If we service the strikers....

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If we service the strikers....

by rhroyal » 12 Jan 2013 17:08

We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 17:11

Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


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Re: If we service the strikers....

by RedRum » 12 Jan 2013 17:13

Agreed. Kelly and Shorey must start next game. Hartes free-kicks, although phenomenal last year, were very poor today.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 17:14

2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


Ever seen Senior or Jimmy Quinn?

But agree Pog is a awsome finisher

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Extended-Phenotype » 12 Jan 2013 17:29

We keep dissing the central mids for lacking creativity, but their game is to defend and break up play. Creativity is supposed to come from our wings - at that isn't happening for the majority of the game.

If we want to bitch about creating goals, the focus should be on Kebe and McAnuff who aren't doing their jobs. They may be doing some things right; tracking back and mucking in, but when you play defensive centrally as we do, the responsibility of driving the attack falls on the wings; neither of these fellas seem to want take a player on, and neither seem capable of putting in a good cross. If changes need to be made, using the bench or even bringing in new players, it's this area we need to look at.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Ian Royal » 12 Jan 2013 17:41

Extended-Phenotype We keep dissing the central mids for lacking creativity, but their game is to defend and break up play. Creativity is supposed to come from our wings - at that isn't happening for the majority of the game.

If we want to bitch about creating goals, the focus should be on Kebe and McAnuff who aren't doing their jobs. They may be doing some things right; tracking back and mucking in, but when you play defensive centrally as we do, the responsibility of driving the attack falls on the wings; neither of these fellas seem to want take a player on, and neither seem capable of putting in a good cross. If changes need to be made, using the bench or even bringing in new players, it's this area we need to look at.

It's hard to do the job against 2 defenders when there is no support through the centre E-P. You can't expect us to have wingers that are good enough to run rings around PL defences, which is what we'd need to have no creative or attacking threat through the middle. Just look at most of this game, yes the crossing wasn't good, but what did it matter... the few times they could put a cross in we had one man in the box.

Last 10 minutes we regularly had 4 men in the box.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 17:55

2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


Ever seen Senior or Jimmy Quinn?

But agree Pog is a awsome finisher

Actually yes saw them both.

Was a wee kid when I saw senior though so don't remember. Quinn was good too yes. But Pogs one hit goals out of nothing are simply taking the piss now.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Millsy » 12 Jan 2013 18:07

Extended-Phenotype We keep dissing the central mids for lacking creativity, but their game is to defend and break up play. Creativity is supposed to come from our wings - at that isn't happening for the majority of the game.

If we want to bitch about creating goals, the focus should be on Kebe and McAnuff who aren't doing their jobs. They may be doing some things right; tracking back and mucking in, but when you play defensive centrally as we do, the responsibility of driving the attack falls on the wings; neither of these fellas seem to want take a player on, and neither seem capable of putting in a good cross. If changes need to be made, using the bench or even bringing in new players, it's this area we need to look at.

Morison ripped us to shreds through the centre today. We could do that. With Jobi and Guthrie in the centre we looked dangerous in the middle too.

I take the point about wingers though but i blame the full backs. Harte is a good attacking player and thus has been and still is an asset to the club but is simply a joke as a full back. So he needs mcanuff or sometimes embarrassingly even kebe to cover him. Gunter/Cummings needs kebe to cover them. And Harte definitely needs a CB to come in and clear up his nonexistence. So poor full backs means good bye wingers and puts strain on our CBs. So no creativity from wings, and our midfield then has to defend like crazy to protect the strained CBs who have to cover for our fullbacks. Meanwhile our strikers are alone.

I'm glad we have Kelly to free up kebe a bit more (and he can play on the left too). More winger service and who knows we may get more from our awesome strikers.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 18:38

2 world wars, 1 world cup
2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


Ever seen Senior or Jimmy Quinn?

But agree Pog is a awsome finisher

Actually yes saw them both.

Was a wee kid when I saw senior though so don't remember. Quinn was good too yes. But Pogs one hit goals out of nothing are simply taking the piss now.

Love him to get some more service

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by ankeny » 12 Jan 2013 18:45

2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


Kerry Dixon,Trevor Senior?But the Pog could beome a legend like them one day :P

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by ManchesterRoyals » 12 Jan 2013 18:47

2 world wars, 1 world cup Pog, quite possibly the most amazing finisher I've seen for Reading and I watched almost every Cureton game.


Kerry Dixon,Trevor Senior?But the Pog could beome a legend like them one day :P

He needs more service and needs someone to play up front with

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by joeroyal » 12 Jan 2013 23:25

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Arnie_Pie » 12 Jan 2013 23:30

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

Real facts!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by MmmMonsterMunch » 12 Jan 2013 23:41

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

Slightly strong reaction there. On the blob?

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by UpThePrem » 12 Jan 2013 23:49

How longs Kelly going to take to get fit? He's only played 107 mins this season so can't see him starting immediately. Maybe a game or two.

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Millsy » 13 Jan 2013 01:12

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

Why the pointless aggression?

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by Cripple Creek » 13 Jan 2013 05:02

There really are some unpleasant people on the board. I have been told f*ck off you c*nt for passing a pretty mild opinion on something that took place in a match - of such little consequence I can't even remember what it was. Frankly it's water off a duck's back but it's often more than a little embarrassing to be sharing a board with people who are not only unable to string a coherent sentence together but just resort to unnecessary abuse. I mean do these people really want to publicise how moronic they are?

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by thirtyyarder » 13 Jan 2013 10:45

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

You sound nice

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by 72 bus » 13 Jan 2013 11:12

rhroyal We will get goals. End of. 2 very good finishers; Pog's hold up play is excellent, Alf can link up well. Service is key. I hope Kelly is better than Gunter from crossing positions, for starters.

I dont think kelly the oap will get past the half way line more then twice in a game, you stupid xunt get a life

29, an OAP ?
I guess when you are twelve everyone seems old to you

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Re: If we service the strikers....

by ZacNaloen » 13 Jan 2013 11:19

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