this is the view of all Christians, the vast majority of us are intelligent and accepting. Ta.

think it was because the siege brought up the points of it(gayness and "sodomy" being against the bible and word of god

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Optimist » 14 Nov 2012 17:28

marcusopp I tell you what, all this talk about racism and bigotry being a thing of the past is quickly removed by 'the siege'. shocking.
The thread was about gay guys in football and how they shouldn't be made to live in the closet. The siege is somehow got that onto immigration and paedophiles. This sums up the views of a horrible minority of our population, which is why things like racism and homophobia are here to stay.
So tell me, the siege, are you a practicing christian who has never broken the ten commandments? Do you feel that religion is still relevant in 2012 when we have scientific explanations for most things? I hope you don't live anywhere near me, because my son is mixed race, or a 'wog' as you'd probably refer to him, and i hate to think that this little boy could be the victim of racist abuse by a cnut like you.
Feck off and support Millwall, you'll fit right in there.

Now this does irritate me a tad (Well, compared to how irritating TheSiege is it's nothing). Why must you suggest he's a Christian because of his bigoted opinions? Some of us are Christians (and of a particular denomination which is not always percieved to be friendly to homosexuals), but that doesn't make us all racist, homophobic and bigoted at the same time. I and many others religios folks I know are rather liberal on most things (I'm also pro-Europe, have no problem with gay people, and anti-Siege), even though our faith is considered conservative by much of "normal society".

Please in future don't assume that this is the view of all Christians, the vast majority of us are intelligent and accepting. Ta.

think it was because the siege brought up the points of it(gayness and "sodomy" being against the bible and word of god

Oh ok. It just looked like stuff was being assumed. Please, carry on with siege bashing.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Man Friday » 14 Nov 2012 17:37

marcusopp I tell you what, all this talk about racism and bigotry being a thing of the past is quickly removed by 'the siege'. shocking.
The thread was about gay guys in football and how they shouldn't be made to live in the closet. The siege is somehow got that onto immigration and paedophiles. This sums up the views of a horrible minority of our population, which is why things like racism and homophobia are here to stay.
So tell me, the siege, are you a practicing christian who has never broken the ten commandments? Do you feel that religion is still relevant in 2012 when we have scientific explanations for most things? I hope you don't live anywhere near me, because my son is mixed race, or a 'wog' as you'd probably refer to him, and i hate to think that this little boy could be the victim of racist abuse by a cnut like you.
Feck off and support Millwall, you'll fit right in there.

Now this does irritate me a tad (Well, compared to how irritating TheSiege is it's nothing). Why must you suggest he's a Christian because of his bigoted opinions? Some of us are Christians (and of a particular denomination which is not always percieved to be friendly to homosexuals), but that doesn't make us all racist, homophobic and bigoted at the same time. I and many others religios folks I know are rather liberal on most things (I'm also pro-Europe, have no problem with gay people...

And neither do I "have a problem" with Christians.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Man Friday » 14 Nov 2012 17:49

TheSiege I absolutely defend the right for any male and femail to get married

What the hell is a "femail"?

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Man Friday » 14 Nov 2012 17:57

melonhead and we do need them, very much. we dont produce enough children

That statement is almost as crazy as some of The Siege's. One thing we're not short of on this planet is humans. Animals of virtually every denomination yes, but definitely not humans. We're down to the last few of many, many species but we have 6 billion humans on this planet and expanding fast. Go figure.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 14 Nov 2012 18:00

but the other people are all in other countries. how does that help us?!

& what about my oxf*rd pension etc
& who will wipe my bottom when i am old!

short of a total restructuring of the capitalist model, i think we need them, at leqts until i die

then you can do what you want

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Man Friday » 14 Nov 2012 18:13

Fair enough then.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 14 Nov 2012 18:15

so, its agreed

good :D

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Man Friday » 14 Nov 2012 18:16

Of course, why not?

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