Should he go or should he stay?

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Lose at Villa. should he go?

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by West Stand Man » 26 Nov 2012 17:01

Another great HNA Horlicks of a question. Should he go or should he stay? Yes, or No.

is yes he should go or stay? Or, no he should not go or stay? The outcome is the same either way?

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by melonhead » 26 Nov 2012 17:02

melonhead no

same as the majority of fans

just like the majority of fans on here voted last time

You really should go back to school and/or stop telling lies. 50% voted for him to be given until the end of the season last time around. The other 50% felt he should go before that. Since when has 50% constituted a majority?

That having been said, at present the majority don't want him sacked if we lose the Villa game (doesn't mean they won't have changed their minds before the end of the season). I also think the vote might have been somewhat different if Windermere had waited until Wednesday morning.

Mind you, based on last time around, there are still over 110 from the 'he should go camp' to turn out and vote, assuming that they haven't changed their minds or given up all hope!

lokl at your screechy over reaction

perhaps you should go back to school your self, or at least learn to read the opening post before spouting your nonsense.

the post says should he be sacked after the villa game if we lose

the results of the poll youre so upset didnt give you the results you wanted/expected on your thread/poll combo were:

Yes, he deserves to be given the full season.122 votes 50%
He should be given until the end of November to show that he has started to turn things around.60 votes 25%
He should be given until the end of the year to show that he has started to turn things around.38 votes 16%
No, enough is enough and we need to change manager now.23 votes 9%

thats 66% pecent who would answer no to this question, which i think(at least it was when i was at school) is a clear 2/3rds majority

so maybe just run along now, and crawl back into your little hole
Last edited by melonhead on 26 Nov 2012 17:05, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by melonhead » 26 Nov 2012 17:02

namroyal Win, lose or draw.... Premier League or relegation, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have in charge of my team. I like the fact that our players are on the whole grounded, hard working individuals on and off the pitch. We are one of the most professional clubs in the country in my opinion and I'd take that over and above finishing in the top 6 of the BPL.

I also like having a go using the limited resources we have. Let's see what we can do. I have no expectation - only hope that we can turn things around. I'd rather be a Reading fan than a QPR fan right now - with all the money they've spent. In fact, I'd rather be a Reading fan than any other fan right now.

In Brian we trust.


Our team ethic, and all that stuff is talked up so, so much. What people don't seem to remember is that other teams have good, or even better ethics than us - AND are successful. There are many well run clubs that see the need to spend if it's needed, which it (probably) is here. If McD can't keep us up, despite how great he is, he's not the one for the job. We were very lucky to get here in the first place. But let's not throw this away now (ref. sponsorship deal w/ Sky).

see the need =/= have the money

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by melonhead » 26 Nov 2012 17:04


Our team ethic, and all that stuff is talked up so, so much. What people don't seem to remember is that other teams have good, or even better ethics than us - AND are successful. There are many well run clubs that see the need to spend if it's needed, which it (probably) is here. If McD can't keep us up, despite how great he is, he's not the one for the job. We were very lucky to get here in the first place. But let's not throw this away now (ref. sponsorship deal w/ Sky).

Wigan come to mind, nearly 10 consecutive years in the PL, with some of the lowest prices with 15.000 gates..but I guess Dave Whelan must be bankrolling them. but not entirely

spunked hundreds of millions of his personal wealth with no real hope of ever getting it back

well done him

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by windermere_royal » 26 Nov 2012 17:04

West Stand Man Another great HNA Horlicks of a question. Should he go or should he stay? Yes, or No.

is yes he should go or stay? Or, no he should not go or stay? The outcome is the same either way?

Look at the question by the poll.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by Avon Royal » 26 Nov 2012 17:08

If he plays the same old team with the same old tactics and we lose, he should go.

If he has the balls to drop the out of form players and take steps to address tactical weaknesses, then a loss shouldn't necessarily prove terminal.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by Jaytee » 26 Nov 2012 17:13

10/1 Value :lol:

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by daswonder » 26 Nov 2012 17:15

All depends on how Anton sees the future of the club.

I understand that the new premier league deal starts next season and that will mean an even bigger share of money into the football club, if Anton is looking at the short term gain for long term profit then he needs to decide if 1. BMc can keep us up and 2. if there is a better option available that could keep us up instead

If Anton knows this is a long term project and is willing to take a short term hit (relegation) for long term gain then he should stay but only if he shows that he is learning from the mistakes that is plaguing this team, which at the moment he isn't. (freezing out players due to a contract dispute, signing players then seeing he doesn't fit into the "Reading way" (as an ex- scout shouldn't he have really done his homework on this?), not knowing his best 11, showing loyality to players who could do with being dropped)

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by Ian Royal » 26 Nov 2012 17:24

No. Still a fraction too soon.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by akranes » 26 Nov 2012 18:12

I retract my statement, heard BM's wondrous voice again.

Disappointing about funds though, we're oxf*rd.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by Man Friday » 26 Nov 2012 19:17

namroyal Win, lose or draw.... Premier League or relegation, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have in charge of my team. I like the fact that our players are on the whole grounded, hard working individuals on and off the pitch. We are one of the most professional clubs in the country in my opinion and I'd take that over and above finishing in the top 6 of the BPL.

I also like having a go using the limited resources we have. Let's see what we can do. I have no expectation - only hope that we can turn things around. I'd rather be a Reading fan than a QPR fan right now - with all the money they've spent. In fact, I'd rather be a Reading fan than any other fan right now.

In Brian we trust.

^ This.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by SydenhamRoyal » 26 Nov 2012 19:27

namroyal Win, lose or draw.... Premier League or relegation, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have in charge of my team. I like the fact that our players are on the whole grounded, hard working individuals on and off the pitch. We are one of the most professional clubs in the country in my opinion and I'd take that over and above finishing in the top 6 of the BPL.

I also like having a go using the limited resources we have. Let's see what we can do. I have no expectation - only hope that we can turn things around. I'd rather be a Reading fan than a QPR fan right now - with all the money they've spent. In fact, I'd rather be a Reading fan than any other fan right now.

In Brian we trust.

Absolutely. Even if, as is starting to look likely, we get relegated, I want Brian McDermott to stay as manager, for all th ereasons above.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by RoyalBlue » 26 Nov 2012 19:34

melonhead no

same as the majority of fans

just like the majority of fans on here voted last time

You really should go back to school and/or stop telling lies. 50% voted for him to be given until the end of the season last time around. The other 50% felt he should go before that. Since when has 50% constituted a majority?

That having been said, at present the majority don't want him sacked if we lose the Villa game (doesn't mean they won't have changed their minds before the end of the season). I also think the vote might have been somewhat different if Windermere had waited until Wednesday morning.

Mind you, based on last time around, there are still over 110 from the 'he should go camp' to turn out and vote, assuming that they haven't changed their minds or given up all hope!

lokl at your screechy over reaction

perhaps you should go back to school your self, or at least learn to read the opening post before spouting your nonsense.

the post says should he be sacked after the villa game if we lose

the results of the poll youre so upset didnt give you the results you wanted/expected on your thread/poll combo were:

Yes, he deserves to be given the full season.122 votes 50%
He should be given until the end of November to show that he has started to turn things around.60 votes 25%
He should be given until the end of the year to show that he has started to turn things around.38 votes 16%
No, enough is enough and we need to change manager now.23 votes 9%

thats 66% pecent who would answer no to this question, which i think(at least it was when i was at school) is a clear 2/3rds majority

so maybe just run along now, and crawl back into your little hole

Are you a politician? Because you really do display a politician's level of deceit in the way you chose to twist those stats! :evil:

You quite cynically chose not to expand your answer (as you have now done) because it suited your argument that way. I don't care whether the result of this poll 'is going my way' or not as I thought my answer made clear.

Equally I would love nothing more than to be made to eat my words by McDermott because he is a nice guy who did a great job for us up until the end of last season. However, I think the chances of that happening are slim and becoming slimmer with every game. Nor is any of my confidence restored by the interview he gave to Dellor today.

I do my best to debate matters properly, unlike you who frequently resort to childish name calling and insults. Perhaps you should try to display your intelligence through reasoned argument rather than getting personal (mind you that's a politician's trait too).

I shall continue to try to refrain from insults and name calling, although if you carry on the way you are, I might be extremely tempted to make an exception. By the way, if you think my maths is bad (only because of the way you chose to twist the argument) have a look at your English.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by royalsteve » 26 Nov 2012 19:43

stupid question - in a relegation fight who will do a better job - cant see di matteo, advocatt or hughes doing a better job in a dog fight and mcd has proved it albeit in a lower division

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by Royal Rother » 26 Nov 2012 19:47

God that man has never been anything other than negativity and tediosity personified. What a bore.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by grey_squirrel » 26 Nov 2012 20:08

Southampton are beginning to come good. Spunking the millions will work out for them over the long term.

QPR will stay up with Redknapp. They just will.

That leaves us.

We will go down the Reading Way. Magnanimously, and having probably drawn, scored the most goals for a relegated team and lost the most games from a winning position in history. Some will call it unlucky, some will say it was because we failed to learn our lessons from the last time.

Sack McD? I would say 'yes' because the buck stops at him and he is culpable for crap tactics, naivety, crap signings and not learning when and how to settle for a point.

BUT, who could do better? I just don't know.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by MmmMonsterMunch » 26 Nov 2012 20:29

grey_squirrel Southampton are beginning to come good. Spunking the millions will work out for them over the long term.

QPR will stay up with Redknapp. They just will.

That leaves us.

We will go down the Reading Way. Magnanimously, and having probably drawn, scored the most goals for a relegated team and lost the most games from a winning position in history. Some will call it unlucky, some will say it was because we failed to learn our lessons from the last time.

Sack McD? I would say 'yes' because the buck stops at him and he is culpable for crap tactics, naivety, crap signings and not learning when and how to settle for a point.

BUT, who could do better? I just don't know.

And that is the million dollar question that no one on here can actually answer. Wolves have been mentioned a few times but it's so true. Once MM went, it just got even worse.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by ROKERITE » 26 Nov 2012 20:30

It's some time since I was on this messageboard. I used to spend quite a bit of time on here defending Rodgers and arguing he should be given more time.
I thought McDermott was a poor appointment but he's proved me wrong. He's done a wonderful job turning things around and taking you up. He deserves till at least this time next year, whatever happens, as reward for what he's done so far.
Actually, as we're going to be rivals to avoid relegation, sack him now and bring in Roy Keane.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by John Peel » 26 Nov 2012 20:37

I haven't voted because I genuinely don't know the answer. Yes I am fed up at the moment and I am fed up of Brian's excuses. But should he go if we lose against Villa? My instant reaction would be yes, definitely, 100%. If I think more logically (and I don't know if this is a good thing!) I would say this: who could we realistically get? Both in terms of a manager now but also players (which we so obviously need in January). And when I think about these things I wonder whether we should keep him. I mean, he'd be snapped up straight away by a decent Championship team and he could quite easily do what Rodgers did and end up in the Premiership again while we find ourselves back in the Championship. While we could still be relegated with a manager suited to the Premiership who doesn't know how to get his hands dirty and get us out of the hell hole that is the Championship. Brian could do the job here. The fact is, he f*cked up a bit in the transfer market this summer and should have signed a couple of established Premiership players. I find it hard to forgive for this, but still.

The real test will be where we are by the middle of December. If we are bottom without a further win then yes he'd have to go. But I don't think this will happen.

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Re: Should he go or should he stay?

by akranes » 26 Nov 2012 20:41

John Peel I haven't voted because I genuinely don't know the answer. Yes I am fed up at the moment and I am fed up of Brian's excuses. But should he go if we lose against Villa? My instant reaction would be yes, definitely, 100%. If I think more logically (and I don't know if this is a good thing!) I would say this: who could we realistically get? Both in terms of a manager now but also players (which we so obviously need in January). And when I think about these things I wonder whether we should keep him. I mean, he'd be snapped up straight away by a decent Championship team and he could quite easily do what Rodgers did and end up in the Premiership again while we find ourselves back in the Championship. While we could still be relegated with a manager suited to the Premiership who doesn't know how to get his hands dirty and get us out of the hell hole that is the Championship. Brian could do the job here. The fact is, he f*cked up a bit in the transfer market this summer and should have signed a couple of established Premiership players. I find it hard to forgive for this, but still.

The real test will be where we are by the middle of December. If we are bottom without a further win then yes he'd have to go. But I don't think this will happen.

I agree, though I have voted. It's a tough decision that the club has to get right, and I have no idea who we'd be able to bring in.
Mid december would seem like a good time to make the decision - IF we aren't too far adrift.

What are we supposed to want? There's no easy, or clear cut decision for everyone to flock too.

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