Playing on the same side? The last taboo

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by MrWestHam » 21 Nov 2012 20:23

Unfortunately still too many people in this country that think like this and the further north you go the more you find of them.

Sad times.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by winchester_royal » 21 Nov 2012 21:53

This is the gospel of The Siege, praise to you oh Siege

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by harryroyal » 21 Nov 2012 21:53

TheSiege Right, you've all had your fun being abusive and pretending that you occupy the high ground in this 'debate'. I understand that some of you are not Brain Surgeons and that others do'nt even read my posts before hurling gibberish at me.

I will re-iterate for the Morons amongst you!

I do not believe that anyone should be discriminated against due to any accident of birth that they can't change.
I, myself, discriminate against nobody - I take all people for the people they are. But:-
I am Patriotic and the rest of the World cannot all move to our small island and swamp us.
Every child who requires adoption have already gone through much that I would not wish on them, they need a proper family with a loving Father and Mother to bring them up and give them a proper start in life.

I have made a lot of statements in previous posts that are both true and, indeed, logical. I have always dealt in logic when looking at issues that need a solution. I understand that others simply use emotion but - that is way, way, way not good enough. I have noticed that not one of you have managed to deny the points I have made, simply mis-read them or ignored them and just been abusive.

Anyway, I am on this site to talk about football. I have never been interested in this thread except in that it proved what a lot of politically-correct wasters some of our fans are. I may set up a political site that seeks to truly discuss difficult issues. Most of you will not understand it!

Bye-bye the thread and it's contributors who may love RFC but seriously fail to even know what England stands for!

that's where you go wrong.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Royal Ginger » 21 Nov 2012 22:21

TheSiege Every child who requires adoption have already gone through much that I would not wish on them, they need a proper family with a loving Father and Mother to bring them up and give them a proper start in life.

Any why can't a same sex couple give a child a proper start in life? I know a Lesbian couple who are fostering a 7 year old child, who since she has been with them has blossomed into a wonderful young lady. The assumption that who you find attractive has any bearing on how good a role model you are is absurd. Archaic and sexist ideas of gender boundaries are no longer relevant or legal in modern Britain.

Oh, and from one heterosexual to another, you're a vile human being.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Snowball » 21 Nov 2012 22:50

A very common scenario is a woman marrying, bearing children, not feeling overly sexually attracted
to her husband, but carrying on regardless and being a good, "wholesome" mother while father does what
average fathers do.

Then in later life, Mother discovers that her unhappiness is because she is lesbian...

There is a flip-side where a young man gets engaged, married, fathers kids, does a good job
as a father, but "something doesn't feel quite right"... and late in life, maybe in middle-age
this man discovers he was unhappy because he was gay.

In both scenarios, decent human beings did a decent, "normal" job of bringing up children into maturity.

Many, many heterosexual couples are utter bastards. Maybe some gay people are, too.

But BEING gay is no bar to being decent, or being a decent parent.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by sandman » 21 Nov 2012 23:16

TheSieve does know what Homophobia really means, right?

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by westongeezer » 21 Nov 2012 23:21

Ok i am using this thread to COME OUT! Yes i am a Lesbian i have been for years..........

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Ian Royal » 21 Nov 2012 23:26

westongeezer Ok i am using this thread to COME OUT! Yes i am a Lesbian i have been for years..........


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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by creative_username_1 » 22 Nov 2012 04:07

MrWestHam Unfortunately still too many people in this country that think like this and the further north you go the more you find of them.

Sad times.

M8 it's nearly 2013 you've got to learn to treat Northerners as if they're equal

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Mr Optimist » 22 Nov 2012 10:30

MrWestHam Unfortunately still too many people in this country that think like this and the further north you go the more you find of them.

Sad times.

M8 it's nearly 2013 you've got to learn to treat Northerners as if they're equal

Including the one's that are irons.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 22 Nov 2012 10:49

Every child ....... need a proper family with a loving Father and Mother to bring them up and give them a proper start in life.

my heterosexual father left before i was born, my single mother brought me up well, and barring some slightly iffy moments in my teens/early twenties i have turned into a fine upstanding well rounded member of the community, with no input from a male father figure/role model whatsoever.
my dads an idiot, and im 100% convinced i would have turned out much worse if hed been around when i was growing up.

its about the love support discipline and guidance you get. nothing to do with the sex of those who care for you

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Snowball » 22 Nov 2012 11:21

M8 it's nearly 2013 you've got to learn to treat Northerners as if they're equal

No, I just don't like people from Oxford

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by creative_username_1 » 22 Nov 2012 12:42

melonhead I have turned into a fine upstanding well rounded member of the community

I've done the editing to make it easier for everyone to comment on this bit

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by RobRoyal » 22 Nov 2012 13:05

The bit he's missed out is that the "community" is a drug-addled animal-murdering hippy commune. Right brendy?

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by If you still hate Futcher » 22 Nov 2012 16:49

Mr Optimist
MrWestHam Unfortunately still too many people in this country that think like this and the further north you go the more you find of them.

Sad times.

M8 it's nearly 2013 you've got to learn to treat Northerners as if they're equal

Including the one's that are irons.

I see what you did there

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 22 Nov 2012 16:51

melonhead I have turned into a fine upstanding well rounded member of the community

I've done the editing to make it easier for everyone to comment on this bit

i wondered when someone would tbf

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by melonhead » 22 Nov 2012 16:51

RobRoyal The bit he's missed out is that the "community" is a drug-addled animal-murdering hippy commune. Right brendy?


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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by Elm Park Pasty » 23 Nov 2012 08:35

TheSiege I have made a lot of statements in previous posts that are both true and, indeed, logical. I have always dealt in logic when looking at issues that need a solution. I understand that others simply use emotion but - that is way, way, way not good enough. I have noticed that not one of you have managed to deny the points I have made, simply mis-read them or ignored them and just been abusive.

Bye-bye the thread and it's contributors who may love RFC but seriously fail to even know what England stands for!

It's taken me a while but I've finally sussed it.......... you're Mr Spock aren't you?

And on a serious note, I think you may find quite often throughout history England has stood up for the little man, the minority, the person who is having their rights trampled by others who just don't think they 'fit' or are 'normal.' I think it is you sir that seriously fail to know what England stands for.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by The Rouge » 23 Nov 2012 09:01

RobRoyal The bit he's missed out is that the "community" is a drug-addled animal-murdering hippy commune. Right brendy?

Good use of addled. We only seem to use the word addled in relation to the word 'drug' these days, which is a bit weird isn't it (?) as I assume it is much more versatile than that.

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Re: Playing on the same side? The last taboo

by mr_number » 23 Nov 2012 09:12

The Rouge
RobRoyal The bit he's missed out is that the "community" is a drug-addled animal-murdering hippy commune. Right brendy?

Good use of addled. We only seem to use the word addled in relation to the word 'drug' these days, which is a bit weird isn't it (?) as I assume it is much more versatile than that.

Wasn't there a parliament that was addled at some point? (I may be making this up.)

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