by One8Seven1 » 17 Oct 2013 20:54
by JayRoyal » 17 Oct 2013 21:00
by floyd__streete » 17 Oct 2013 21:04
ZacNaloenfloyd__streete People like Jason Roberts do more to harm relations with their approach of almost seeking to take passive-aggressive offence to the most spurious of comments than the likes of Tommy Robinson could ever hope to do.
People like him are the reason people have such a low opinion of Feminists. They make it impossible for the genuinely capable campaigners for equal rights to be taken seriously.
One8Seven1 The guy is obsessed with racism. Sometimes I wonder of he's actually racist.
@JasonRoberts30 The levels of abuse on my timeline are tame compared to the abuse endured by my loved ones in this Country.. C'mon.. #dobetter
by RoyalBlue » 17 Oct 2013 21:15
by Davezk » 17 Oct 2013 22:07
by Royal Ginger » 17 Oct 2013 22:43
by Big Foot » 18 Oct 2013 00:35
by urzmikep » 18 Oct 2013 01:23
Big Foot I'm a fan/defender of Roberts (generally) but he tweeted earlier he had been drinking Port - he should be doing every possible to get back fit and playing for us and drinking no booze whatsoever. At his age and with his track record, he'll probably get gout and be injured for another 3 months.
by Big Foot » 18 Oct 2013 09:30
urzmikepBig Foot I'm a fan/defender of Roberts (generally) but he tweeted earlier he had been drinking Port - he should be doing every possible to get back fit and playing for us and drinking no booze whatsoever. At his age and with his track record, he'll probably get gout and be injured for another 3 months.
....that's a bit "AGEIST"
by melonhead » 18 Oct 2013 10:38
by sandman » 18 Oct 2013 10:52
by melonhead » 18 Oct 2013 10:54
by soggy biscuit » 18 Oct 2013 11:03
by sandman » 18 Oct 2013 11:11
melonhead yeah, much better he just trotted out a load of tired cliches theyve all heard a million times
agreed though its a pretty rubbish joke, and hard to shoehorn in any relevance to the game/player
by SPARTA » 18 Oct 2013 12:30
One8Seven1 The guy is obsessed with racism. Sometimes I wonder of he's actually racist.
by Binfield Royal » 18 Oct 2013 12:50
by RoyalBlue » 18 Oct 2013 13:09
melonhead yeah. tbf the only racism here is the people who automatically link monkey / a black man / race when they read what was said.
its clearly not racist at all.
for one thing the monkeys in the story are the ones in the position of superiority, and it is denigrating the astronaut (race unknown)
by loyalroyal4life » 18 Oct 2013 13:50
by maffff » 18 Oct 2013 14:03
Carl Neville @RFCNeville 22h @JasonRoberts30 you do realise the more you talk, the less we listen #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
Anthony Kendrick @AJKendrick 22h No press, is good press and that suits #ReadingFC fans perfectly. Jason Roberts just can't help himself. Retweeted by Matthew
Brian Davis @BrianDavisSFG 21h As sure as eggs is eggs, there's Jason Roberts getting involved again. #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
JOSH.YOU.ARE. @jgibbison 20h 3/3 @JasonRoberts30 thinking WHAT A BELLEND #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
Greg Double @Dubstep1988 19h It does annoy me that #readingfc are essentially paying for @JasonRoberts30 to be a painfully predictable quote merchant. #alwaysoffended Retweeted by Matthew
Martyn Coffey @Elnino2201 18h Oh I can't wait until the day @JasonRoberts30 is off of our payroll. Your not on any board or commission because your a TIT!! #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
ajb1871 @RDG1871 18h #readingfc or not, @JasonRoberts30 has surpassed himself in being a cock. Does that make me a racist? Retweeted by Matthew
Max @maxrfcbrown 18h @JasonRoberts30 never have i known a #readingfc hated so much for his off field moan and be a pundit is not what we paying u 4 Retweeted by Matthew
Tom White @TinieTompah_89 18h I admit it, being a #readingfc fan or not, @JasonRoberts30 is one of the biggest cocks in football. Retweeted by Matthew
Brian Davis @BrianDavisSFG 18h @MrCompo So tiring. Never known a #readingfc player who has been so universally disliked for his off-field actions & opinions. Retweeted by Matthew
Ben Nicholson @benrfc19 18h If Jason Roberts spent more time trying to get fit than he did spouting nonsense about racial equality hed be back playing #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
CalvRFC1871 @CalvinRFC1871 17h @JasonRoberts30 Nobody cares what you spout on about Roberts, just leave my football club & close the door on your way out #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
Carl Neville @RFCNeville 17h @JasonRoberts30 ok,doing my best here,you're a drain on the #readingfc wage bill,u've had a GREAT career but have damaged people's view of u Retweeted by Matthew
Chris Scott @LordChrisScott 16h Any #ReadingFC ex player or current ever been hated as much as that twat Jason "I want everyone to be racist so I can moan" Roberts? Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 16h @LordChrisScott a-fucking-men
Jason Roberts @JasonRoberts30 18h The levels of abuse on my timeline are tame compared to the abuse endured by my loved ones in this Country.. C'mon.. #dobetter Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 16h Yeah but the abuse you get is from those any other #readingfc player could call their fans... RT ...
Luke Royle @1Royle 16h @LordChrisScott @maffff Im a Wigan fan. Loved him as a player but he pisses me off no end these days. Hes a dick. Retweeted by Matthew
Andy wilson @Andyjpwilson 16h @JasonRoberts30 @maffff I really thought Britain had moved forward but it seems we're all racists what ever our colour or creed Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 16h How long until @jasonroberts30 starts a stonewall type campaign "SOME PEOPLE ARE BLACK, GET OVER IT" #overit #judgethepersonnotthecolour
Andy wilson @Andyjpwilson 16h @JasonRoberts30 @maffff so Jason how do you propose to stop racism and control your racist views id be untreated to have your views Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 16h Shame, with how 'pro-equality' @jasonroberts30 is, I'd say he's the biggest racist I know of. And what about the other "-isms" #hedoesntcare
Michael Barwise @MichaelWBarwise 16h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 "66 year old man" - he is ageist too Retweeted by Matthew
Harry Dukes Jnr @HarryDukesJnr 17h @maffff can't actually work out if you are pro or con Jason Roberts?
Matthew @maffff 16h @HarryDukesJnr he's an absolute tool. I see what he is trying to do but he goes about it like a oxf*rd.
Chris Ramsell @chris_ramsell 16h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 exactly how many Asian managers are there in the FL? Why is he not campaigning this to! Nout to do with equal rights Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 4h Still irked by @JasonRoberts30. Does he realise there's a difference between equality and pushing an agenda at the detriment of all others?
Matthew @maffff 4h Just another one of those that wants to be equal where it suits and not where it doesn't favour him #themostequal @JasonRoberts30
Matthew @maffff 4h Selective equality is bullshit, hence why the far right has such a strong voice at times. Not that I agree with the bulk of those views.
My Left Paw @CheChe_Guevara 4h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 When a third party cries foul rather implies party involved allowed it to happen.
Matthew @maffff 4h @CheChe_Guevara @JasonRoberts30 people getting offended on behalf of those that may get offended are the worst...
My Left Paw @CheChe_Guevara 4h @maffff Did just occur to me though he referred to '66 yo' Hodgson. So perceived racism isn't ok but actual ageism is????? Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 3h @CheChe_Guevara yep, that was pointed out yesterday...
My Left Paw @CheChe_Guevara 3h @maffff As far as I am aware he is the only player that has spoken out (let's ignore the gutless snitch), maybe that says something. Retweeted by Matthew
Shortcut @DarrenDazza72 4h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 With a bit of luck he would of terminated his contract and pissed off down the m4.
Matthew @maffff 4h @DarrenDazza72 @JasonRoberts30 he's only good for glue now anyway.
Shortcut @DarrenDazza72 4h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 Is that racist? If its nit he will turn it to be!
Matthew @maffff 4h @DarrenDazza72 @JasonRoberts30 no sir, it is not. I do not condone racism in any form.
Shortcut @DarrenDazza72 4h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 lol
Matthew @maffff 3h @DarrenDazza72 @JasonRoberts30 or ageism (both ways), sexism, homophobia, classism, ableism, anti-semitism, etc etc. Everything Jase forgets
Matthew @maffff 3h @DarrenDazza72 @JasonRoberts30 if he realises that some people are women/young&old/LGBT regardless of race will he promote those causes?
Southbanker @SirRobinFriday 3h @maffff ..always referring to his people, their woes.. Very quick to attack non blacks. Maybe Jason has the problem..? #CryForHelp Retweeted by Matthew
Shortcut @DarrenDazza72 3h @maffff @JasonRoberts30 What about baldism? I'm going start a campaign that 50% of stadium attendance must be bald on sat. Retweeted by Matthew
Carl Neville @RFCNeville 3h @SirRobinFriday @maffff with all this offence he takes, maybe he's trying to prove he would fit in well at Liverpool?? #readingfc Retweeted by Matthew
Matthew @maffff 3h @RFCNeville @SirRobinFriday haha ooft #alwaysthevictim
Matthew @maffff 3h @jasonroberts30 Jase mate, I'd be very interested in hearing your views on my comments to you in the last 24 hours
Matthew @maffff 3h @jasonroberts30 or are you going to ignore my messages because I'm not 'one of your people' as you so often put it?
Chris Ashley @Christof1871 2h @maffff busy types crying wolf demean real issues when they happen. This is not an issue for main protagonists. Own goal, Jason. Retweeted by Matthew
Carl Neville @RFCNeville 21m Is Jason Roberts turning into one of the most hated #readingfc players in recent memory?? Retweeted by Matthew
Carl Neville @RFCNeville 17m @AJKendrick Agree,he has tarnished his own personal legacy IMO-struggle to think of another #readingfc player so loathed...EVER!!! Retweeted by Matthew
by ZacNaloen » 18 Oct 2013 14:07
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