by rhroyal » 12 Jan 2013 17:08
by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 17:11
by RedRum » 12 Jan 2013 17:13
by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 17:14
2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.
by Extended-Phenotype » 12 Jan 2013 17:29
by Ian Royal » 12 Jan 2013 17:41
Extended-Phenotype We keep dissing the central mids for lacking creativity, but their game is to defend and break up play. Creativity is supposed to come from our wings - at that isn't happening for the majority of the game.
If we want to bitch about creating goals, the focus should be on Kebe and McAnuff who aren't doing their jobs. They may be doing some things right; tracking back and mucking in, but when you play defensive centrally as we do, the responsibility of driving the attack falls on the wings; neither of these fellas seem to want take a player on, and neither seem capable of putting in a good cross. If changes need to be made, using the bench or even bringing in new players, it's this area we need to look at.
by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 17:55
ManchesterRoyals2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.
Ever seen Senior or Jimmy Quinn?
But agree Pog is a awsome finisher
by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 18:07
Extended-Phenotype We keep dissing the central mids for lacking creativity, but their game is to defend and break up play. Creativity is supposed to come from our wings - at that isn't happening for the majority of the game.
If we want to bitch about creating goals, the focus should be on Kebe and McAnuff who aren't doing their jobs. They may be doing some things right; tracking back and mucking in, but when you play defensive centrally as we do, the responsibility of driving the attack falls on the wings; neither of these fellas seem to want take a player on, and neither seem capable of putting in a good cross. If changes need to be made, using the bench or even bringing in new players, it's this area we need to look at.
by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 18:38
2 world wars, 1 world cupManchesterRoyals2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.
Ever seen Senior or Jimmy Quinn?
But agree Pog is a awsome finisher
Actually yes saw them both.
Was a wee kid when I saw senior though so don't remember. Quinn was good too yes. But Pogs one hit goals out of nothing are simply taking the piss now.
by ankeny » 12 Jan 2013 18:45
2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.
by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 18:47
ankeny2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.
Kerry Dixon,Trevor Senior?But the Pog could beome a legend like them one day
by joeroyal » 12 Jan 2013 23:25
rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
by Arnie_Pie » 12 Jan 2013 23:30
joeroyalrhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life
by MmmMonsterMunch » 12 Jan 2013 23:41
joeroyalrhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life
by UpThePrem » 12 Jan 2013 23:49
by Millsy » 13 Jan 2013 01:12
joeroyalrhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life
by Cripple Creek » 13 Jan 2013 05:02
by thirtyyarder » 13 Jan 2013 10:45
joeroyalrhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life
by 72 bus » 13 Jan 2013 11:12
joeroyalrhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.
I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life
by ZacNaloen » 13 Jan 2013 11:19
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