by Maguire » 05 Nov 2013 18:43
by P!ssed Off » 05 Nov 2013 18:57
by Silver Fox » 05 Nov 2013 19:01
Albert Spangler That JR laps it up further the point of the challengers(idiots). It's all a vicious circle but the mocking of JR should continue as much as JR's parodying of a very important issue.
by Dick Habbin's hairdo » 05 Nov 2013 19:21
Maguire Just seen this shower of bollocks.
Against all the odds I find myself coming out on Jason's side here, that's how abjectly unfunny they all are.
by Para Handy » 05 Nov 2013 22:42
Para Handy I honestly struggle to understand shite like this. Yeah, I can see the attraction for some of the teenagers getting backslaps off their m8's for giving Jason some stick. (You're not really giving him stick btw.)
It's kind of more worrying seeing people in their 20's and upwards joining in. As has been pointed out, not one of those "jokes" is even funny. It just reads as a procession of attention seeking wankers lining up to show their m8's how clever they are.
Whilst, clearly, their m8's are appreciating it, I'm pretty sure most people are cringing at the lack of wit and downright racism being displayed.
Ask yourself, would you ask, say, Gilksey the same questions? If not, why not? Don't give me any old bollox about him not having the same opinions as Jason Roberts and being a Reading legend etc.. That's irrelevant in the context of the questions being asked.
But.. feel free to tell me why certain questions are OK for Jason Roberts and not for Gilksey.
by Para Handy » 05 Nov 2013 23:31
Lacoste Not a bad post, but you seem like a really dull bloke. The sort of bloke you meet at a wedding but never remember their name......if you know what I mean
Para HandyLacoste Not a bad post, but you seem like a really dull bloke. The sort of bloke you meet at a wedding but never remember their name......if you know what I mean
I see you're still a shit fisherman. I was hoping for some more whinging, self justifying pcunts than you tbh. Big time boys* rather than their plastic equivalents.
Yes, I'm taking the piss out of you pcunts too.
by Ian Royal » 05 Nov 2013 23:44
From Despair To Where?Albert SpanglerFrom Despair To Where? Putting the question of racism aside for one moment, and I appreciate it's not something that is organised by the club, but it's ironic that people complain that there's a lack of communication with fans, yet when a channel for discussion is opened, the majority react like a bunch of mongs.
This whole sorry episode is oxf*rd embarrassing.
The trouble this time is that JR brings it on himself. It's like saying that people who seek power are the worst ones to have in power.
No, the trouble is that there are too many fcukwits with access to the internet.
If you want to take JR to task over his opinions, then do so in a constructive manner. Unfortunately, responding in such a retarded manner just hands him the moral high ground as no-one is engaging in a sensible discussion.
by Para Handy » 05 Nov 2013 23:46
Lacoste Why would I fish when I can just say what I feel? Just find you dull, that's all.
Sure you're a decent guy and all that, and after all, this is just the internet.
by Ouroboros » 05 Nov 2013 23:47
by Ian Royal » 05 Nov 2013 23:48
LacostePara HandyLacoste Not a bad post, but you seem like a really dull bloke. The sort of bloke you meet at a wedding but never remember their name......if you know what I mean
I see you're still a shit fisherman. I was hoping for some more whinging, self justifying pcunts than you tbh. Big time boys* rather than their plastic equivalents.
Yes, I'm taking the piss out of you pcunts too.
Why would I fish when I can just say what I feel? Just find you dull, that's all.
Sure you're a decent guy and all that, and after all, this is just the internet.
by Maguire » 05 Nov 2013 23:50
Ouroboros In the spirit of full disclosure, Lacoste, every time I read one of your posts I feel like I'm at risk of contracting thick-AIDS.
by Para Handy » 05 Nov 2013 23:56
Lacoste If I have thickaids what does Jason Roberts have?
No racist
by sandman » 05 Nov 2013 23:58
Lacoste If I have thickaids what does Jason Roberts have?
No racist
by Para Handy » 06 Nov 2013 00:04
Lacoste I think that went over both of your middle of the road, mundane, suburban heads
Para HandyLacoste I think that went over both of your middle of the road, mundane, suburban heads
What makes you think I'm suburban? You're big on bullshit but rather lacking in facts. Still, well done on getting a few replies out of me. You can go knock one off now.
by Para Handy » 06 Nov 2013 00:13
Lacoste You just come across as someone who couldn't afford not to be, that's all.
Sweet dreams, honey bunch. It's an hour later here in Prague and i'm tired.
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