Tokyo Sex Whale Hi ARTHURBACON
Your name is an anagram of "cant harbour". In light of this my questions to you are -
What is your favourite harbour?
What is your least favourite harbour?
Can you tell us a story related to a harbour?
Life in Scarborough harbour and by the sea
1934 : In the Tunny season of 1934 Major Rowley caught 8 big fish. The largest was 812lb. The biggest tunny was exhibited on the Foreshore with proceeds going to a local charity. He had to 'fight the fish' for 48 minutes. He used to fly a flag on his boat for each fish caught. He was a highly accomplished big game angler.
What is the closest you have come to death?
Nearly hitting a car on the Swallowfield bypass on my Bike .. the speedo was reading 165mph when he pulled out in front of me
Grazie Arthur Bacon