We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by Ian Royal » 11 Mar 2013 17:33

Big Ern
And that's before you look at the alternatives you've got to come in. Some boring journeyman like Curbishley, Warnock etc. I'd hardly back them to do better.

I am struggling to see how Curbishley could be considered a "journeyman?" He has only managed 2 clubs in a 20 odd year management careers.

Agreed, though he'd be a poor choice for another reason - being that he hasn't had a job for years and doesn't seem to be interested in getting back into management.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by MouldyRoyal » 11 Mar 2013 17:36

If BM goes (big if) I'd like AZ to invest a bit of cash in getting Chris Powell. Wouldn't keep us up necessarily but would be a good manager to look to innovate our style and get us back up again. Yes, inexperienced, but young (for a manager) and forward thinking.

Yeah, would cost a lot to get him off Charlton but think he could do the business.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by Uke » 11 Mar 2013 18:31

Uke Hopefully TSI will move on

Everton fans must be thinking themselves lucky that if this s how "businessman" AZ manages his investment a decade on just what would he have been like buying their club when he was 23?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/footbal ... 588046.stm

For a businessman his Wiki page seems short on details of his business successes


Since they came in its began to turn to shit

Really? So where would the cash have come from to buy Roberts? And in case you hadn't spotted it at the time, he kick started our season which ultimately got us up.

And since Roberts?

I don't trust them

Anton will get bored with this train set soon

Arch Matt, read the last sentence of Uke's post and then compare his Redingensian command of the English language in most of his other posts. This is a wind-up.

:lol: I know, an embarrassing apostrophe fail :oops:

I really don't trust them, look at AZ's business track record, if you can actually find one

Looks like I might be right?

Pompey, Notts County, here we come!

Zingarevich will strip our assets faster than his daddy's mills strip bark

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by Theroyalbox » 26 Mar 2013 16:17

With Adkins here know just wondering if people think Pearce will stay. The club have clearly shown their ambition today and I wonder if Pearce is attracted to this. Also fringe players like Cummings Harte and Hunt, where do people see them?

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by melonhead » 26 Mar 2013 16:19

Theroyalbox With Adkins here know just wondering if people think Pearce will stay. The club have clearly shown their ambition today and I wonder if Pearce is attracted to this. Also fringe players like Cummings Harte and Hunt, where do people see them?


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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by melonhead » 26 Mar 2013 16:20

id get shot of harte, and church
probably gunter or cummings
and federici
pog and guthrie would have to go due to their wages etc

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by Uke » 26 Mar 2013 16:40

Theroyalbox With Adkins here know just wondering if people think Pearce will stay. The club have clearly shown their ambition today and I wonder if Pearce is attracted to this. Also fringe players like Cummings Harte and Hunt, where do people see them?

The club have clearly said that they are ambitious to please an audience

They always have done

The two are not always connected

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by tee peg » 26 Mar 2013 16:46

Church should stay.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by maffff » 26 Mar 2013 16:52

tee peg Church should stay.

along with Nicky Bignall

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by White Rougier » 26 Mar 2013 17:25

tee peg Church should stay.

Church should stay AWAY!

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by jellytot » 26 Mar 2013 17:49

Church stay? No way! I am not sure that he is even Championship class. Certainly not a striker anyway. Maybe he needs to carve out a wing position but not with us. Better for him and us that he moves on. Hope NA gives some of the other youngsters a chance like Obita.

Not sure who will stay. Hope they keep Roberts for another season but not sure really, Pog would score a load in the champ but doubt he wants to stay. Hunt and LeFondre the latter might get snapped up. Hunt might be good to keep for his energy. We definitely need at least one new striker. In the midfield expect to see Kebe snapped up too unless he really loves it here. Personally would like to see ML move on he has been a good servant but we need to make some changes. Also Jobi is great in the championship BUT I think we need to move him on and freshen things up. New manager, new ideas, passing side etc. Pearce almost certainly off Mariappa brilliant and may be bought. Harte and Shorey bit old but may give them another season. Doubt we will keep both Feds and McC.

Exciting times maybe we will stay up LOL!!

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by howser » 26 Mar 2013 17:53

I honestly believe that there will be a sizeable cull of the present squad, the Adkins style of play is massively different to that of McDermott, for me Guthrie will be a major part of a passing team and would very much like him to be the new captain, he obviously takes no prisoners and would be a very good leader and clearly make his pressence felt on the pitch on the pitch.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by LoyalRoyal22 » 26 Mar 2013 18:01

Ian Royal
Blackbag Dont bite my head off but next season if McD goes would Guthre make a good captain Mills did ?

No. And no he didn't.

He captained us to Wembley did he not? And scored. Had an inspirational game in the Cardiff away game in the Semi Final. Was an awesome captain.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by Royalwaster » 26 Mar 2013 18:15

howser I honestly believe that there will be a sizeable cull of the present squad, the Adkins style of play is massively different to that of McDermott, for me Guthrie will be a major part of a passing team and would very much like him to be the new captain, he obviously takes no prisoners and would be a very good leader and clearly make his pressence felt on the pitch on the pitch.

Also got to wonder who he'll bring in from his former teams - obviously if we got down he's not going to be able to get the best players from Southampton as they'd not swap the Prem for the Championship but possibly some fringe players who he brought in and are not in the first team plans of the new manager. Haven't really followed Saints this season so have no idea who of last year's crop other than Lambert are playing regularly or not. Any ideas?

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by melonhead » 26 Mar 2013 18:17

howser I honestly believe that there will be a sizeable cull of the present squad, the Adkins style of play is massively different to that of McDermott, for me Guthrie will be a major part of a passing team and would very much like him to be the new captain, he obviously takes no prisoners and would be a very good leader and clearly make his pressence felt on the pitch on the pitch.

cant have a bloke who refused to play as a captain. just not having it

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by howser » 26 Mar 2013 18:25

Thats a reasonable statement Melonhead, but we now have to wipe the slate clean and all petty droppings and exclusions have to be put in the past.

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by winchester_royal » 26 Mar 2013 18:28

I'm as big a Guthrie fan as anyone...but rofl at him as captain.

When Jobi leaves then Mapps is the obvious choice

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by melonhead » 26 Mar 2013 18:34

howser Thats a reasonable statement Melonhead, but we now have to wipe the slate clean and all petty droppings and exclusions have to be put in the past.

massive LOl at petty

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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by paultheroyal » 26 Mar 2013 18:36

winchester_royal I'm as big a Guthrie fan as anyone...but rofl at him as captain.

When Jobi leaves then Mapps is the obvious choice


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Re: We are down. So next season who stays and who goes?

by melonhead » 26 Mar 2013 18:37


he is the nuts

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