Brian: The right decision?

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Have the club done the right thing to sack Brian today?

Not sure
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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by West Stand Man » 30 Jul 2013 07:13

Bandini I think that everyone accepts that we'd have more chance of being promoted if Brian was still manager, but we've all got to give Neil Atkins our full support.

I've defo been picking this vibe up over the last 70 or so pages. A lot of people wouldn't come out and say it straight but i can read between the lines

Define 'everyone'. Because I think that by my definition you would have to be wrong, very wrong.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by winchester_royal » 30 Jul 2013 08:37

Oh come on guys, you've got to at least make it a bit of a challenge for them to get a flurry of bites..


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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by RoyalBlue » 30 Jul 2013 08:44

Bandini I think that everyone accepts that we'd have more chance of being promoted if Brian was still manager, but we've all got to give Neil Atkins our full support.

If that was a fishing trip you have hooked me!

'Everyone accepts' - complete and utter rollocks! McDermott was well past his use by date when Anton asked him to go. My own firm belief is that there is no way that we would have got promoted again with him in charge. His loyalty to the players and tactics that let him down would have remained unchanged and they would have failed again.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 30 Jul 2013 09:12

So Coppell who took us down last time according to some should have been let go, then many of us backed him, and players stayed and we made the play offs at least.

But McD should have stayed and been given the chance to take us back up, despite having a squad of almost value less players?

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Hoop Blah » 30 Jul 2013 09:17

Bandini I think that everyone accepts that we'd have more chance of being promoted if Brian was still manager, but we've all got to give Neil Atkins our full support.

Someone tell Dave that Kes has nicked his log in.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Hoop Blah » 30 Jul 2013 09:19

Harpers So Solid Crew So Coppell who took us down last time according to some should have been let go, then many of us backed him, and players stayed and we made the play offs at least.

But McD should have stayed and been given the chance to take us back up, despite having a squad of almost value less players?

We learned our lesson then I guess.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 30 Jul 2013 10:34

Just one game from a return though, would be happy to be there after 45 games this season.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 30 Jul 2013 10:39

Just one game from a return though, would be happy to be there after 45 games this season.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Hoop Blah » 30 Jul 2013 11:49

For starters Coppell's relegated side missed out by a very fine margin when they came down (they shouldn't have if Coppell had strengthened when he had the chance, but that's another story) but then even after that I believe the squad, and perhaps the club, needed more of a refresh. Keeping Coppell seemed to prevent that.

We started the season really well but post Christmas we just totally lost it and couldn't get ourselves over the line. It obviously can't be proven, but I'm sure that more of an evolution of that squad at the time would've put us in a better position that season and certainly the next season when Rodgers had a massive rebuild job to do (and we all know how well that went!).

Once we were nailed on for relegation with the best part of a dozen games left, and with McDermott clearly sturggling to do anything about it, a change was absolutely what was needed as, like Coppell, McDermott didn't look like he was ready or able to evolve the squad as necessary for continued success.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 30 Jul 2013 17:15

The problem is that Marcus Kev D and S Hunt would all have moved on, alledgedly, sad that at the end of the season it was some of these pros that could not get us over that line, add a loanee Kitson to that list, I guess they had lost the desire to risk injury that could prevent them moving on in the summer, as all three did to the Prem, without the club that made them what they were.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Hoop Blah » 30 Jul 2013 20:10

They may have done yes, although debatable in some cases, but we possibly would've been in a better position to replace them with the parachute payments and incoming transfer fees being available to the new manager there and then.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Haag Royal » 30 Jul 2013 20:53

Just to add some real value to this debate having read the last 50 pages or so .......

Brian: does anyone think it was the right decision to sack him or not?

Just thought I would ask.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Bandini » 30 Jul 2013 22:05

Haag Royal
Brian: does anyone think it was the right decision to sack him or not?

Saturday should give us a good indication - assuming that Atkins can hold on until then.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by The Rouge » 31 Jul 2013 00:24

His job maybe under threat after losing to the Bristols and getting smashed by the Swans. Saturday should definitively show us how the season will go. I fear for his future if we lose. I for one would be standing up and clapping and cheering on the orangie#boom if i was there on sat. Go super biscuit boyz!

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Platypuss » 31 Jul 2013 07:49

Bandini I think that everyone accepts that we'd have more chance of being promoted if Brian was still manager, but we've all got to give Neil Atkins our full support.

If that was a fishing trip



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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Vic_Flange » 31 Jul 2013 09:30

The season needs to start before anything that hasn't been said already can be added to this thread and see where Leeds and Readingare after a good few games; the results of the Leeds V Reading matches and ideally at the end of the season.

Other than that, we could well be seeing what was thought to be impossible, a perpetual motion machine.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by Royal Lady » 31 Jul 2013 18:28

This reminds me why I rarely bother with The Team board these days - you are all so up yourselves, you don't even notice a blatant wind up ffs. Neil Atkins - Lolz.

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by maffff » 03 Aug 2013 17:49

Leeds are in the playoffs, we aren't. Adkins out :D :lol:

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by No Fixed Abode » 07 Aug 2013 20:59

Leeds winning again tonight.....

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Re: Brian: The right decision?

by windermere_royal » 07 Aug 2013 21:00

No Fixed Abode Leeds winning again tonight.....

and ?

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