HNA approval/disapproval of NA

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how long should we keep nigel adkins as manager?

get rid of now, his tactics are weak and we can do better
give him till the end of december, then we will see where we are
give him time to make signings in january and we will assess in march
give him till the end of the season, he deserves a full season to show what he can do
i am currently happy with our position in the table and the quality of football we are playing. this shouldnt be a discussion
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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by NewCorkSeth » 07 Dec 2013 21:52

P!ssed Off
P!ssed Off Might as well put them all in one place.

Reading vs Bottom half: 16 points from 10 games. 1.6 points per game.
Reading vs Top half: 15 points from 9 games. 1.66 points per game.

Forest vs Bottom half: 17 points from 11 games = 1.55 points per game
Forest vs Top half: 14 points from 8 games = 1.75 points per game

Blackpool vs Bottom half: 20 points from 12 games = 1.66 points per game
Blackpool vs Top half: 11 points from 7 games = 1.57 points per game

I am the first to admit my maths is not a strong point but seeing as all these teams are on equal points should their points per game total not be the same figure? Other wise they would have different points right? Sorry If this is a very basic thing I'm missing out but very confused.

No, this would be the case if they had all played the same number of games vs top as they had vs bottom.
Obviously having played an even number of games so far this season, this is impossible. The effect is further emphasised by the disparity e.g. Blackpool's 12 against bottom, and 7 against top.

ahh thats where I slipped up!

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by LoyalRoyal22 » 07 Dec 2013 21:55

He needs a couple of transfer windows before we can properly judge him. That's if he has any financial backing.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 21:56

Yep, an excellent post that roughly sums up my position after today's game. Something just isn't clicking and it's hard to put a finger on why that is when you look at the 'quality' of the players we have and the management team's record at previous clubs.

Thus far it's been a pretty horrendous season. There's little to no sign of progression in the performances, if anything they're getting worse, and the longer this takeover nonsense goes on the worse the atmosphere is going to get around the club.

Fingers crossed there's some development over the next few months, otherwise next season could be a desperately damaging one for the future of this club.

Out of interest winch, did you boo or otherwise voice your displeasure, after today's result.
If you did I will gladly rescind my 'doormat' accusation.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by John Peel » 07 Dec 2013 21:58

How could anyone describe the season thus far as horrendous??!?! As I say, get some perpsective guys.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by winchester_royal » 07 Dec 2013 22:03

P!ssed Off
Yep, an excellent post that roughly sums up my position after today's game. Something just isn't clicking and it's hard to put a finger on why that is when you look at the 'quality' of the players we have and the management team's record at previous clubs.

Thus far it's been a pretty horrendous season. There's little to no sign of progression in the performances, if anything they're getting worse, and the longer this takeover nonsense goes on the worse the atmosphere is going to get around the club.

Fingers crossed there's some development over the next few months, otherwise next season could be a desperately damaging one for the future of this club.

Out of interest winch, did you boo or otherwise voice your displeasure, after today's result.
If you did I will gladly rescind my 'doormat' accusation.

I chucked half of my prawn sandwich in the bin in a furious sign of defiance. Does that count?

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:07

P!ssed Off
Yep, an excellent post that roughly sums up my position after today's game. Something just isn't clicking and it's hard to put a finger on why that is when you look at the 'quality' of the players we have and the management team's record at previous clubs.

Thus far it's been a pretty horrendous season. There's little to no sign of progression in the performances, if anything they're getting worse, and the longer this takeover nonsense goes on the worse the atmosphere is going to get around the club.

Fingers crossed there's some development over the next few months, otherwise next season could be a desperately damaging one for the future of this club.

Out of interest winch, did you boo or otherwise voice your displeasure, after today's result.
If you did I will gladly rescind my 'doormat' accusation.

I chucked half of my prawn sandwich in the bin in a furious sign of defiance. Does that count?

Only if a member of Reading's team or coaching staff saw you do it, I'm afraid.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:08

John Peel How could anyone describe the season thus far as horrendous??!?! As I say, get some perpsective guys.

I've been searching the internet for 'perpsective' for the last 5 minutes.
So far: no results. Will keep looking.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by winchester_royal » 07 Dec 2013 22:16

P!ssed Off
Only if a member of Reading's team or coaching staff saw you do it, I'm afraid.

Bugger. Cursed to be a doormat forever....

Oh, I also engaged in a hilarious bit or word play and shouted 'Come on Robson-Can't-do!' in Hal's general direction. I can assure you he looked devast8ed. 8)

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:18

P!ssed Off
Only if a member of Reading's team or coaching staff saw you do it, I'm afraid.

Bugger. Cursed to be a doormat forever....

Oh, I also engaged in a hilarious bit or word play and shouted 'Come on Robson-Can't-do!' in Hal's general direction. I can assure you he looked devast8ed. 8)

Now you're just being mean...

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by AirRaidSiren » 07 Dec 2013 22:19

P!ssed Off
John Peel How could anyone describe the season thus far as horrendous??!?! As I say, get some perpsective guys.

I've been searching the internet for 'perpsective' for the last 5 minutes.
So far: no results. Will keep looking.


How dare you mix your letters up!!!!

Last edited by AirRaidSiren on 07 Dec 2013 22:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:20

P!ssed Off
John Peel How could anyone describe the season thus far as horrendous??!?! As I say, get some perpsective guys.

I've been searching the internet for 'perpsective' for the last 5 minutes.
So far: no results. Will keep looking.




btw don't look through this thread. I remember you have an irrational hatred of statistics.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by AirRaidSiren » 07 Dec 2013 22:22

Apologies for the delayed edit, sir p!ssed off your highness almighty.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by winchester_royal » 07 Dec 2013 22:25

P!ssed Off
P!ssed Off
Only if a member of Reading's team or coaching staff saw you do it, I'm afraid.

Bugger. Cursed to be a doormat forever....

Oh, I also engaged in a hilarious bit or word play and shouted 'Come on Robson-Can't-do!' in Hal's general direction. I can assure you he looked devast8ed. 8)

Now you're just being mean...

In all seriousness though, I did give some aggressive encouragement halfway through the second half, by then end though I was far too consumed by apathy to bother straining my vocal chords and acknowledge the crock of shite that we had to put up with this afternoon.

If Tuesday was as bad as that then I might have to revoke my pompous overtures of last week.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by AirRaidSiren » 07 Dec 2013 22:28

Not at all p!ssed off, your stats were interesting today, in an unpatronising way.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:33

P!ssed Off
winchester_royal Bugger. Cursed to be a doormat forever....

Oh, I also engaged in a hilarious bit or word play and shouted 'Come on Robson-Can't-do!' in Hal's general direction. I can assure you he looked devast8ed. 8)

Now you're just being mean...

In all seriousness though, I did give some aggressive encouragement halfway through the second half, by then end though I was far too consumed by apathy to bother straining my vocal chords and acknowledge the crock of shite that we had to put up with this afternoon.

If Tuesday was as bad as that then I might have to revoke my pompous overtures of last week.

Performance sounded worse than Tuesday, but not by that much. Glad I picked that one, of the two, to go to.
Last edited by P!ssed Off on 07 Dec 2013 22:34, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by P!ssed Off » 07 Dec 2013 22:34

AirRaidSiren Not at all p!ssed off, your stats were interesting today, in an unpatronising way.

Oh joy!
I also founded your initial comment on BFTG to be very fair.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by Cureton's Volley » 07 Dec 2013 22:36

P!ssed Off
winchester_royal Bugger. Cursed to be a doormat forever....

Oh, I also engaged in a hilarious bit or word play and shouted 'Come on Robson-Can't-do!' in Hal's general direction. I can assure you he looked devast8ed. 8)

Now you're just being mean...

In all seriousness though, I did give some aggressive encouragement halfway through the second half, by then end though I was far too consumed by apathy to bother straining my vocal chords and acknowledge the crock of shite that we had to put up with this afternoon.

If Tuesday was as bad as that then I might have to revoke my pompous overtures of last week.

Fair play Winch, at least you are less stubborn than 9x% of the posters on here (myself included), and seem to genuinely call it how you see it.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by AirRaidSiren » 07 Dec 2013 22:37

P!ssed Off
AirRaidSiren Not at all p!ssed off, your stats were interesting today, in an unpatronising way.

Oh joy!
I also founded your initial comment on BFTG to be very fair.


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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by Schards#2 » 08 Dec 2013 11:08

I'm a big Adkins advocate, I despair of people bleating that "he doesn't know what he's doing" his CV clearly demonstrates that he does. As such, I find it hard to accept all our problems are down to Adkins.

We are about were I anticipated us to be at this stage but what I did anticipate was a style evolving and improving and us getting better with a view to storm through the second half of the season. Sadly, I just don't see that improement at all. Certainly, injuries have not been kind to us but we have a reasonable squad and I would have expected us to have developed more by now.

A good manager, a decent squad on paper, so what is wrong? I doubt we'll ever know but my bet is that the total absence of the owner is destabalising just as it was when Madejski took a year out in the far east. Without the owner behind him, maybe Adkins authority is undermined.

So, a dissapointment so far but, firstly, maybe getting the squad to dance to his tune is taking longer that anticipated, secondly, can you name anyone who would do better? I can't. Stick with him and hopefully he can steer a damaged ship successfully.

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Re: HNA approval/disapproval of NA

by Wimb » 08 Dec 2013 12:04

Schards#2 I'm a big Adkins advocate, I despair of people bleating that "he doesn't know what he's doing" his CV clearly demonstrates that he does. As such, I find it hard to accept all our problems are down to Adkins.

We are about were I anticipated us to be at this stage but what I did anticipate was a style evolving and improving and us getting better with a view to storm through the second half of the season. Sadly, I just don't see that improement at all. Certainly, injuries have not been kind to us but we have a reasonable squad and I would have expected us to have developed more by now.

A good manager, a decent squad on paper, so what is wrong? I doubt we'll ever know but my bet is that the total absence of the owner is destabalising just as it was when Madejski took a year out in the far east. Without the owner behind him, maybe Adkins authority is undermined.

So, a dissapointment so far but, firstly, maybe getting the squad to dance to his tune is taking longer that anticipated, secondly, can you name anyone who would do better? I can't. Stick with him and hopefully he can steer a damaged ship successfully.

Fair points Schards.

I'd possibly argue the injures coupled with a lack of investment have been the biggest factors here. Adkins has had to try and get a total transformation and ask difficult things of players who were bought or developed under the previous regimes. With such an overwhelming majority of the squad in the McDermott mould perhaps its unsurprising that the only few players who have looked anywhere near consistent this year have been those that didn't get on with the old manager or who have been signed by Nigel?

As I said on the other thread, Adkins has certainly made errors but the results at Posh, Sheff Weds and at home yesterday point at a team lacking in conviction and spirit rather than a team lacking in ability.

Can Adkins turn that around? Well the sooner he's able to wheel and deal a few in and out might dictate that but that I suppose will be determined by the owner who in turn is absolutely nowhere to be found :(

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