by SHORT AND CURLY » 18 Oct 2013 19:47
by RoyalBlue » 18 Oct 2013 20:01
PlatypussRoyalBlue I'm beginning to think'
About 50 years too late, but it's a start.
by ZacNaloen » 18 Oct 2013 20:19
by sandman » 18 Oct 2013 20:34
SHORT AND CURLY However he is getting a reputation to match that Bloody idiot Barton and will drag our club through the gutter.
by WestRoyal » 18 Oct 2013 23:43
ns1981Elm Park Pasty As fair as I'm aware the person who the comment was aimed at said 'No offence was meant, and none was given.' before adding he thought this was a non-story. If the person who the comment was directed at understood what was meant (and has now gone so far to say it was a compliment that Hodgson wanted him to get the ball) what business is it of anybody of any race to comment on what was said? I saw two ex footballers tweeting about this today, one white and one black (one of whom graced this club), and the only comment that was passed was the snitch should have the balls to own up, rather than telling the papers they have issues while saying nothing to the FA.
Maybe Mr Roberts should keep his mind on getting fit (if ever) rather than delivering soundbites on what is in effect a non-story (Thank you Mr Townsend).
Well said!
Roberts hasn't played for the best part of a year, wont play again at RFC and should do us all a favour and oxf*rd off.
All his focus is on racial issues and TBH it's getting reeeeeeeally oxf*rd' boring.
Piss off Jason, you're shite anyway!
by leon » 19 Oct 2013 00:40
by Woodcote Royal » 19 Oct 2013 01:03
RoyalBluePlatypussRoyalBlue I'm beginning to think'
About 50 years too late, but it's a start.
Oh so very clever! Boy, I wish I could be as smart as you.
Graham really was scraping the bottom of the barrel when he decided to make you a moderator. I guess it's free speech but I can't think of many forums that would allow their moderators to act in the manner that you do. The principle is normally to have moderators who will act in an unbiased, even-handed manner and won't go around insulting other members of the forum.
Your main contribution to the running of HNA appears to be to slag off those who you don't agree with. Hardly takes a great deal of thinking does it.
by leon » 19 Oct 2013 01:28
Woodcote RoyalRoyalBluePlatypuss
About 50 years too late, but it's a start.
Oh so very clever! Boy, I wish I could be as smart as you.
Graham really was scraping the bottom of the barrel when he decided to make you a moderator. I guess it's free speech but I can't think of many forums that would allow their moderators to act in the manner that you do. The principle is normally to have moderators who will act in an unbiased, even-handed manner and won't go around insulting other members of the forum.
Your main contribution to the running of HNA appears to be to slag off those who you don't agree with. Hardly takes a great deal of thinking does it.
by Platypuss » 19 Oct 2013 07:42
by ns1981 » 19 Oct 2013 08:33
WestRoyalns1981Elm Park Pasty As fair as I'm aware the person who the comment was aimed at said 'No offence was meant, and none was given.' before adding he thought this was a non-story. If the person who the comment was directed at understood what was meant (and has now gone so far to say it was a compliment that Hodgson wanted him to get the ball) what business is it of anybody of any race to comment on what was said? I saw two ex footballers tweeting about this today, one white and one black (one of whom graced this club), and the only comment that was passed was the snitch should have the balls to own up, rather than telling the papers they have issues while saying nothing to the FA.
Maybe Mr Roberts should keep his mind on getting fit (if ever) rather than delivering soundbites on what is in effect a non-story (Thank you Mr Townsend).
Well said!
Roberts hasn't played for the best part of a year, wont play again at RFC and should do us all a favour and oxf*rd off.
All his focus is on racial issues and TBH it's getting reeeeeeeally oxf*rd' boring.
Piss off Jason, you're shite anyway!
Yes it was a reasonably good post from elm park but then you add the stupid immature comment/rant at the end of yours
Why not keep it constructive instead of hurling abuse.
Short memory fickle idiot
by tee peg » 19 Oct 2013 08:47
by LoyalRoyalFan » 19 Oct 2013 12:30
leon Jason Roberts is entitled to say what he wants. Just as all you pricks are also, unfortunately.
It is disappointing that someone who has greatly contributed to our recent success is treated in this manner for having an opinion on something that in civilised society shouldn't even be an issue.
by Royal Rother » 19 Oct 2013 14:09
by Platypuss » 19 Oct 2013 14:11
by Cobi » 19 Oct 2013 20:45
by Handsome Man » 19 Oct 2013 21:10
by AthleticoSpizz » 19 Oct 2013 21:20
by Royal Rother » 19 Oct 2013 23:45
by AthleticoSpizz » 19 Oct 2013 23:48
by AthleticoSpizz » 20 Oct 2013 00:03
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