BFTG - Ipswich

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 12:22

thats not how you asterisk!


This is what I've reduced you too? Have some dignity, mate.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by melonhead » 05 Aug 2013 12:29

Extended-Phenotype Continuing to be all red faced and spittle-lipped about a bloke falling out with his manager nearly a year ago doesn't interest me.

Thought you weren't into strawmanning? Because literally no one is doing this.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by melonhead » 05 Aug 2013 12:32

thats not how you asterisk!


This is what I've reduced you too? Have some dignity, mate.

thats a seperate, clearly delineated, supplementary post on asterix usage. my actual argument was contained in the previous post.

but if you want to pretend that mentioning it invalidates my arguments, in a pathetic attempt to gloss over the paucity of your arguments, go ahead.
it wont make a difference, we all know who is in right here*

*its not you.

unless ive missed something, the reason you think its all ok, and should be moved on from, is that hes apologised.
so its not really straw manning to suggest that you seem to think an apology is always the end of a reconcilliation process.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 12:40


Doesn't even make any sense, mate.

How can I be wrong that I'm not interested in agonising over a year old fallout, and just want to see our players play well?

You are the dick getting all cross and picking on typography. It's not like you are perfect and I'm gladi m n ot as pttey a syuo, mleonahead.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Royal Lady » 05 Aug 2013 12:42

Ian Royal
Royal Lady Where were you last season? McD didn't play him and he got the arse. It was then reported that he refused to travel. McD was quoted as saying he needed to sort his head out. Guthrie made a public apology - mcD, having bought him in, gave him little chance in the team. When he did play, and under Adkins mostly, I could see he could be a real asset to us. The "allegedly" I wrote is to do with the stuff I just wrote. I then said I thought McD had handled him appallingly. Hth.

lol at that making it ok to refuse to play

No one (at least no one with half a braincell, which I sometimes think might rule out RL) has ever suggested he was right to refuse to play. But people had sympathy for his position without condoning the action, because of the piss poor handling of him and performances without him.

FFS, why do you have to use this to have a stupid pop at me? Then you go on to agree with what I have to say. :roll:

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by TBM » 05 Aug 2013 12:43

People saying Guthries shot took a deflection........did it?, i can't see it

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by sandman » 05 Aug 2013 12:44

Once again in an attempt to play to the galleries Extracted-Prototype completely misses the point. Ultimately it comes down to refusal to play for this club take away whether it was supposedly because of Brian McDermott, being upset because we didn't sign his best mate or his missus' pelvic floor.

It's not strange for a fan of a football club to take time to forgive someone who refuses to play for the club. In fact, I'd say it's quite strange that so many are willing to forgive so easily especially when some of those people have and are still giving other players stick for less years down the line and in some cases for doing nothing wrong at all.

I find it very strange that the likes of Leigertwood and McAnuff are booed for turning up every day and giving their all and Guthrie gets off so lightly from certain quarters for doing the exact opposite.

If you've forgiven him well done, I and others have to accept you have done so even if we don't yet agree with your criteria for doing so. Equally you have to accept that it will take more time for others to forgive and forget even if you don't agree with our criteria for doing so.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Royal Lady » 05 Aug 2013 12:45

Royal Lady
Forgot how you were at the training ground every day.

Where in that quote of mine does it even HINT that I go to the training ground? :| He impressed me on Saturday and I had already been impressed with him, what little I'd seen him play, when he was given chances last season. Hth.

I didn't suggest that but how would anyone know what goes on at the training ground? I would lay most of the blame at Guthrie's door rather than McDermott. If Guthrie refused to travel, even though other members of the squad who are not picked travel, then it suggests he believes he is bigger than the club.

He has played quite well since Adkins has come in, but his attitude off the pitch has been a little suspect, wouldn't you agree?

Not worded particularly well there. Are you saying that since Adkins has ome in, his attitude off the pitch has been a little suspect? Because if so, I don't agree no.
If you meant that previous to Adkins coming in, his attitude off the pitch has been a little suspect, then yes, I'd agree 100% - I'm not making excuses for his behaviour - but he's kept his nose clean since he apologised to McD and the team - so why can't people just MOVE ON and give him a few plaudits, because from Saturday's second half display, in particular, he bloody well deserves them.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Alexander Litvinenko » 05 Aug 2013 12:47

Alexander Litvinenko
sandman And thus Guthrie is given yet another excuse. You don't stand up in front of the entire squad and apologise to them for your behaviour if you've done nothing wrong.

You need to check the meaning of the word apologise, m8. It's saying sorry and asking for forgiveness.

If the squad can accept an apology and give forgiveness, why don't you seem to be able to? Or is it "One strike and you're out" on Planet Sandman?

lol - see wife sleeping around analogy

apology is the first step in the process
and asking for forgiveness is the next.

you can accept an apology, but still hold back on total forgiveness, and require extra work to be put in to prove that forgiveness is actually warranted.

plus its anyones right to refuse to accepty an apology, if the act being apologised for is particularly bad.

So what more should he have done to redeem himself that he hasn't done?

Or is the situation completely irredeemable, and he'll forever be an untouchable?

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by melonhead » 05 Aug 2013 12:47

Extended-Phenotype :?:

Doesn't even make any sense, mate.

How can I be wrong that I'm not interested in agonising over a year old fallout, and just want to see our players play well?

You are the dick getting all cross and picking on typography. It's not like you are perfect and I'm gladi m n ot as pttey a syuo, mleonahead.

oh dear, oh dear oh dear
yet again you attempt to deflect from teh actual discussion, and like sanguine get all personal and rude.
well, im rising above it.
you are below me.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by melonhead » 05 Aug 2013 12:48

TBM People saying Guthries shot took a deflection........did it?, i can't see it

defo did from behind the goal- right in line, seemed quite a significant one.

but then i just assume youll all say thats just my anti guthrie bias coming through

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 12:48

its not really straw manning to suggest that you seem to think an apology is always the end of a reconcilliation process.

It is if I never mentioned an apology.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 12:49

Extended-Phenotype :?:

Doesn't even make any sense, mate.

How can I be wrong that I'm not interested in agonising over a year old fallout, and just want to see our players play well?

You are the dick getting all cross and picking on typography. It's not like you are perfect and I'm gladi m n ot as pttey a syuo, mleonahead.

oh dear, oh dear oh dear
yet again you attempt to deflect from teh actual discussion, and like sanguine get all personal and rude.
well, im rising above it.
you are below me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah - but how can I be wrong, though?

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by RoyallyFcuked » 05 Aug 2013 12:51

P!ssed Off
P!ssed Off
Teamwise, I'm glad that McAnuff is not going to be guaranteed a starting spot this season, he can work for it like the rest of them. Adkins appears to be taking the sensible approach, appointing a captain on a game by game basis, based on who's on the pitch through merit.

Certain forum members who have been assuring us all summer that McAnuff will remain captain and is the best player in the team are clearly a) upset that Adkins disagrees with them and b) upset that other fans agree with Adkins.

Hahaha so true. He is not good enough to be in our starting 11 on merit, Adkins knows this and knew he had to change the captain in order to have our best 11 on the pitch.

And yeah we were talking shit wernt we? :lol: Not naming any names though (Ian RoyaLOL)

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by melonhead » 05 Aug 2013 12:56

Alexander Litvinenko
Alexander Litvinenko
You need to check the meaning of the word apologise, m8. It's saying sorry and asking for forgiveness.

If the squad can accept an apology and give forgiveness, why don't you seem to be able to? Or is it "One strike and you're out" on Planet Sandman?

lol - see wife sleeping around analogy

apology is the first step in the process
and asking for forgiveness is the next.

you can accept an apology, but still hold back on total forgiveness, and require extra work to be put in to prove that forgiveness is actually warranted.

plus its anyones right to refuse to accepty an apology, if the act being apologised for is particularly bad.

So what more should he have done to redeem himself that he hasn't done?

Or is the situation completely irredeemable, and he'll forever be an untouchable?

:roll: jeesus. youre sounding like RL ffs.

no. like with the wife sleeping around analogy, im just saying it would take time(undefined-different for each individual person/player) just saying "im sorry" does not bring about the final reconcilliation that i, and im sure danny wants to see here, so we can both put it behind us.

step 1
guthrie acknowledged hed been wrong to act as he did, apologised for it, & asked for forgiveness.
step 2.
accept apology, and look for evidence over time that guthrie was truly contrite, and was working hard in order to help me change my mind about him.
step 3.
trust is reached again. i not only accept apology, but believe he has worked hard to make it up to me, in a concerted, and long term fashion, and therefore grant my forgiveness and never mention it again.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 13:48

We won our first game at home and first game of the season for an eon, played well and saw a player be a vital cog in that win, yet the focus of this thread for some seems to be an irrelevant year old fallout.

I’m saying that’s odd and that what I feel is important is how well people play.

That’s then made out to be ‘jizzing over his picture’ or demonstrating I would let him f/ck my wife if he apologised afterwards.

It’s obvious to anyone which side is being rational.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by wingnut » 05 Aug 2013 13:55

Extended-Phenotype We won our first game at home and first game of the season for an eon, played well and saw a player be a vital cog in that win, yet the focus of this thread for some seems to be an irrelevant year old fallout.

I’m saying that’s odd and that what I feel is important is how well people play.

That’s then made out to be ‘jizzing over his picture’ or demonstrating I would let him f/ck my wife if he apologised afterwards.

It’s obvious to anyone which side is being rational.

Played OK for about an hour - were utter turd for about 30 minutes.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by AirRaidSiren » 05 Aug 2013 13:59

Extended-Phenotype We won our first game at home and first game of the season for an eon, played well and saw a player be a vital cog in that win, yet the focus of this thread for some seems to be an irrelevant year old fallout.

I’m saying that’s odd and that what I feel is important is how well people play.

That’s then made out to be ‘jizzing over his picture’ or demonstrating I would let him f/ck my wife if he apologised afterwards.

It’s obvious to anyone which side is being rational.

Played OK for about an hour - were utter turd for about 30 minutes.

Same as the rest of the team then?

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by Extended-Phenotype » 05 Aug 2013 14:00

I think he meant the team.

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Re: BFTG - Ipswich

by AirRaidSiren » 05 Aug 2013 14:04

Extended-Phenotype I think he meant the team.


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