Judge Drenthe I think this is brilliant news for the club. Some of fans are still stuck in the 80's and 90's and think small. Since Anton took over, we have been creating partnerships all over the world to expand and advertise our brand. With that comes better sponsorship deals, more support, more advertising, everything. The club grows and so does our brand!
The fans need to catch up with the pace the club is developing. This is very exciting. It's baffling that some are finding things to moan about with this.
According to the OS we will advertise the MURUSSIA logo on the back of our shirts, I assume under the players number.

Associating with Galatasaray one of the biggest clubs in Europe = good (despite some negative connotations by certain people in this country). Establishing links with India, massive country with untapped potential = good move.
This one? I mean no one's expecting Ferrari but.