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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 13:13

Worth noting that Williams is back in full training, kinda squishing the 'truth' that Drenthe and Williams injuries are fake and it's really all about their contracts.

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Re: Buyout

by sandman » 06 Nov 2013 13:21

Or we aren't expecting to win on Saturday so the club are confident they can play him without having to shell out on massive win bonuses.

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Re: Buyout

by Elm Park Pasty » 06 Nov 2013 13:25

Extended-Phenotype Worth noting that Williams is back in full training, kinda squishing the 'truth' that Drenthe and Williams injuries are fake and it's really all about their contracts.

I did question on the other thread whether Halabi's departure had anything to do with two of the higher wage earners being out for two months with 'impact injuries'.

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Re: Buyout

by Elm Park Pasty » 06 Nov 2013 13:31

Some things never change, or as Arthur Conan Doyle would probably have said 'if you remove the plausible, possible and reasonable, then whatever remains is the basis for an HNA conspiracy theory.' :roll:

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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 13:42

To be honest, all our new signings are out aren't they?


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Re: Buyout

by Elm Park Pasty » 06 Nov 2013 13:53

Extended-Phenotype To be honest, all our new signings are out aren't they?


Correct. We also seem to see no return in sight for Roberts and Leigertwood, whatever your opinions about them playing. Certainly seems to beg the question whether all is well in the Sports Science/Physio area. This also seems a much more plausible idea then secret contract clauses, dissention or wanting to get away.
Last edited by Elm Park Pasty on 06 Nov 2013 13:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 13:54

Elm Park Pasty
Extended-Phenotype To be honest, all our new signings are out aren't they?


Correct. We also seem to see no return in sight for Roberts and Leigertwood, whatever your opinions about them playing. Certainly seems to beg the question whether all is well in the Sports Science/Physio area.

Or they are all on performance-related pay...

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Re: Buyout

by nevo1970 » 06 Nov 2013 14:04

Elm Park Pasty
Extended-Phenotype To be honest, all our new signings are out aren't they?


Correct. We also seem to see no return in sight for Roberts and Leigertwood, whatever your opinions about them playing. Certainly seems to beg the question whether all is well in the Sports Science/Physio area. This also seems a much more plausible idea then secret contract clauses, dissention or wanting to get away.

perhaps thats why the sport scientist has been replaced?

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Re: Buyout

by Uke » 06 Nov 2013 14:27

Extended-Phenotype Worth noting that Williams is back in full training, kinda squishing the 'truth' that Drenthe and Williams injuries are fake and it's really all about their contracts.

How does a return to training prove that the injury wasn't "fake"?

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Re: Buyout

by tee peg » 06 Nov 2013 16:08

[perhaps thats why the sport scientist has been replaced?[/quote]

Alien abduction :shock:

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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 16:50

Extended-Phenotype Worth noting that Williams is back in full training, kinda squishing the 'truth' that Drenthe and Williams injuries are fake and it's really all about their contracts.

How does a return to training prove that the injury wasn't "fake"?

I... don't... know....

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Re: Buyout

by winchester_royal » 06 Nov 2013 16:56

Yep, that's a pretty flimsy rebuttal to a comparatively air-tight theory E-P

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Re: Buyout

by melonhead » 06 Nov 2013 17:20

Elm Park Pasty
Extended-Phenotype To be honest, all our new signings are out aren't they?


Correct. We also seem to see no return in sight for Roberts and Leigertwood, whatever your opinions about them playing. Certainly seems to beg the question whether all is well in the Sports Science/Physio area. This also seems a much more plausible idea then secret contract clauses, dissention or wanting to get away.

and its always black players that take so long to return from injury, and the subject of these conspiracy/coverups
clear racism from inside the club

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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 17:26

winchester_royal Yep, that's a pretty flimsy rebuttal to a comparatively air-tight theory E-P

Shit, so they have been banned from playing and the training is just a ruse? This is huge.

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Re: Buyout

by Uke » 06 Nov 2013 17:35

winchester_royal Yep, that's a pretty flimsy rebuttal to a comparatively air-tight theory E-P

Shit, so they have been banned from playing and the training is just a ruse? This is huge.

No, it's even bigger than that!

By typing on the internet, you have unequivocally proven that RFC players can only allowed to train after recovery from real injuries.

Those with fake injuries never train again and are presumably boiled up to make wallpaper paste

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Re: Buyout

by surrounded by saints » 06 Nov 2013 17:41

Extended-Phenotype Worth noting that Williams is back in full training, kinda squishing the 'truth' that Drenthe and Williams injuries are fake and it's really all about their contracts.

its not Saturday yet.Still plenty of time left to aggravate his "injury". :)

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Re: Buyout

by winchester_royal » 06 Nov 2013 17:42

But isn't the point of fake injuries to cover up the fact that they're not playing?

What's the point of then saying they're no longer if the supposed financial situation that forced their withdrawal in the first place still remains?

Unless this is all part of a longer game that leads to an even more serious 'fake' injury caused in Friday's training session when an Alfie horror challenge breaks Williams' leg in 3 different places :idea:

Damn, that is fcuking genius :!:

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Re: Buyout

by Extended-Phenotype » 06 Nov 2013 18:13


Wasn't Jason Roberts bought with 'Dirty Money' too?

And now Akpan is going out on loan.


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Re: Buyout

by NewCorkSeth » 06 Nov 2013 20:50

Extended-Phenotype Wait...

Wasn't Jason Roberts bought with 'Dirty Money' too?

And now Akpan is going out on loan.


:shock: dear god it must be true

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Re: Buyout

by 3points » 06 Nov 2013 21:05

Elm Park Pasty
3points SJM needed to sell a stake to fund some of his other business operations. He is now relaxed about what is happening as his immediate cash flow problems were resolved by AZ's cash. AZ is complete history and won't be seen at RFC again - apparently his dad gave him the money for the first tranche and AZ said he could raise the cash to fund the rest. He hasn't been able to do this. As already stated AZ is drumming up buyers - there are three un-named interested parties and SJM is biding his time. However, if a deal isn't imminent come January then we will see a number of higher earning players being sold, and the likes of Baird and Sharp will leave as well. We could have a lot more young players being blooded in the second half of the season.

I don't know if what you say is true or not, time will tell. However, I am having a little problem with your credibility, given you make one post about the Millwall game, one post claiming to know all about the Drenthe/Williams situation and now this. :?:

Been a long time reader of the site, but just recently decided to register and share my views on things. My info comes from a business acquaintance (another ST holder) who is friends with one of the old (pre AZ era) RFC directors. I only see him a couple of times a year, but we had lots to discuss when I saw him earlier this week. I think it's good info. We just have to wait and see what happens I guess.

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