by Franchise FC » 13 Jan 2013 14:46
by Gav » 13 Jan 2013 14:47
Franchise FC - the club can generate enough cash for an extra signing
by Franchise FC » 13 Jan 2013 14:52
GavFranchise FC - the club can generate enough cash for an extra signing
by Gav » 13 Jan 2013 15:07
Franchise FCGavFranchise FC - the club can generate enough cash for an extra signing
I was thinking more of the number of people leaving
by Alexander Litvinenko » 13 Jan 2013 15:21
royalsteveAlexander Litvinenko Who are you to tell other people how to live their lives? If people want to spend their money on tickets and not bother to ever use them that's their choice.
but seriously apart from the odd occasion are people that really that disorganised that they cant watch the last 5-10 mins of a game.
if we all left then the comeback wouldnt have happened in an empty stadium.
i sincerely hope those that left early dont come back and some proper fans come instead.
people like you just dont get english football, its what makes english so much better than any other league including la liga may have technically better players in some teams but you wont find the same passion in their league - ive watched la liga and its coma inducing - barca are great but also oddly boring as they are too good, lol!
by Rex » 13 Jan 2013 16:03
by surrounded by saints » 13 Jan 2013 16:32
by creative_username_1 » 13 Jan 2013 16:32
royalstevecreative_username_1 it's just a fecking game of football...unlikely to change anyone's life missing 22 chav twats running round a field kicking a ball
so why did you bother going in the first place!?
by Haag Royal » 13 Jan 2013 18:58
by LoyalRoyal22 » 13 Jan 2013 19:07
Haag Royal I fly in evey home game from Amsterdam and go home the same evening back via Heathrow on the last flight so have to leave before the end.
My father is 80, watched RFC since the 1960's and leaves when he wants to leave to miss the crush.
If there are any in-breds who have a problem with this then it's exactly that - their problem.
by creative_username_1 » 13 Jan 2013 19:18
Haag Royal I fly in evey home game from Amsterdam and go home the same evening back via Heathrow on the last flight so have to leave before the end.
My father is 80, watched RFC since the 1960's and leaves when he wants to leave to miss the crush.
If there are any in-breds who have a problem with this then it's exactly that - their problem.
by Haag Royal » 13 Jan 2013 19:31
creative_username_1Haag Royal I fly in evey home game from Amsterdam and go home the same evening back via Heathrow on the last flight so have to leave before the end.
My father is 80, watched RFC since the 1960's and leaves when he wants to leave to miss the crush.
If there are any in-breds who have a problem with this then it's exactly that - their problem.
by If you still hate Futcher » 13 Jan 2013 19:49
Haag Royalcreative_username_1Haag Royal I fly in evey home game from Amsterdam and go home the same evening back via Heathrow on the last flight so have to leave before the end.
My father is 80, watched RFC since the 1960's and leaves when he wants to leave to miss the crush.
If there are any in-breds who have a problem with this then it's exactly that - their problem.
Bloke 2 seats away from me beleive it or not flies in from Montreal (yep, Canada) for home games and stays to the end.
Very plastic.
by Royalwaster » 13 Jan 2013 20:44
by MmmMonsterMunch » 13 Jan 2013 20:55
Royalwaster I left my seat just after 2nd went it but watched the third on screen in concourse - needed to miss the rush as my old banger's clutch has started slipping and was afraid it wouldn't last being stuck in traffic (out buying a new car this weekend).
by leon » 13 Jan 2013 21:11
Ian Royal I never said I did need to understand. I said I didn't, that's it. You're really failing with this points scoring attempt.
by SydenhamRoyal » 13 Jan 2013 21:33
MmmMonsterMunchRoyalwaster I left my seat just after 2nd went it but watched the third on screen in concourse - needed to miss the rush as my old banger's clutch has started slipping and was afraid it wouldn't last being stuck in traffic (out buying a new car this weekend).
Old bangers clutch sounds really wrong........
by Mr Irascible » 14 Jan 2013 16:30
by Royal With Cheese » 14 Jan 2013 16:36
Haag Royalcreative_username_1Haag Royal I fly in evey home game from Amsterdam and go home the same evening back via Heathrow on the last flight so have to leave before the end.
My father is 80, watched RFC since the 1960's and leaves when he wants to leave to miss the crush.
If there are any in-breds who have a problem with this then it's exactly that - their problem.
Bloke 2 seats away from me beleive it or not flies in from Montreal (yep, Canada) for home games and stays to the end.
Very plastic.
by The Rouge » 14 Jan 2013 18:00
Own up, what did you say?
And I can now add you to a list of people who have blocked me. An embarrassment? #Rattloled
Wow, sending illiterate abusive tweets to our players after a great win. You're the man.
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