by Royalist » 09 Apr 2013 22:57
by floyd__streete » 10 Apr 2013 13:13
by Christof » 10 Apr 2013 20:58
We want the government to stop their interference and allow the Local Council, elected by local people to proceed with the development that the local people want rather than forcing a school that is not wanted in another borough onto the people of Slough.
People often ask what is the situation with Wexham Park. This really is quite simple. Firstly, it is in private ownership and going back there is no different to ground sharing. We would be required to pay market rent, we wouldn’t benefit from the bar or conference facilities and we would be unable to become fully self sufficient. Should the owner of the ground subsequently wish to develop the facility or obtain change of use the club would be booted out and we would be back to square one.
Secondly, part of the site falls within the boundary of South Bucks Council who have previously frustrated attempts to develop the ground which is the ultimate cause of our problem.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 10 Apr 2013 20:59
floyd__streete Can you imagine AZ or Madejski getting involved with supporters like this?
by Royal Rother » 10 Apr 2013 22:32
by floyd__streete » 11 Apr 2013 12:48
by Royal Rother » 11 Apr 2013 17:30
by floyd__streete » 11 Apr 2013 17:58
Royal Rother Are the lads with the drum still supporting North Leigh?
by Royal Rother » 11 Apr 2013 20:07
Christof CALLING ALL FOOTBALL FANS (shameless plug for Slough Town follows)...
All we want is a football ground in Slough
A Slough Town fan has raised an e-petition on the Government website to help show that the club need to get back to playing in Slough. You may be aware that Slough Borough Council have identified a site (Arbour Vale) for a ground and were pressing ahead for planning permission, but a last-minute intervention by central government attempting to place a free school on that land has put the plans in jeopardy.
As the petition states,We want the government to stop their interference and allow the Local Council, elected by local people to proceed with the development that the local people want rather than forcing a school that is not wanted in another borough onto the people of Slough.
The current situation of playing in Beaconsfield is far from ideal as there is no income from bar and conference facilities, and little chance to grow the club (even through they're doing their best with U-18s and Reserve teams). So, please consider signing the e-petition to show support for the proposals. Not every club is fortunate enough to have a wealthy benefactor, and this is a good chance to get a community asset built and strengthen one of our local clubs.
The link:-
P.S. Before anyone suggests Wexham Park, the following covers it:-People often ask what is the situation with Wexham Park. This really is quite simple. Firstly, it is in private ownership and going back there is no different to ground sharing. We would be required to pay market rent, we wouldn’t benefit from the bar or conference facilities and we would be unable to become fully self sufficient. Should the owner of the ground subsequently wish to develop the facility or obtain change of use the club would be booted out and we would be back to square one.
Secondly, part of the site falls within the boundary of South Bucks Council who have previously frustrated attempts to develop the ground which is the ultimate cause of our problem.
Thank you for reading...
by floyd__streete » 11 Apr 2013 22:27
by bobbybottler » 11 Apr 2013 22:38
Rev Algenon Stickleback Hfloyd__streete Can you imagine AZ or Madejski getting involved with supporters like this?
I can remember JM walking onto the terraces at Leyton Orient in 1992, when we were managerless and getting thrashed 0-4, to engage with the supporters.
Probably not the wisest move.
by Christof » 11 Apr 2013 23:12
floyd__streeteRoyal Rother Are the lads with the drum still supporting North Leigh?
Must say, the idea of listening to twats thumping a drum all night have rather becalmed my excitement anyway
by Warfield Royal » 11 Apr 2013 23:24
by Royal Rother » 11 Apr 2013 23:27
floyd__streete I'll be coming to Eynsham Park again. She won't be.
FTR, your drummers were there Rother. 5 lads old enough by now to stay at home masturbating of an evening regaled us with all number of generic songs, what a treat.
by Four Of Clubs » 12 Apr 2013 13:32
by floyd__streete » 12 Apr 2013 13:37
Royal Rother It's good that the drummer boys have stuck with it!!!
I think it's the same manager there now as was in place when W&E played them - they were an entertaining team to watch as their games always contained goals. Rather open you might say.
Did Jacob Walcott play last night?
54 eh? That's good for a nasty midweek night at North Leigh. They used to be down in the 30s and 40s IIRC. (We counted 36 at the Windsor game last night of which at least a dozen were from Windsor.)
Four Of Clubs ... went to Nor Lye a couple of times recently: love the ground hate the journey
by Alan Partridge » 12 Apr 2013 13:37
by Royalist » 12 Apr 2013 16:38
by AthleticoSpizz » 12 Apr 2013 17:34
look no further than our own Reading Town I guess.Royalist I do wonder how clubs like North Leigh keep going but full credit to them.
by Christof » 12 Apr 2013 17:51
Royalist As for the Slough thing doing the rounds i'm not really sure they have any argument other than 'finders keepers'. I do hope Slough one day do get their own ground but over a school? I'm not sure its that urgent when the club spends thousands on wages.
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